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CSCD记录号: CSCD:5443170
其他题名: Monitoring of carbon storage based on the CDM reforestation project of Zhu River Basin in Guangxi
作者: 莫祝平1; 童德文1; 袁胜1; 韦立权1; 张小全2
刊名: 南京林业大学学报. 自然科学版
ISSN: 1000-2006
出版年: 2015
卷: 39, 期:3, 页码:151-156
语种: 中文
中文关键词: 珠江流域再造林 ; 清洁发展机制 ; 碳储量监测
英文关键词: Zhu River Basin reforestation ; clean development mechanism(CDM) ; carbon storage monitoring
WOS研究方向: Forestry
中文摘要: 清洁发展机制(CDM)再造林项目是林业应对气候变化的重要途径,准确估算CDM项目碳储量及其动态变化取决于可靠的监测技术与方法。笔者以广西珠江流域治理再造林项目为对象,主要从监测方法、测定指标和计算方法等方面概述了碳储量的监测。结果表明,项目实施6 a以来,人为净温室气体汇清除为131964.1 t,测量精度为90.15%。研究表明采用固定样地连续观测法对CDM造林项目的碳储量进行监测,方法科学、合理,可操作性强,且精度满足相关要求。
英文摘要: The CDM afforestation and reforestation project is one of the key approaches for coping with climate change. The accurate data of carbon storage of this project depend on the reliable monitoring method. Understanding the methods of carbon storage estimation will aid the development for the CDM afforestation and reforestation worldwide. This paper elaborates the monitoring techniques, index and calculate method for the carbon storage estimations for the first CDM reforestation project that developed in China. The results indicated that the net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks (namely carbon storage change) was 131 964.1 t CO_2, and the measurement accuracy was 90.15%, since implementation of the project for 6 years. Our results showed that the monitoring method of carbon storage used in this project was suitable and its results were also reliable.
资源类型: 期刊论文
Appears in Collections:气候变化与战略

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作者单位: 1.广西林业勘测设计院,广西林业碳汇计量监测中心, 南宁, 广西 530011, 中国
2.大自然保护协会中国部, 北京 100600, 中国

Recommended Citation:
莫祝平,童德文,袁胜,等. 广西珠江流域治理再造林项目碳汇监测研究[J]. 南京林业大学学报. 自然科学版,2015-01-01,39(3):151-156
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