globalchange  > 过去全球变化的重建
DOI: 10.1016/j.eneco.2019.01.034
WOS记录号: WOS:000474681100036
Advanced technologies in energy-economy models for climate change assessment
作者: Morris, Jennifer F.; Reilly, John M.; Chen, Y. -H. Henry
通讯作者: Morris, Jennifer F.
ISSN: 0140-9883
EISSN: 1873-6181
出版年: 2019
卷: 80, 页码:476-490
语种: 英语
英文关键词: Technology diffusion ; Adjustment costs ; Computable general equilibrium model ; Energy ; Climate policy
WOS学科分类: Economics
WOS研究方向: Business & Economics

Considerations regarding the roles of advanced technologies are crucial in energy-economic modeling, as these technologies, while usually not yet commercially viable, could substitute for fossil energy when favorable policies are in place. To improve the representation of the penetration of advanced technologies in energy-economic models, we present a formulation that is parameterized based on observations, while capturing elements of rent and real adjustment cost increases if high demand due to a large policy shock suddenly appears. The formulation is applied to a global computable general equilibrium model to explore the role of low-carbon alternatives in the electric power sector. While other modeling approaches often adopt specific constraints on expansion, our approach is based on the assumption and observation that these constraints are not absolute, and how fast advanced technologies will expand is endogenous to economic incentives. The policy simulations, while not intended to represent realistic price paths, are designed to illustrate the response of our technology diffusion approach under sudden increased demand for advanced technologies. (C) 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V.

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资源类型: 期刊论文
Appears in Collections:过去全球变化的重建

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作者单位: MIT, Joint Program Sci & Policy Global Change, 77 Massachusetts Ave,E19-411, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA

Recommended Citation:
Morris, Jennifer F.,Reilly, John M.,Chen, Y. -H. Henry. Advanced technologies in energy-economy models for climate change assessment[J]. ENERGY ECONOMICS,2019-01-01,80:476-490
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