globalchange  > 气候变化与战略
CSCD记录号: CSCD:5861294
其他题名: Big data on global changes: Data sharing platform and recognition
作者: 吴炳方1; 高峰2; 何国金1; 张宁3; 曾红伟1
刊名: 遥感学报
ISSN: 1007-4619
出版年: 2016
卷: 20, 期:6, 页码:267-278
语种: 中文
中文关键词: 全球变化大数据平台 ; 快速算法 ; 不确定性 ; 敏感因子分析
英文关键词: global change big data platform ; fast algorithm ; uncertainty ; sensitive factors recognition
WOS研究方向: Remote Sensing
中文摘要: 本文是国家重点研发计划全球变化及应对专项之全球变化大数据的科学认知与云共享平台项目介绍。针对中国全球变化数据数据海量、信息缺乏、知识难觅的困局,项目力图通过联合中国对地观测领域、大气科学领域、气候变化研究领域的优势力量,建成具有中国特色的全球变化大数据共享平台,践行破除信息数据深藏闺中的壁垒。该平台将集大数据快速汇聚、大尺度产品快速生成、不确定性分析、大数据驱动的全球变化敏感因子认知于一体,一方面为中国全球变化研究提供中国区域最好的全球变化大数据集,另一方面为在国际相关活动中,掌握全球变化问题的主导权,发出中国的倡议与声音提供应有的支持。
英文摘要: China has substantial data, but less information and insufficient knowledge, which results in poor international influence in global change research; thus, changing this situation is urgent. In 2016, a new project of the National Key Research and Development Program on Global Changes and Adaptation entitled, "Big data on global changes: Data sharing platform and recognition", is launched. The project attempts to establish a global change-big data (GloBiD) sharing platform to change the current situation. This paper introduces this project, which comprises the establishment of three fast processing systems of global data (i.e., multi-source data aggregation and processing system, fast production system on global satellite products with 30 m spatial resolution, and fast production system on FY satellite products), uncertainty analysis of multi-source data impact on global changes, and the recognition of sensitive factors of global change driven by big data. Cloud technology, cluster computing, Apache Spark engine, Apache HBase, and HDFS data storage technology are adopted to build the GloBiD sharing platform. This project will provide high-quality data for the global change research of China. It will also provide valuable information on the main problems of global change for policy making based on the recognition of sensitive factors. Hopefully, the establishment of scientific recognition and data sharing platform of global change data will promote the development of the global change research of China in the future.
资源类型: 期刊论文
Appears in Collections:气候变化与战略

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作者单位: 1.中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所, 中国科学院数字地球重点实验室, 北京 100101, 中国
2.国家气象信息中心, 北京 100081, 中国
3.南京大学大气科学学院, 南京, 江苏 210023, 中国

Recommended Citation:
吴炳方,高峰,何国金,等. 全球变化大数据的科学认知与云共享平台简[J]. 遥感学报,2016-01-01,20(6):267-278
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