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DOI: 10.1029/2018JE005523
Scopus记录号: 2-s2.0-85050478685
Microspectroscopic and Petrographic Comparison of Experimentally Shocked Albite, Andesine, and Bytownite
作者: Jaret S.J.; Johnson J.R.; Sims M.; DiFrancesco N.; Glotch T.D.
刊名: Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets
ISSN: 21699097
出版年: 2018
卷: 123, 期:7
起始页码: 1701
结束页码: 1722
语种: 英语
英文关键词: amorphization ; impact cratering ; plagioclase ; Raman ; shock metamorphism ; spectroscopy
英文摘要: Plagioclase feldspars are common on the surfaces of planetary objects in the solar system such as the Moon and Mars, and in meteorites. Understanding their response to shock deformation is important for interpretations of data from remote sensing, returned samples, and naturally shocked samples from impact craters. We used optical petrography, micro-Raman, and micro–Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy to systematically document vibrational spectral differences related to structural changes in experimentally shocked (0–56 GPa) albite-, andesine-, and bytownite-rich rocks as a function of pressure and composition. Across all techniques, the specific composition of feldspars was confirmed to affect shock deformation, where more Ca-rich feldspars transform to an amorphous phase at lower shock conditions than more Na-rich feldspars. Onset of amorphization occurs at ~50 GPa for albite, between 28 and 30 GPa for andesine, and between 25 and 27 GPa for bytownite. Complete amorphization occurred at pressures greater than ~55 GPa for albite, ~47 GPa for andesine, and ~38 GPa for bytownite. Petrographically, these experimentally shocked samples do not exhibit the planar microstructures common in naturally shocked plagioclase, despite showing the expected trends of internal disordering and deformation as seen in the micro-Raman and infrared spectra. Average spectra of hyperspectral images of these samples mimic macroscale measurements acquired previously. However, we see micro-scale heterogeneity in the shock response, resulting from variations in either composition, crystal orientation, or the inherent heterogeneity of the shock wave topology. This is an important factor to consider when deducing shock pressures in naturally shocked samples. ©2018. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved.
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被引频次[WOS]:23   [查看WOS记录]     [查看WOS中相关记录]
资源类型: 期刊论文
Appears in Collections:气候减缓与适应

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作者单位: Department of Geosciences, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, United States; Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD, United States

Recommended Citation:
Jaret S.J.,Johnson J.R.,Sims M.,et al. Microspectroscopic and Petrographic Comparison of Experimentally Shocked Albite, Andesine, and Bytownite[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets,2018-01-01,123(7)
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