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CSCD记录号: CSCD:6273201
其他题名: Establishment and management of alfalfa pasture in cold regions of China
作者: 张文浩1; 侯龙鱼2; 杨杰3; 宋世环4; 毛小涛2; 张强强5; 白文明4; 潘庆民4; 周青平6
刊名: 科学通报
ISSN: 0023-074X
出版年: 2018
卷: 63, 期:17, 页码:603-610
语种: 中文
中文关键词: 苜蓿 ; 人工草地 ; 草牧业 ; 高寒地区
英文关键词: alfalfa ; artificial pasture ; grass-based animal husbandry ; cold regions
WOS研究方向: Agriculture
中文摘要: 高寒地区占我国国土面积近1/3,也是我国天然草地的主要分布区和传统的畜牧业基地,由于不合理利用和全球气候变化等因素,导致天然草地退化严重,草地的生产和生态功能低下,草畜矛盾突出.优质人工草地种植规模小和产业化水平低是我国草牧业发展的瓶颈.因此,大力发展优质苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)人工草地是破解我国目前草牧业可持续发展瓶颈的重要途径和抓手.本文结合国内外苜蓿生产和市场现状,探讨了我国苜蓿种植和产业发展的不足与解决办法.同时,通过文献资料分析和高寒地区调研等,明确高寒地区发展苜蓿人工草地在促进当地环境友好型草牧业发展中的作用.针对我国优质抗寒苜蓿品种少、越冬技术不足等问题,归纳总结出高寒地区品种选择、选地与整地、播种技术、密度控制、根瘤菌(Rhizobium)接种、水肥管理和刈割等一整套技术与相应理论,为我国高寒地区优质苜蓿种植与生产提供技术支撑,更好地推进我国草牧业又快又好的发展.
英文摘要: Grasslands occur naturally in cold regions in China, and are the traditional animal husbandry base. Natural grasslands have degraded severely due mainly to heavy use and global climate change, distinguished with low productivity and poor ecological function. The small scales and low-industrialization levels of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) pasture are bottlenecks for development of modern animal husbandry in China. Therefore, forage production from natural grasslands cannot fully meet the demands for animal husbandry. Development of high-yield alfalfa pasture is an effective way to solve these problems. In this review, we systematically analyzed both domestic and international markets for alfalfa. Currently, alfalfa hay production in China can only supply less than 50% of total alfalfa demands, and more than 50% of alfalfa hay has to be imported from overseas countries, mainly from USA. On the one hand, the lack of forage supply greatly restricts development of animal husbandry in the alpine regions of China, which is a traditional base of animal husbandry in China. On the other hand, there are large areas of lands that can be used to develop alfalfa pasture in these regions. As a key component of Grass-based Animal Husbandry, establishment of alfalfa pasture with high yield and quality as well as high resource efficiency is of importance for the successful development of Grass-based Animal Husbandry in China. The development of large scale of alfalfa pasture in the alpine regions is hindered by the lack of alfalfa varieties adapted to the alpine regions and poor alfalfa establishment and management technologies. In practice, the management regimes of crops are often copied to manage alfalfa pasture. However, the crop and pasture systems differ markedly. For example, crops and alfalfa are used for harvesting grains and above-ground biomass, respectively. Moreover, crops are often annual, while alfalfa is perennial. To solve these problems, we developed comprehensive technologies in alfalfa pasture in the alpine regions. More specifically, we selected several elite alfalfa varieties that exhibited high yield and were capable of surviving the cold winters. We further developed planting methodologies that allowed for the rapid establishment of seedlings, facilitation of leaf growth, and minimizing weeds and water evaporation. Our results showed that production of alfalfa hay in the alpine region of Hulunbeir, Inner Monogolia Autonomous Region, China, was 5000 kg ha~(-1) in the first year of planting, and it reached 9000 kg ha~(-1) in the second year of planting. The crude protein contents of the alfalfa were as high as 20%. These achievements highlight that the development of high yield alfalfa pasture is feasible, and that it provides technical support and theoretical guidance in development and management of high quality alfalfa pasture in these regions.
资源类型: 期刊论文
Appears in Collections:气候变化事实与影响

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作者单位: 1.中国科学院植物研究所
3.中国科学院内蒙古草业研究中心, 植被与环境变化国家重点实验室
5., 北京
7.北京 100093
9.100093, 中国
10.中国科学院植物研究所, 植被与环境变化国家重点实验室, 北京 100093, 中国
12.中国科学院大学生命科学学院, 植被与环境变化国家重点实验室
14., 北京
15.北京 100093
16.100049, 中国
18.中国科学院内蒙古草业研究中心, 植被与环境变化国家重点实验室
20., 北京
21.北京 100093
22.100093, 中国
23.新疆生产建设兵团第九师畜牧科学研究所, 额敏, 834601
27.成都, 北京
29.610041, 中国

Recommended Citation:
张文浩,侯龙鱼,杨杰,等. 高寒地区苜蓿人工草地建植技术[J]. 科学通报,2018-01-01,63(17):603-610
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