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DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoser.2019.100968
WOS记录号: WOS:000476882200027
Utilising nature-based solutions to increase resilience in Pacific Ocean Cities
作者: Zari, Maibritt Pedersen1; Kiddle, Gabriel Luke2; Blaschke, Paul2; Gawler, Steve3; Loubser, David4,5
通讯作者: Kiddle, Gabriel Luke
ISSN: 2212-0416
出版年: 2019
卷: 38
语种: 英语
英文关键词: Oceania ; Pacific Islands ; Resilience ; Nature-based solutions ; Ecosystem services ; Urbanisation ; Ocean Cities
WOS学科分类: Ecology ; Environmental Sciences ; Environmental Studies
WOS研究方向: Environmental Sciences & Ecology

'Ocean Cities' of the Pacific are where urban landscapes and seascapes meet, where built and natural environments interface, and where human behaviour and urban development have profound impacts on both terrestrial and marine ecosystems. Ocean Cities are at the forefront of climate change consequences, urbanisation challenges, and other development pressures. This article discusses the potential for nature-based solutions (NbS), including those focused on ecosystem services, in Pacific Small Island Developing States (SIDS) as a response to climate change, population growth, and urbanisation. Attention is directed to identifying the benefits of NbS and case-studies from Pacific SIDS, and if not available regionally, further afield. The article provides focus on possible barriers to implementation of NbS in a Pacific SIDS context and potential policy responses to these. Conclusions are threefold: (i) addressing interlinked ecological, climate, and human wellbeing issues in an integrated, ocean-focused and climate-responsive manner is vital for sustainable development in island systems; (ii) NbS can provide significant human wellbeing and biodiversity benefits in this context; and (iii) Pacific Ocean Cities, with a significant body of relevant traditional knowledge and emerging NbS experience, can inform global understanding of how to address converging urbanisation and climate change issues in Ocean Cities.

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资源类型: 期刊论文
Appears in Collections:全球变化的国际研究计划

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作者单位: 1.Victoria Univ Wellington, Sch Architecture, Wellington, New Zealand
2.Victoria Univ Wellington, Sch Geog Environm & Earth Sci, POB 600, Wellington, New Zealand
3.ICLEI Local Govt Sustainabil, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
4.Secretariat Reg Environm Programme & Ecosyst Serv, Port Vila, Vanuatu
5.Secretariat Reg Environm Programme & Ecosyst Serv, Wellington, New Zealand

Recommended Citation:
Zari, Maibritt Pedersen,Kiddle, Gabriel Luke,Blaschke, Paul,et al. Utilising nature-based solutions to increase resilience in Pacific Ocean Cities[J]. ECOSYSTEM SERVICES,2019-01-01,38
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