globalchange  > 气候变化与战略
CSCD记录号: CSCD:5774686
其他题名: Foresters'Constant Participation Willingness and Affecting Factors in Forest Carbon Sequestration Project
作者: 杨帆1; 曾维忠2; 张维康3; 庄天慧2
刊名: 林业科学
ISSN: 1001-7488
出版年: 2016
卷: 52, 期:7, 页码:2239-2250
语种: 中文
中文关键词: 森林碳汇项目 ; 林农 ; 持续参与 ; 影响因素 ; Probit模型
英文关键词: forest carbon sequestration project ; foresters ; constant participation ; affecting factors ; Probit model
WOS研究方向: Agriculture
中文摘要: 【目的】分析林农森林碳汇项目持续参与意愿及其影响因素,为调动林农持续参与森林碳汇项目建设积极性、实现森林碳汇项目建设既定目标、加快碳汇林业可持续发展以应对全球气候变化提供对策参考。【方法】基于诺华川西南林业碳汇、社区和生物多样性项目397户参与林农的调查数据,运用有序Probit模型,对林农森林碳汇项目持续参与意愿及其影响因素进行实证分析。【结果】现阶段林农森林碳汇项目持续参与意愿不高,有待进一步提升。参与土地面积、家庭收入水平、前期收益满意度、后期收益预期、政府扶持力度、林业信息获取难易、道路交通状况等变量对林农森林碳汇项目持续参与意愿具有显著正向影响;年龄、兼业化程度和项目组织模式变量对林农森林碳汇项目持续参与意愿具有显著负向影响。【结论】就造林实体(企业)而言,应从实行区域、土地和人口多重瞄准,因地制宜遴选优化项目组织模式,兼顾林农项目前期和后期收益均衡等方面完善收益激励机制;就政府而言,应从加大政策扶持力度,建立健全林业信息发布和灾害预警机制,财政扶持林区基础设施建设等方面完善政策保障制度,以促进森林碳汇项目可持续发展,实现气候改善、生态繁荣和农民增收。
英文摘要: 【Objective】Taking foresters who are taking part in forest carbon sequestration project in Sichuan Province as research objects,this paper analyzed foresters'constant participation willingness and its affecting factors in order to provide countermeasures and suggestions for increasing foresters'enthusiasm to constantly participating forest carbon sequestration project,realizing the construction goal of project and speeding up sustainable development of forestry which is regarded carbon sequestration as the main objective in dealing with global climate change. 【Method】Based on the survey data of 397 foresters in Novartis forestry carbon sequestration,community and biodiversity project construction zone in the southwest of Sichuan Province,the orderly Probit model was used to conduct an empirical analysis on foresters' constant participation willingness for forest carbon sequestration project and its affecting factors.【Result】The research results indicated that the willingness of foresters to constantly participate in forest carbon sequestration project was not high,and need to be further improved. The parameters such as land area of participation,family income level, satisfaction for early returns,the late earnings forecast,government support,the degree of difficulty in obtaining the forestry information and road traffic etc. haves significant positive influences on foresters'willingness of constant participation. While the age,multiple occupations level and project organization model showed significant negative effects.【Conclusion】We put forward some suggestions to promote the sustainable development of forest carbon sequestration projects from both business and government. For the forestry entity (enterprise),they should carry out multiple targets considering area,land and population,adjust measurements for local conditions to optimize the organization model of project,balance the early earns and late benefits. As for the government,they should intensify policy support,establish and perfect the forestry information release and disaster warning mechanism,introduce financial support policy to improve infrastructure construction of forest carbon sequestration project area. In this way,the sustainable development of forest carbon sequestration project would be promoted,and then realize the climate improvement,ecological prosperity and income increasing of foresters.
资源类型: 期刊论文
Appears in Collections:气候变化与战略

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作者单位: 1.四川农业大学管理学院, 成都, 四川 611130, 中国
2.四川农业大学西南减贫与发展研究中心, 成都, 四川 611130, 中国
3.重庆大学经济与工商管理学院, 重庆 400044, 中国

Recommended Citation:
杨帆,曾维忠,张维康,等. 林农森林碳汇项目持续参与意愿及其影响因素[J]. 林业科学,2016-01-01,52(7):2239-2250
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