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DOI: doi:10.1038/nclimate2870
Biophysical and economic limits to negative CO2 emissions
作者: Pete Smith
刊名: Nature Climate Change
ISSN: 1758-678X
EISSN: 1758-6798
出版年: 2015-12-07
卷: Volume:6, 页码:Pages:42;50 (2016)
语种: 英语
英文关键词: Social scientist/Social science ; Geography/geographer ; Sociology/sociologist ; Environmental economics/Economist ; Climate policy ; Environmental policy ; Global change ; Earth system science ; Climatologist ; Climate science ; Carbon management ; Carbon markets ; Energy ; Renewables ; Palaeoclimatology/Palaeoclimatologist ; Climate modelling/modeller ; Carbon cycle ; Atmospheric scientist ; Oceanography/marine science ; Sustainability ; Geophysicist/Geophysics ; Biogeoscience/Biogeoscientist ; Hydrology/Hydrogeology ; Greenhouse gas verification ; Ecologist/ecology ; Conservation ; Meteorology/meteorologist

To have a >50% chance of limiting warming below 2 °C, most recent scenarios from integrated assessment models (IAMs) require large-scale deployment of negative emissions technologies (NETs). These are technologies that result in the net removal of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. We quantify potential global impacts of the different NETs on various factors (such as land, greenhouse gas emissions, water, albedo, nutrients and energy) to determine the biophysical limits to, and economic costs of, their widespread application. Resource implications vary between technologies and need to be satisfactorily addressed if NETs are to have a significant role in achieving climate goals.

Despite two decades of effort to curb emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases (GHGs), emissions grew faster during the 2000s than in the 1990s1, and by 2010 had reached ~50 Gt CO2 equivalent (CO2eq) yr−1 (refs 2,3). The continuing rise in emissions is a growing challenge for meeting the international goal of limiting warming to less than 2 °C relative to the pre-industrial era, particularly without stringent climate policies to decrease emissions in the near future2, 3, 4. As negative emissions technologies (NETs) seem ever more necessary3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, society needs to be informed of the potential risks and opportunities afforded by all mitigation options, to be able to decide which pathways are most desirable for dealing with climate change.

There are distinct classes of NETs, such as: (1) bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS)11, 12; (2) direct air capture of CO2 from ambient air by engineered chemical reactions (DAC)13, 14; (3) enhanced weathering of minerals (EW)15, where natural weathering to remove CO2 from the atmosphere is accelerated and the products stored in soils, or buried in land or deep ocean16, 17, 18, 19; (4) afforestation and reforestation (AR) to fix atmospheric carbon in biomass and soils20, 21, 22; (5) manipulation of carbon uptake by the ocean, either biologically (that is, by fertilizing nutrient-limited areas23, 24) or chemically (that is, by enhancing alkalinity25); (6) altered agricultural practices, such as increased carbon storage in soils26, 27, 28; and (7) converting biomass to recalcitrant biochar, for use as a soil amendment29. In this Review, we focus on BECCS, DAC, EW and AR, because there are large uncertainties with ocean-based strategies (for example, ocean iron fertilization30), and other land-based approaches (for example, soil carbon and biochar storage) have been evaluated elsewhere31, 32, 33. Figure 1 depicts the main flows of carbon among atmospheric, land, ocean and geological reservoirs for fossil fuel combustion (Fig. 1a), bioenergy (Fig. 1b), carbon capture and storage (CCS; Fig. 1c) and the altered carbon flows entailed by each NET (Fig. 1d–h) when carbon is removed from the atmosphere.

Figure 1: Schematic representation of carbon flows among atmospheric, land, ocean and geological reservoirs.
Schematic representation of carbon flows among atmospheric, land, ocean and geological reservoirs.

a, Climate change results from the addition of geological carbon to the atmosphere through combustion or other processing of fossil fuels for energy. Carbon is indicated in red. b, Bioenergy seeks to avoid the net addition of carbon to the atmosphere by instead using biomass energy at a rate that matches the uptake of carbon by re-growing bioenergy feedstocks. c, Carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies intervene to capture most of the potential carbon emissions from fossil fuels, and return them to a geological (or possibly ocean) reservoir. d–h, NETs remove carbon from the atmosphere, either through biological uptake (g,h), uptake by biological or industrial processes with CCS (d,e) or enhanced weathering of minerals (f). Any atmospheric perturbation will lead to the redistribution of carbon between the other reservoirs (but these homeostatic processes are not shown). Note that there are significant differences in the materials and energy requirements for each process to remove (or avoid adding) a unit mass of carbon from (or to) the atmosphere.

