globalchange  > 气候变化与战略
CSCD记录号: CSCD:5741844
其他题名: Study of resource-environmental pressure considering the Footprint Family in Yunnan Province, China
作者: 赵先贵1; 赵晶2; 马彩虹3; 肖玲1; 马彩芳1; 王晓宇1
刊名: 生态学报
ISSN: 1000-0933
出版年: 2016
卷: 36, 期:12, 页码:24-27
语种: 中文
中文关键词: 足迹家族 ; 云南省 ; 资源环境压力
英文关键词: footprint family ; Yunnan Province ; resource-environmental pressure
WOS研究方向: Life Sciences & Biomedicine - Other Topics
中文摘要: 为了科学评价区域资源与环境压力状况,为生态文明建设提供参考依据,构建了基于足迹家族的资源环境压力评价体系,并应用于云南省的资源环境压力评估。结果表明,19902013年,云南省生态压力由中上(Ⅱ_b)升至较高等级(Ⅲ_a );虽然林业碳汇23年来提高了73.28%,目前可中和全省14.67%的温室气体(GHG)排放,但碳足迹却增高了325.98%,致使GHG排放由较低(Ⅰ_b)上升至中下等级(Ⅱ_a);人均水足迹增速很小,可用水资源量较高,水资源压力虽很低(Ⅰ_a ),但人均可用水资源量却以年均3.66%的速率减少;1990年以来,云南省的资源环境压力升高了一个亚级,由较低(Ⅰ_b )上升至中下等级(Ⅱ_a )。空间上生态压力变化较大,昆明、曲靖、昭通、文山、玉溪和红河等6市很高(Ⅲ_b),保山市和楚雄州较高(Ⅲ_a ),大理州和临沧市为中上等级(Ⅱ_b),丽江、德宏、西双版纳、普洱等市(州)为中下等级(Ⅱ_a),怒江州和迪庆州分别属较低(Ⅰ_b )和很低等级(Ⅰ_a );GHG 排放的空间差异较大,曲靖和昆明市为很高等级(Ⅲ_b),玉溪市较高(Ⅲ_a ),红河市为中上(Ⅱ_b ),西双版纳、怒江和迪庆3州属碳汇(Ⅰ_s),丽江和普洱市的GHG 排放水平则低于全球应对气候变化目标的限定值,属很低等级(Ⅰ_a ),其余地区较低(Ⅰ_b );空间上水资源压力亦不尽相同,昆明市的水资源压力很高(Ⅲ_b ),楚雄州为中上等级(Ⅱ_b ),玉溪市、大理州和曲靖市为中下等级(Ⅱ_a),其余地区很低(Ⅰ_a);资源环境压力的空间差异很大,昆明市很高(Ⅲ_b),曲靖市和玉溪市较高(Ⅲ_a ),红河市中上(Ⅱ_b ),昭通、文山、楚雄和大理州等市(州)中下(Ⅱ_a),保山市、临沧市和德宏州较低(Ⅰ_b),其余地区很低(Ⅰ_a)。在今后的发展中,云南省应严格保护耕地资源,推广农业高新技术,提高土地生产率;调整能源消费结构,大力发展清洁能源,减少GHG 排放;加强森林保育,继续提高林业碳汇能力。使山清水秀的云南成为中国生态文明建设的一面旗帜。
英文摘要: In order to evaluate the regional resource-environmental pressure and to provide a reference for the construction of an ecological civilization, the author proposed an evaluation system considering the Footprint Family (Ecological, Carbon and Water Footprints). This system allowed for the study of resource-environmental pressure in Yunnan Province, China. The results revealed that, in Yunnan Province, the ecological pressure level increased from an above-average grade (Ⅱ_b) to a high grade (Ⅲ_a) in the period between 1990 and 2013. Forest carbon sequestration increased 73.28% in the past 23 years, which neutralized 14.67% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2013. The Carbon Footprint increased 325.98%, which led to an increase in the level of GHG emissions from a low grade (Ⅰ_b) to a below-average grade (Ⅱ_a). The Water Footprint per capita grew slightly, and the available water resources were relatively high. As a result, the water resource pressure was very low (Ⅰ_a). However, the available water resources per capita decreased at an annual average rate of 3. 66%. Since 1990, resource-environmental pressure in Yunnan Province increased a sub-grade, from a very low grade (Ⅰ_a) to a low grade (Ⅰ_c). Ecological pressure of individual cities varied throughout the province. Kunming, Qujing, Zhaotong, Wenshan, Yuxi, and Honghe each had a very high grade (Ⅲ_b). Baoshan and Chuxiong each had a high grade (Ⅲ_a), while both Dali and Lincang had an above-average grade (Ⅱ_b). Lijiang, Dehong, Xishuangbanna, and Pu′er each had a below-average grade (Ⅱ_a). Nujiang had a low grade (Ⅰ_b), and Diqing had a very low grade (Ⅰ_a). GHG emissions varied spatially as well. Qujing and Kunming both had very high grades (Ⅲ_b) and Yuxi had a high grade (Ⅲ_a). Honghe had an above-average grade (Ⅱ_b ) while Xishuangbanna, Nujiang, and Diqing each had a carbon sequestration grade (Ⅰ_s). Finally, Lijiang and Pu′er each had a very low grade (Ⅰ_a), of which was lower than the target set for the control of global climate warming. The rest regions had a low grade (Ⅰ_b). Additionally, water resource pressure varied amongst the cities. Kunming had a very high grade (Ⅲ_b), while Chuxiong had an above-average grade (Ⅱ_b). Yuxi, Dali, and Qujing each had below-average grades (Ⅱ_a), and various other regions had very low grades (Ⅰ_a). The resource-environmental pressure too, was very different amongst the cities of the Yunnan Province. Kunming had a very high grade (Ⅲ_b) while Qujing and Yuxi both had high grades (Ⅲ_a). Honghe had an above-average grade (Ⅱ_b), and Zhaotong, Wenshan, Chuxiong, and Dali each had below-average grades (Ⅱ_a). Finally, Baoshan, Lincang, and Dehong all had low grades (Ⅰ_b), and various other regions had very low grades (Ⅰ_a). In the future, Yunnan Province should firmly protect cultivated land resources, promote agricultural high-new technology, and improve the productivity of land. Additionally, the province should adjust energy consumption structure, develop clean energy, reduce GHG emissions, strengthen forest conservation, and enhance carbon sequestration capacity. These measures would allow for the beautiful Yunnan Province to become a banner for ecological civilization construction in China.
资源类型: 期刊论文
Appears in Collections:气候变化与战略

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作者单位: 1.陕西师范大学旅游与环境学院, 西安, 陕西 710062, 中国
2.西安石油大学思想政治理论教学科研部, 西安, 陕西 710065, 中国
3.宁夏大学资源环境学院, 银川, 宁夏 750021, 中国

Recommended Citation:
赵先贵,赵晶,马彩虹,等. 基于足迹家族的云南省资源与环境压力评价[J]. 生态学报,2016-01-01,36(12):24-27
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