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DOI: 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-17-00224.1
WOS记录号: WOS:000466416900021
Development of a New Concrete Armor Unit for High Waves
作者: Park, Young Hyun1; Oh, Young-Min1; Ahn, Sung Mo3; Han, Taek Hee1; Kim, Young-Taek2; Suh, Kyung-Duck4; Won, Deokhee1
通讯作者: Park, Young Hyun
ISSN: 0749-0208
EISSN: 1551-5036
出版年: 2019
卷: 35, 期:3, 页码:719-728
语种: 英语
英文关键词: Laboratory experiment ; breakwater ; single layer ; CAU
WOS学科分类: Environmental Sciences ; Geography, Physical ; Geosciences, Multidisciplinary
WOS研究方向: Environmental Sciences & Ecology ; Physical Geography ; Geology

Hundreds of new concrete armor units (CAUs) have been developed since 1950, but only a few have been used because of their low price and familiarity. Because the design wave height has been increasing as a result of climate change, the Korean government decided to develop a new CAU for protection against high waves. Therefore, a new research project to develop a new CAU that considers stability, structural strength, economic feasibility, casting efficiency, and constructability was started. The new CAU was called Chi Block. The hydraulic stability achieved a Hudson stability coefficient of more than 13 at a significant wave height of 10 m by adopting a conservative approach. Chi Block can be installed in both uniform and random placements and can be used as an overlay for repair. A new placement for Chi Block was invented, and it features the advantage of functioning like a 1.5 layer. Although a single layer generally has a higher overtopping rate than a double layer, Chi Block, on uniform placement, has a performance near that of the Tetrapod.

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资源类型: 期刊论文
Appears in Collections:过去全球变化的重建

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作者单位: 1.Korea Inst Ocean Sci & Technol, Coastal Engn Res Dept, Busan 49111, South Korea
2.Korea Inst Civil Engn & Bldg Technol, Coastal & Harbor Res Team, Goyang 10223, South Korea
3.Samsung C&T, Coastal & Harbor Engn Team, Seongnam 13530, South Korea
4.Seoul Natl Univ, Inst Construct & Environm Engn, Seoul 08826, South Korea

Recommended Citation:
Park, Young Hyun,Oh, Young-Min,Ahn, Sung Mo,et al. Development of a New Concrete Armor Unit for High Waves[J]. JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH,2019-01-01,35(3):719-728
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