globalchange  > 气候变化与战略
CSCD记录号: CSCD:5728270
其他题名: Computational fluid dynamics analysis and experimental study of sounding temperature sensor
作者: 戴伟1; 刘清惓2; 杨杰1; 宿恺峰2; 韩上邦2; 施佳驰2
刊名: 物理学报
ISSN: 1000-3290
出版年: 2016
卷: 65, 期:11, 页码:2626-2636
语种: 中文
中文关键词: 探空温度传感器 ; 珠状热敏电阻 ; 计算流体动力学 ; 辐射误差
英文关键词: sounding temperature sensor ; bead thermistor ; computational fluid dynamics ; radiation error
WOS研究方向: Automation & Control Systems
中文摘要: 伴随着数值天气预报和气候变化研究精细化程度的不断提高, 希望探空温度传感器的观测精度达到0.1 K数量级. 为了实现此目标, 运用计算流体动力学方法对珠状热敏电阻从海平面上升至20 km高空的整个过程进行数值仿真分析. 并在此基础上, 针对影响测温精度的太阳辐射强度和传感器倾斜角度两个因素进行分析. 仿真结果表明, 太阳辐射强度和海拔高度是辐射误差的重要影响因子. 当传感器倾斜角度为90°时, 珠状热敏电阻的辐射误差最小. 通过麦夸特法和通用全局优化法对仿真数据进行拟合, 获得不同海拔高度和太阳辐射强度下的辐射误差修正方程; 为验证方程的准确性, 设计和搭建太阳辐射误差模拟系统. 实验结果表明, 辐射误差实验测量值与修正方程修正值之间的平均偏移量为0.017 K, 均方根值RMS误差为0.023 K, 验证了计算流体动力学方法、麦夸特法和通用全局优化法获得辐射误差数据的准确性.
英文摘要: Owing to the fact that the increasing amount of attention has been focused on numerical weather forecast and climate change research, it is desired that the observation error of upper air temperature with using sounding temperature sensors can be reduced down to 0.1 K. However, the temperature measurement errors of bead thermistor sounding temperature sensors, induced by solar radiation, are on the order of 1 K or more, which is a few orders of magnitude larger than the errors produced by the measurement circuits and digital signal processing systems in radiosondes. Hence, the solar radiation error poses an important bottleneck for improving the measurement accuracy. To tackle this problem, a numerical analysis method is proposed in this research. By employing a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method, the influences of various solar radiation intensity, sensor angles, and air pressures from sea level to 20 km altitude on temperature measurement accuracy are studied. In this CFD model, the boundary conditions of external convection and solar radiation of the bead thermistor are taken into consideration. The modeling results indicate that solar radiation intensity and altitude are important factors that affect the amplitude of the radiation error. With the elevation increasing from sea level, the solar heating error appears to have an exponential correlation with the altitude, which exhibits a growing slop rate. When the sensor angle is 90o, the radiation error of a bead thermistor sensor probe is minimal. The simulation results are fitted by a Levenberg-Marquardt method and a global optimization method. A correction equation of the radiation error is obtained, where the altitude of the sensor and solar radiation intensity act as two major variables in the equation. In order to verify the equation obtained in this study, an experimental platform for solar radiation error, which includes a low-pressure temperature chamber, a rotation apparatus, an LED-based radiation source, and a wireless communication system, is designed and constructed. It can be found that the solar radiation errors of the bead thermistor based on fluid dynamics numerical calculation are generally consistent with experimental data. The average offset and root mean square error between the correction equation and experimental results are 0.017 K and 0.023 K, respectively, which can demonstrate the accuracies of the computational fluid dynamics method, the Levenberg-Marquardt method and the global optimization method proposed in this research. The methods and techniques introduced in this paper may open the way for correcting the solar radiation errors of the bead thermistor sounding temperature sensors.
资源类型: 期刊论文
Appears in Collections:气候变化与战略

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作者单位: 1.南京信息工程大学, 中国气象局气溶胶与云降水重点开放实验室, 南京, 江苏 210044, 中国
2.南京信息工程大学, 江苏省大气环境与装备技术协同创新中心
3.江苏省气象探测与信息处理重点实验室, 南京, 江苏 210044, 中国

Recommended Citation:
戴伟,刘清惓,杨杰,等. 探空温度传感器的计算流体动力学分析与实验研究[J]. 物理学报,2016-01-01,65(11):2626-2636
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