globalchange  > 气候减缓与适应
DOI: 10.1038/ngeo2831
Recycling of subducted crustal components into carbonatite melts revealed by boron isotopes
作者: Hulett S.R.W.; Simonetti A.; Rasbury E.T.; Hemming N.G.
刊名: Nature Geoscience
ISSN: 17520894
出版年: 2016
卷: 9, 期:12
起始页码: 904
结束页码: 908
语种: 英语
Scopus关键词: asthenosphere ; basal melting ; biogeochemical cycle ; boron isotope ; carbonatite ; crustal recycling ; mantle plume ; mantle source ; mantle structure ; subduction ; supercontinent ; temporal evolution
英文摘要: The global boron geochemical cycle is closely linked to recycling of geologic material via subduction processes that have occurred over billions of years of Earth's history. The origin of carbonatites, unique melts derived from carbon-rich and carbonate-rich regions of the upper mantle, has been linked to a variety of mantle-related processes, including subduction and plume-lithosphere interaction. Here we present boron isotope (Î 11 B) compositions for carbonatites from locations worldwide that span a wide range of emplacement ages (between â '1/440 and â 1/42,600 Ma). Hence, they provide insight into the temporal evolution of their mantle sources for â 1/42.6 billion years of Earth's history. Boron isotope values are highly variable and range between â '8.6‰ and +5.5‰, with all of the young (<300 Ma) carbonatites characterized by more positive Î 11 B values (>â '4.0‰), whereas most of the older carbonatite samples record lower B isotope values. Given the Î 11 B value for asthenospheric mantle of â '7 ± 1‰, the B isotope compositions for young carbonatites require the involvement of an enriched (crustal) component. Recycled crustal components may be sampled by carbonatite melts associated with mantle plume activity coincident with major tectonic events, and linked to past episodes of significant subduction associated with supercontinent formation.
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Appears in Collections:气候减缓与适应

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作者单位: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences, University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, Indiana, United States; Department of Geosciences, Stony Brook University, New York, United States; School of Earth and Environmental Science, Queens College-CUNY, New York, United States

Recommended Citation:
Hulett S.R.W.,Simonetti A.,Rasbury E.T.,et al. Recycling of subducted crustal components into carbonatite melts revealed by boron isotopes[J]. Nature Geoscience,2016-01-01,9(12)
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