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DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0105437
Application of Empirical Wave Run-Up Formulas to the Polish Baltic Sea Coast
作者: Dominik Paprotny; Paweł Andrzejewski; Paweł Terefenko; Kazimierz Furmańczyk
ISSN: 1932-6203
出版年: 2014
发表日期: 2014-8-19
卷: 9, 期:8
语种: 英语
英文关键词: Beaches ; Baltic Sea ; Cameras ; Forecasting ; Coasts ; Storms ; Engineers ; Coastal engineering
英文摘要: Advanced, multidimensional models are typically applied when researching processes occurring in the nearshore. Relatively simple, empirical equations are commonly used in coastal engineering practice in order to estimate extreme wave run-up on beaches and coastal structures. However, they were mostly calibrated to the characteristics of oceanic coasts, which have different wave regime than a semi-enclosed basin like the Baltic Sea. In this paper we apply the formulas to the Polish Baltic Sea coast. The equations were adjusted to match local conditions in two test sites in Międzyzdroje and Dziwnówek, where beaches are under continuous video surveillance. Data from WAM wave model and coastal gauge stations were used, as well as precise measurements of the beaches' cross-sections. More than 600 run-up events spanning from June to December 2013 were analysed, including surges causing dune erosion. Extreme wave run-up R2% was calculated and presented as a percentage value indicating what part of the beach was inundated. The method had a root-mean-square error of 6.1 and 6.5 percentage points depending on the test site. We consider it is a fast and computationally undemanding alternative to morphodynamic models. It will constitute a part of the SatBałtyk Operating System-Shores, delivering forecasts of wave run-up on the beaches for the entire Polish coastline.
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Appears in Collections:过去全球变化的重建

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作者单位: Faculty of Geosciences, University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland;Faculty of Geosciences, University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland;Faculty of Geosciences, University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland;Faculty of Geosciences, University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland

Recommended Citation:
Dominik Paprotny,Paweł Andrzejewski,Paweł Terefenko,et al. Application of Empirical Wave Run-Up Formulas to the Polish Baltic Sea Coast[J]. PLOS ONE,2014-01-01,9(8)
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