globalchange  > 气候变化事实与影响
DOI: doi:10.1038/nclimate2689
Towards predictive understanding of regional climate change
作者: Shang-Ping Xie
刊名: Nature Climate Change
ISSN: 1758-770X
EISSN: 1758-6890
出版年: 2015-09-07
卷: Volume:5, 页码:Pages:921;930 (2015)
语种: 英语
英文关键词: Social scientist/Social science ; Geography/geographer ; Sociology/sociologist ; Environmental economics/Economist ; Climate policy ; Environmental policy ; Global change ; Earth system science ; Climatologist ; Climate science ; Carbon management ; Carbon markets ; Energy ; Renewables ; Palaeoclimatology/Palaeoclimatologist ; Climate modelling/modeller ; Carbon cycle ; Atmospheric scientist ; Oceanography/marine science ; Sustainability ; Geophysicist/Geophysics ; Biogeoscience/Biogeoscientist ; Hydrology/Hydrogeology ; Greenhouse gas verification ; Ecologist/ecology ; Conservation ; Meteorology/meteorologist

Regional information on climate change is urgently needed but often deemed unreliable. To achieve credible regional climate projections, it is essential to understand underlying physical processes, reduce model biases and evaluate their impact on projections, and adequately account for internal variability. In the tropics, where atmospheric internal variability is small compared with the forced change, advancing our understanding of the coupling between long-term changes in upper-ocean temperature and the atmospheric circulation will help most to narrow the uncertainty. In the extratropics, relatively large internal variability introduces substantial uncertainty, while exacerbating risks associated with extreme events. Large ensemble simulations are essential to estimate the probabilistic distribution of climate change on regional scales. Regional models inherit atmospheric circulation uncertainty from global models and do not automatically solve the problem of regional climate change. We conclude that the current priority is to understand and reduce uncertainties on scales greater than 100 km to aid assessments at finer scales.

Climate change is one of the most serious challenges facing humanity, and extends far beyond the rise in global mean temperatures. Regional manifestations of climate change, including changes in droughts, floods, storminess, wildfires and heat waves, will affect societies and ecosystems. Information about regional impacts is crucial to support planning in many economic sectors, including agriculture, energy and water resources. Despite their importance, reliable projections of regional climate change face ongoing challenges1.

Here we review recent advances in understanding regional climate change, offer a critical discussion of outstanding issues, and make recommendations for future progress. We start by highlighting robust regional climate change patterns and their physical underpinnings, with a focus on temperature, precipitation and atmospheric circulation. Next we discuss outstanding challenges, including those related to physical understanding, model biases and internal variability effects, all of which contribute to uncertainty in projected changes of regional climate and extreme events. We conclude with a perspective on emerging opportunities in regional climate change research, including efforts to better understand and quantify projections of extreme events enabled by increasing model resolution and ensemble size.

Regional climate projections are often perceived as synonymous with downscaling, but a better understanding of the physical origins of regional changes is essential to achieve more reliable projections. Regional models and global climate models (GCMs) alike can aid this understanding. Here we use the term 'regional' in a broad sense, considering scales as large as whole continents and ocean basins (thousands of kilometres) or as small as a few hundred kilometres, limited by the resolution of GCMs and long historical observations. Regional models can achieve finer resolution than GCMs.

Climate anomalies are made up of a response to radiative changes and variability generated internally within the ocean–atmosphere–land–cryosphere system. Projections rely on assumptions about future changes in greenhouse gases (GHGs), aerosols and land use. Radiative forcing will probably continue increasing for the rest of the century, although the rate of increase is uncertain. Over time, the forced response will strengthen, diminishing the relative contribution from internal variability. Unless aggressive mitigation policies curb GHG emissions, the forced response is expected to dominate regional temperature change by the end of the century2.

Uncertainty in regional climate projections arises from internal variability as well as differences in model structure and forcing scenario, with the relative importance of these factors varying with time horizon3. This section highlights robust patterns of regional climate change, and the next section discusses uncertainties due to model biases and internal variability. GHG forcing uncertainty will not be addressed in detail, as at the regional scale it can be nearly eliminated simply by scaling with global mean temperature change. However, aerosols are an important regional-scale forcing, and their imprint on regional climate change patterns will be discussed.

Temperature. For timescales of a century and longer, the magnitude of global mean temperature change under any emissions scenario is related to the equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS)4 and the rate of deep oceanic heat uptake, which determines how quickly ECS is approached. Different models produce different values of these key metrics. The ECS of a GCM can be approximated as the sum of albedo, water vapour, lapse rate and cloud feedbacks. Cloud feedback is the dominant source of model spread5. Such feedbacks are strongly related to regional phenomena, so that the global mean is determined by integrated regional-scale effects (for example, ice albedo feedback).

At continental scales, robust features of change in surface air temperature have been found in observations and model projections (Fig. 1a). Polar amplification is a hallmark of surface temperature change in the Northern Hemisphere. It is largely a consequence of sea ice and snow albedo feedbacks, although poleward energy transport and feedbacks from clouds and water vapour may also be important6, 7. The ratio of land warming to ocean warming is found to be greater than unity across all scenarios and models for both transient and equilibrium warming, owing to differences in surface sensible and latent heat fluxes, boundary layer lapse rate and relative humidity, and cloud cover8. Muted warming is found in the Southern Ocean where excess surface heat is mixed into the ocean interior more effectively9, 10. A similar feature is found in the North Atlantic subpolar gyre. These large-scale features are amenable to 'pattern scaling', where fixed patterns of surface temperature change are scaled by the global mean temperature response across scenarios and through time11.

