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CSCD记录号: CSCD:6506524
其他题名: Numerical Study on the Coastal Protection Engineering of Combination of Artificial Beach and Submerged Breakwater
作者: 赵恩金; 徐照妍; 潘新颖; 梁丙臣
刊名: 中国海洋大学学报. 自然科学版
ISSN: 1672-5174
出版年: 2019
卷: 49, 期:6, 页码:97-100
语种: 中文
中文关键词: 人工沙滩 ; 潜堤 ; XBeach模型 ; 岸滩防护
英文关键词: artificial beach ; submerged breakwater ; Xbeach model ; coastal protection
WOS研究方向: Oceanography
中文摘要: 人工沙滩与潜堤结合是沙质岸滩软硬防护相结合的防护技术。本文在利用实验室物模试验结果对XBeach水沙运动数值模型进行了有效性检验的基础上,应用该模型对月亮湾沙滩修复工程人工沙滩与潜堤相结合的岸滩防护技术,进行岸滩剖面演变数值分析。通过对风暴海况波浪作用下,该工程有、无潜堤以及潜堤不同位置和不同高度的5个工况数值计算结果分析,得出潜堤的设置,可以使沙滩侵蚀有不同程度的减轻或范围缩小,对人工沙滩防护具有良好的效果;潜堤的位置和高度影响其对沙质岸滩防护效果,潜堤的位置后移和高度升高都会使波浪的冲泄区下移,从而减少对上部沙滩的侵蚀,对人工沙滩的防护效果更好。
英文摘要: Sandy beach is an important resource in coastal zone.But the erosion of sandy beach is serious under the influence of human activities and global warming.So the coastal protection is of great importance in the field of coastal engineering.Combination of artificial beach and submerged breakwater is a kind of coastal protection technology combining soft measure with hard measure.In this paper,XBeach numerical model is validated through the physical experiment result and used to the Moon Bay coastal protection engineering of combination of artificial beach and submerged breakwater.Five numerical cases are calculated with different position and different height of the submerged breakwater.Some conclusions are drawn from the analysis of the numerical results.The submerged breakwater decreases the beach erosion and is beneficial to the beach protection,and the position and height of the submerged breakwateraffect the beach protection.The further and higher the submerged breakwater is,the better the artificial beach is protected.
资源类型: 期刊论文
Appears in Collections:气候变化事实与影响

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作者单位: 中国海洋大学工程学院, 青岛, 山东 266100, 中国

Recommended Citation:
赵恩金,徐照妍,潘新颖,等. 人工沙滩与潜堤结合岸滩防护工程数值研究[J]. 中国海洋大学学报. 自然科学版,2019-01-01,49(6):97-100
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