globalchange  > 气候减缓与适应
DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2017.11.022
Scopus记录号: 2-s2.0-85034615579
The application of bacteriophages as novel indicators of viral pathogens in wastewater treatment systems
作者: Dias E.; Ebdon J.; Taylor H.
刊名: Water Research
ISSN: 431354
出版年: 2018
卷: 129
起始页码: 172
结束页码: 179
语种: 英语
英文关键词: Faecal indicator bacteria ; Human viral pathogens ; Phages ; Reuse ; Risk ; Sanitation safety planning
Scopus关键词: Activated sludge process ; Bacteria ; Bacteriophages ; Microfiltration ; Pathogens ; Risks ; Safety engineering ; Sanitation ; Wastewater reclamation ; Water pollution ; Faecal indicator bacteria ; Intestinal enterococci ; Municipal wastewater treatment ; Reuse ; Safety planning ; Wastewater treatment plants ; Wastewater treatment system ; Wastewater treatment technologies ; Wastewater treatment ; agar ; activated sludge ; agar ; bacteriophage ; bioindicator ; concentration (composition) ; feces ; filter ; pathogen ; recycling ; risk ; safety ; sanitation ; virus ; wastewater treatment ; activated sludge ; Article ; Bacteroides fragilis ; coliform bacterium ; coliphage ; controlled study ; England ; feces ; Human adenovirus C ; nonhuman ; Norovirus ; priority journal ; virus detection ; waste component removal ; waste water recycling ; waste water treatment plant ; water pollution indicator ; water sampling ; Adenoviridae ; bacteriophage ; bacterium ; coliphage ; comparative study ; disinfection ; Enterococcus ; evaluation study ; genetics ; human ; isolation and purification ; microbiology ; Norovirus ; procedures ; sewage ; statistics and numerical data ; virology ; waste water ; water management ; England ; United Kingdom ; Bacteria (microorganisms) ; Human adenovirus ; Norovirus ; Adenoviridae ; Bacteria ; Bacteriophages ; Bacteroides fragilis ; Coliphages ; Disinfection ; England ; Enterococcus ; Feces ; Humans ; Norovirus ; Sewage ; Waste Water ; Water Microbiology ; Water Purification
英文摘要: Many wastewater treatment technologies have been shown to remove bacterial pathogens more effectively than viral pathogens and, in aquatic environments, levels of traditional faecal indicator bacteria (FIB) do not appear to correlate consistently with levels of human viral pathogens. There is, therefore, a need for novel viral indicators of faecal pollution and surrogates of viral pathogens, especially given the increasing importance of indirect and direct wastewater reuse. Potential candidates include bacteriophages (phages) and the study described here sought to elucidate the relationship between three groups of phages (somatic coliphages (SOMPH), F-RNA coliphages (F-RNAPH) and human-specific phages infecting B. fragilis (Bf124PH) – enumeration using double layer agar technique) and viral pathogens (human adenovirus (HuAdV) and norovirus (NoV) – enumeration using molecular methods) through full-scale municipal wastewater treatment processes. FIB (faecal coliforms (FC) and intestinal enterococci (ENT) – enumeration using membrane filtration) were also monitored. Samples were collected every fortnight, during a twelve-month period, at each stage of four full-scale wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) in southern England (two activated sludge (AS) and two trickling filter (TF) plants) (n = 360 samples). FIB and SOMPH were consistently found in all samples tested, whereas F-RNAPH, Bf124PH and HuAdV were less frequently detected, especially following AS treatment. The detection rate of NoV was low and consequently discussion of this group of viruses is limited. Concentrations of SOMPH and FIB were statistically higher (p value < 0.05) than concentrations of F-RNAPH, Bf124PH and HuAdV in raw wastewater. FIB were more effectively removed than phages in both systems. Removal rates of HuAdV were similar to those of phages at the secondary treatment stage of both systems. In TF systems, HuAdV were removed at the same rate as F-RNAPH, but at lower rates than SOMPH and Bf124PH. The findings suggest that phages (in particular SOMPH) are better indicators of the fate of viral pathogens in WWTP than existing FIB and that these organisms may have a useful role to play in future sanitation safety planning. © 2017 Elsevier Ltd
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作者单位: Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Juiz de Fora, MG 36036-330, Brazil; The Environment and Public Health Research Group (EPHReG), School of Environment and Technology, University of Brighton, Brighton, BN2 4GJ, United Kingdom

Recommended Citation:
Dias E.,Ebdon J.,Taylor H.. The application of bacteriophages as novel indicators of viral pathogens in wastewater treatment systems[J]. Water Research,2018-01-01,129
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