NETs vary dramatically in terms of their requirements for land, GHG emissions removed or emitted, water and nutrient use, energy produced or demanded, biophysical climate impacts (represented by surface albedo) and cost, depending on both their character and on the scale of their deployment. Figure 3 highlights the differences in these requirements expressed per t Ceq removed from the atmosphere. Geological storage capacity has recently been evaluated as a potential limit to implementation for CCS (and hence BECCS)51, 52, so is not considered further here. Indirect effects of NETs through the reduced use of other technologies in pursuit of a given goal — for example, potentially fewer nuclear reactors, wind farms and solar arrays — are not considered here. The values we have used are estimated from analyses presented in the latest peer-reviewed literature (see Supplementary Methods).

Figure 3: The different requirements and impacts of NETs.
The different requirements and impacts of NETs.

a–f, Negative emissions technologies have different land (a), water (b) and nutrient (c) requirements, different geophysical impacts on climate (for example, albedo; d), generate or require different amounts of energy (e), and entail different capital and operating costs (f). For example, carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technologies such as DAC and EW of silicate rock tend to require much less land and water than strategies that depend on photosynthesis to reduce atmospheric carbon (a,b), but the CDR technologies demand substantial energy and economic investment per unit of negative emissions (e,f). Among BECCS options, forest feedstocks tend to require less nitrogen than purpose-grown crops (c), but present greater risk of unwanted changes in albedo (d), and generate less energy (e). AR has been omitted from b,e,f to avoid confusion with forest BECCS (where the CCS component is included). See Supplementary Methods and Table 1 for data sources.

We use global deployment of BECCS in the recent assessments featured in Supplementary Table 3 to derive the corresponding resource implications (Table 1), and focus on the scenario giving a 2100 atmospheric CO2 concentration in the range of 430–480 ppm (consistent with a 2 °C target). We compare DAC resource implications at the same level of negative emission as BECCS (that is, 3.3 Gt Ceq yr−1 in 2100; Table 1). For other NETs, which are not able to meet the same level of emissions removal, we use values compiled from an analysis of the recent literature to give mean and maximum implementation levels (see Supplementary Methods). Mean values for carbon removals from AR are estimated to be around 1.1 Gt Ceq yr−1 by 2100, with a maximum value of 3.3 Gt Ceq yr−1 for very large-scale deployment67, 68 (Table 1). The potential of carbon removal by EW (including adding carbonate and olivine to both oceans and soils) has been estimated to be as great as 1 Gt Ceq yr−1 by 2100, but with mean annual removal an order of magnitude less68 at 0.2 Gt Ceq yr−1. Combined with the bottom-up, per-t-Ceq impact ranges (Supplementary Methods), we then assess the resource implications, and the extent to which available resources may limit the deployment of NETs globally.

Table 1: Global impacts of NETs for the average needed global C removals per year in 2100 in 2 °C-consistent scenarios (430–480 ppm scenario category; Supplementary Table 3).

Biophysical, biogeochemical (that is, nutrients), energy and economic resource implications of large-scale implementation of NETs differ significantly. For DAC, costs and energy requirements are currently prohibitive and can be anticipated to slow deployment. Research and development is needed to reduce costs and energy requirements. For EW, the land areas required for spreading and/or burying crushed olivine are large, such that the logistical costs may represent an important barrier, compounded by the fact that the plausible potential for carbon removal is lower than for other NETs. In contrast, AR is relatively inexpensive, but the unintended impacts on radiative forcing through decreased albedo at high latitudes, and increased evapotranspiration increasing the atmospheric water vapour content, could limit effectiveness; likewise, increased water requirements could be an important trade-off, particularly in dry regions. Competition for land is also a potential issue, as it is for BECCS50, 88, 89. BECCS may also be limited by nutrient demand, or by increased water use, particularly if feedstocks are irrigated and when the additional water required for CCS is considered. These biophysical and economic resource implications may directly impose limits on the implementation of NETs in the future, but they may also indirectly constrain NETs by interacting with a number of societal challenges facing humanity in the coming decades, such as food, water and energy security, and thereby sustainable development. In addition to the biophysical and economic limits to NETs considered here, social, educational and institutional barriers, such as public acceptance of and safety concerns about new technologies and related deployment policies, could limit implementation. The drivers, risks, and limitations of the supply of NETs, showing activities thought to increase the potential supply of NETs, as well as the risks and geophysical and societal limits to the potential of NETs, are shown in Supplementary Fig. 1. Commercialization and deployment at larger scales will also allow more to be learnt about these technologies, in order to improve their efficiency and reduce cost.

