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User evaluation of vacuum insulation in clay blocks
作者: Hauge, Åshild Lappegard; Godbolt, Åsne Lund; Thomsen, Judith; Berker, Thomas; Time, Berit; Hyrve, Oddvar
出版者: SINTEF akademisk forlag
出版年: 2013
发表日期: 2013
国家: 挪威
语种: 英语
英文摘要: This is an early user test of vacuum insulation embedded in clay blocks, a solution developed within ZEB. The product is in an early stage of its development and is not taken into use in any building projects yet. Therefore, the evaluation is not based on experiences but on expectations towards this product. In this exploration we have conducted twelve telephone interviews with representatives from different parts of the building industry. The main results are: There is general agreement that vacuum insulation will be interesting and attractive for the market. Some find thick walls problematic, but others indicated that there exist aesthetic and practical reasons to prefer thick walls. Vacuum insulation may therefore be especially important for renovation projects and new buildings where the site costs are high. Vacuum insulation in clay blocks seems like a reasonable combination to most of the informants. But there was also a demand for vacuum insulation for wood constructions in combination with thinner and lighter materials. According to our informants, to make vacuum insulation a central building product in the future, a great degree of material flexibility will clearly be important. For future promotion of a product with vacuum insulation, it is also important to convince the market that it is robust enough, and show calculation examples on how the product may be more profitable when used where the site prices are high. The environmental impact of vacuum insulation matters to some of our informants, and a clear plan for pre-separation at source is asked for.
资源类型: 研究报告
Appears in Collections:过去全球变化的重建

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Hauge, Åshild Lappegard,Godbolt, Åsne Lund,Thomsen, Judith,et al. User evaluation of vacuum insulation in clay blocks. 2013-01-01.
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