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Anpassungsmaßnahmen an der deutschen Ostseeküste
出版者: Ecologic Institute, Germany
出版年: 2012
发表日期: 2012
总页数: 36
国家: 德国
语种: 英语
英文关键词: Climate change ; adaptation ; mitigation ; adaptation strategies ; Baltic Sea Coast ; Europe
英文摘要: Actors from different levels of government have been the focus of this survey on adaptation to climate change, which was carried out as part of RADOST. Questions are explored, what would be possible climate impacts, what can be understood as adaptation measure on the Baltic coast, and who is responsible for the implementation of adaptation measures. The report is available for download.A total of 20 interviews, with actors from different levels of government in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Schleswig-Holstein were performed in November and December 2011. This survey is closely related to other surveys conducted in RADOST. Namely, this report is taken with respect to a quantitative survey of local decision-makers by Martinez & Bray (2011), the RADOST stakeholder analysis (Knoblauch et al., 2012) and a survey of local decision-makers (Koerth & Sterr, 2012) in the context of the RADOST implementation project, "The Bay of Kiel Climate Alliance".An important aspect of the survey is the topic of implementation of adaptation measures. Both possible, as well as already implemented adaptation measures within different sectors are discussed and analyzed in the frames of responsibility for the implementation.The interviewees regard climate change as a fact and effects are mainly associated with sea level rise. Therefore, coastal protection is considered as an important issue in the region. The interviews reveal that some implemented measures (such as beach nourishment) can also be seen in the context of climate adaptation. Nevertheless, it is clear that this issue is fraught with much uncertainty and too often lack clear accountability in the implementation of adaptation measures.The report [pdf, 800 kB, German] is available for download.
资助项目: Regional Adaptation Strategies for the German Baltic Sea Coast (RADOST)#2926#
资源类型: 研究报告
Appears in Collections:过去全球变化的重建

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. Anpassungsmaßnahmen an der deutschen Ostseeküste. 2012-01-01.
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