To inform society of the potential risks and opportunities afforded by all mitigation options available, more research on NETs is clearly required. Although we have collated the best available data on NET impacts and have reflected changes related to deployment scale as accurately as possible, it is clear that common modelling frameworks are required to implement learning, cost, supply and efficiency curves for all NETs. By implementing such curves, future models will be able to develop portfolios of trajectories of NET development, allowing least-cost options to be selected, and learning and efficiency improvements to be reflected. The inconsistency in coverage of NETs and their impacts highlights this key knowledge gap; this analysis will help to frame these developments in the modelling community.

For BECCS, research and development is required to deliver high-efficiency energy conversion and distribution processes for the lowest-impact CCS, and the cost of infrastructure to transport CO2 from BECCS production areas to storage locations needs to be further evaluated. To this end, early deployment of CCS would enhance understanding of the risks and possible improvements of the technology. Integrated pilot plants need to be built (storing ~1 Mt CO2 per year) to examine how combined BECCS functions90; the capital cost of 5–10 full-size demonstrations of BECCS or CCS would require the investment of approximately US$5–10 billion90. There is also a need to develop socio-economic governance systems for all NETs, to provide incentives to fund this research and development, and implementation of infrastructure in the most sustainable manner, to limit adverse impacts in the transition to low-carbon energy systems, and to manage the risks associated with CCS (such as leakage, seismic action and environmental impacts)91. Priorities include investing in renewable and low-carbon technologies, efficiency and the integration of energy systems (to make the most of waste heat, excess electrons from photovoltaic panels and wind, and to close the carbon cycle of fossil sources by capturing and reusing CO2 by catalysis), and the realization of additional environmental benefits. In the meantime, emission reductions must continue to be the central goal for addressing climate change.

Addressing climate change remains a fundamental challenge for humanity, but there are risks associated with relying heavily on any technology that has adverse impacts on other aspects of regional or planetary sustainability. Although deep and rapid decarbonization may yet allow us to meet the <2 °C climate goal through emissions reduction alone8, this window of opportunity is rapidly closing8, 92 and so there is likely to be some need for NETs in the future41, 93. Our analysis indicates that there are numerous resource implications associated with the widespread implementation of NETs that vary between technologies and that need to be satisfactorily addressed before NETs can play a significant role in achieving climate change goals. Although some NETs could offer added environmental benefits (for example, improved soil carbon storage28), a heavy reliance on NETs in the future, if used as a means to allow continued use of fossil fuels in the present, is extremely risky, as our ability to stabilize the climate at <2 °C declines as cumulative emissions increase8, 35, 92. A failure of NETs to deliver expected mitigation in the future, due to any combination of biophysical and economic limits examined here, leaves us with no 'plan B'45. As this study shows, there is no NET (or combination of NETs) currently available that could be implemented to meet the <2 °C target without significant impact on either land, energy, water, nutrient, albedo or cost, and so 'plan A' must be to immediately and aggressively reduce GHG emissions.

  1. Le Quéré, C. et al. The global carbon budget 1959–2011. Earth Syst. Sci. Data 5, 165185 (2013).
  2. Peters, G. P. et al. The challenge to keep global warming below 2 °C. Nature Clim. Change 3, 46 (2013).
    A short article outlining the enormous challenge of meeting a 2 °C climate stabilization target.
  3. IPCC Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change (eds Edenhofer, O. et al.) (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2014).
    The latest IPCC Assessment Report on the mitigation options that are available to stabilize the climate.
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Pete Smith. Biophysical and economic limits to negative CO2 emissions[J]. Nature Climate Change,2015-12-07,Volume:6:Pages:42;50 (2016).
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