globalchange  > 气候变化与战略
CSCD记录号: CSCD:5248759
其他题名: Research on pathway and strategies of central business districts'low-carbon development in view of sustainable development
作者: 尚丽; 武佼佼; 田英汉; 郭茹
刊名: 环境污染与防治
ISSN: 1001-3865
出版年: 2014
卷: 36, 期:9, 页码:1041-1049
语种: 中文
中文关键词: 中央商务区 ; 可持续发展 ; 生态 ; 低碳发展路径
英文关键词: CBD ; sustainable development ; ecology ; pathway of low-carbon development
WOS研究方向: Environmental Sciences & Ecology
中文摘要: 随着城市建设的不断推进,中央商务区(CBD)的可持续发展受到越来越多关注。随着全球气候变化的日益加剧,低碳CBD作为一种新型的CBD发展模式被提出。基于国内外已有的CBD建设研究,以可持续发展理念为指引,在解析CBD发展历程的基础上,探究了中国CBD低碳建设的路径和策略。CBD的碳排放特征分析表明,低碳CBD的发展路径必须将低碳理念贯彻到规划期、建设期及运营期等各个阶段,坚持全生命周期的低碳管理。最后,从量化低碳目标、创新低碳政策和持续改进地管理低碳建设3个方面提出了低碳CBD的发展策略。
英文摘要: With cities experiencing rapid development,the central business district (CBD) comes into focus. The current challenge of climate change makes the concept of low-carbon development business districts crucial for sustainable development. Thus,this paper begins by exploring the evolution of CBD from the traditional CBD to the ecological CBD. The concept of "low-carbon CBD" has gradually developed into a core pillar of sustainable development of business districts,the profound connotation of low-carbon CBD is the higher carbon productivity and persistent low-carbon behavior during the life cycle development of CBD. This research,through the analysis of the characteristics of carbon emissions,further shows that low-carbon CBD construction has great potential to contribute to this trend. The low-carbon CBD" development pathway needs to apply the low-carbon concept of planning, design, construction and operation stages,which is based on the whole life cycle analysis (LCA) of low-carbon development. Finally,suggestions of goal-setting, policy-making and implementation-management are put forth on sustainable development of low-carbon CBD in the future.
资源类型: 期刊论文
Appears in Collections:气候变化与战略

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作者单位: 同济大学环境规划与管理研究所,同济大学环境科学与工程系, 上海 200092, 中国

Recommended Citation:
尚丽,武佼佼,田英汉,等. 可持续发展视角下的中央商务区低碳发展路径和策略探讨[J]. 环境污染与防治,2014-01-01,36(9):1041-1049
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