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CSCD记录号: CSCD:5233129
其他题名: Effects of Biochar on the Rhizospheric Functional Bacteria Related to the Nitrogen Transformation in Black Soil
作者: 刘志华1; 孟颖1; 姜振峰2; 张少良1; 王宏燕1
刊名: 大豆科学
ISSN: 1000-9841
出版年: 2014
卷: 33, 期:4
语种: 中文
中文关键词: 生物黑炭 ; 固氮菌 ; 氨化细菌 ; 硝化细菌
英文关键词: Biochar ; Nitrogen-fixing bacteria ; Ammonifying bacteria ; Nitrifying bacteria
WOS研究方向: Agriculture
中文摘要: 以玉米秸秆源在450℃ 无氧条件制备的生物黑炭为研究材料,以 CK、F(化肥)、1% CF(1% 黑炭 + 化肥)、5% CF(5% 黑炭 + 化肥)和10% CF(10% 黑炭 + 化肥)(质量分数)作为不同处理,研究生物黑炭对黑土大豆根际氮素转化相关功能菌数量及氮素形态的影响。结果表明:1% CF 处理显著促进大豆鼓粒期和成熟期固氮菌、氨化细菌和硝化细菌数量;5% CF 处理显著提高根际固氮菌和硝化细菌数量,促进除花期外其余生育时期的氨化细菌数量;10% CF 处理对硝化细菌数量无显著影响,对固氮菌和氨化细菌数量的影响存在时期性差异。生物黑炭影响大豆苗期、花期和结荚期根际铵态氮含量,对鼓粒期和成熟期根际铵态氮含量无显著影响;对花期根际硝态氮含量有显著促进作用,对成熟期根际硝态氮含量有显著抑制作用。
英文摘要: Soil amendment with biochar is evaluated globally as a method to improve soil fertility and to mitigate climate change. However,the effects of biochar on soil biota have received much less attention than its effects on soil chemical properties. To investigate the effects of biochar on the amounts of different functional bacteria related to the nitrogen transformation and available nitrogen contents,two controls were adopted including the one was the only black soil with no fertilizer and biochar,the other was black soil plus fertilizers with no biochar. Biochar made by maize straw at 450℃ insulated from oxygen were applied to black soil with the same amount of fertilizer in a weight proportion of 1%,5% and 10% in present study,respectively. The results were as follows:the amounts of nitrogen-fixing bacteria,ammonifying bacteria and nitrifying bacteria in soybean rhizosphere were increased at the filling stage and the mature stage with 1% biochar application. The amount of nitrogen-fixing bacteria,ammonifying bacteria and nitrifying bacteria in soybean rhizosphere were increased in all growth stages except that the amount of ammonifying bacteria at the flowering stage was no remarkable effects with 5% biochar application. Significant differences were not observed of the amounts of nitrogen-fixing bacteria,ammonifying bacteria and nitrifying bacteria in soybean rhizosphere with 10% biochar application. Moreover,the amount of ammonium nitrogen was influenced with biochar application at the seedling stage,flowering stage and podding stage;the amount of nitrate nitrogen of soybean rhizosphere was increased at the flowering stage while decreased at the maturity stage with biochar application.
资源类型: 期刊论文
Appears in Collections:气候变化与战略

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作者单位: 1.东北农业大学资源与环境学院, 哈尔滨, 黑龙江 150030, 中国
2.东北农业大学农学院, 哈尔滨, 黑龙江 150030, 中国

Recommended Citation:
刘志华,孟颖,姜振峰,等. 生物黑炭对黑土根际氮素转化相关功能菌的影响[J]. 大豆科学,2014-01-01,33(4)
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