Figure 1: CMIP5 multimodel mean changes.
CMIP5 multimodel mean changes.

a, Surface air temperature and b, precipitation under Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 4.5 for the period 2081–2100 expressed as anomalies from 1986–2005, as the ensemble mean of 42 models available in CMIP5. Hatching indicates regions where the multimodel mean change is less than the natural variability (computed from 20-year averages taken from pre-industrial control experiments). Images generated using

For global-mean temperature projections, aerosol effects and cloud response are leading sources of uncertainty in radiative forcing and climate feedback, respectively2. For regional precipitation projections, we have shown that atmospheric circulation change is the major source of uncertainty (Supplementary Fig. S1). In the tropics, the circulation is coupled with patterns of SST change, whereas in the extratropics, internal variability, random but organized into large-scale spatial patterns, exacerbates the circulation uncertainty.

The problem of regional climate change projections presents a range of challenges in terms of physical understanding, the observational record, climate models and the simulations that we perform with them. For example, what are the long-term observational trends, and what are their causes? How sensitive are regional climate change patterns to forcing types with different spatial distributions (GHGs versus aerosols)? How can we predict robust patterns of circulation and precipitation change? How do systematic errors in models affect the change patterns? What are the relative roles of internal variability and forced response? These questions pose new problems of ocean–atmosphere–land interactions. Understanding these interactions will allow us to reduce circulation uncertainty and build confidence in regional climate projections.

Observations. The quality of the observational record is an inherent source of uncertainty, particularly pertaining to variability on decadal and longer timescales. Limited duration, incomplete spatial coverage and observational errors hinder our ability to characterize past changes and attribute them to anthropogenic forcing, and limit our ability to evaluate models65.

The tropical Pacific provides an example. Observational data sets disagree on the pattern of tropical Indo-Pacific SST change30, 66. Spatial variations in SST trends (0.2 °C per century) are generally smaller than the global SST increase (0.6 °C per century), approaching observational errors and/or internal variability. These spatial patterns drive atmospheric circulation changes, which in turn determine rainfall change patterns, as described above. Since all datasets are imperfect, seeking physical consistency among observations, for example between the tropical SST gradient and trade winds67, is a way to infer regional change patterns. The assimilation of data into models seeks such consistency, and proves effective for studying variability on synoptic to decadal timescales. Reanalysis products, however, often are not appropriate for climate change studies67, as the quality and quantity of assimilated data change over time. A new generation of reanalysis suitable for climate change research is necessary, with use of coupled assimilation to improve consistency between ocean and atmospheric data.

Knowledge of the strengths and limitations of observational data sets is imperative for understanding past climate change, evaluating models and constraining projections. Community efforts to gather such knowledge from experienced data users and developers, and to share it with the wider climate community via 'open-source' platforms (for example, are essential68. To facilitate multimodel assessments, open-source assessment packages for climate models can be valuable resources. For example, the Climate Variability Diagnostics Package ( provides key metrics of internal climate variability across models, with comparison to observations69. Ongoing efforts to produce a meaningful set of metrics on mean states, internal variability, and response to external forcing are integral to advancing regional-scale model evaluation ( The challenge is to convert insights from model evaluation to model improvements.

Impact of model errors on projections. Despite limitations of observational records, model biases are clearly evident, reducing confidence in regional projections. A common problem is excessive summertime drying of soils in continental interiors, which may impact the land–sea warming ratio. Models simulating excessive summer Arctic sea-ice may have too weak polar amplification70. In the tropics, convection and rainfall are organized into east–west elongated bands called the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ). A long-standing bias is the so-called 'double' ITCZ, referring to models' failure to keep the ITCZ north of the Equator over the eastern Pacific and Atlantic. The double ITCZ bias is related to atmosphere–ocean coupling errors and is likely to affect rainfall change projections in the South Pacific Islands71 and elsewhere. The 30–60-day Madden–Julian Oscillation is another phenomenon poorly represented in many models72 and affecting confidence in projections of the South Asian monsoon, especially the subseasonal variability such as active/break cycles. Thus, despite a relatively robust understanding of tropical rainfall changes (see 'Mechanisms for regional climate change' above), the precise pattern in any particular model may not be credible.

Some biases persist over multiple model generations. It is important to move beyond routine model evaluation (for example, root mean square errors) and develop innovative techniques to evaluate processes impacting regional projections. The equatorial Pacific cold tongue, for example, results from interaction of trade winds and ocean upwelling (Bjerknes feedback). The cold tongue extends too far west in most models, skewing ENSO SST anomaly patterns and hence atmospheric teleconnections. The balance between the Bjerknes feedback and damping by upwelling and surface heat fluxes determines the magnitude and pattern of SST response to global warming16, 18. This balance varies considerably among models. Most CMIP5 models project larger warming in the eastern than western equatorial Pacific14. But if the upwelling damping were stronger, this change in east–west gradient could reverse73, altering ENSO's magnitude and spatial pattern49. Model evaluation should quantify these ocean–atmospheric feedbacks and their role in determining the spatial pattern of SST change. Such process-based model evaluation challenges the observational record, as estimates of process-level variables may only be available from field campaigns in sparse regions and times.

A further challenge is that model processes often involve complex interactions between resolved dynamics and multiple parameterization schemes. It is not the best strategy to update parameterization schemes in isolation, as physical consistency of multiple processes is required. The 'assembly' stage of model development, often erroneously called 'model tuning', would benefit from tighter integration with process-based model evaluation. For example, long-standing tropical biases like the double ITCZ may be influenced by extratropical errors, such as Southern Ocean clouds74 and the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation75.

Statistical methods have been suggested to adjust regional projections based on evaluation of model errors. Bayesian techniques use large model ensembles with perturbed parameters and weight each member according to its ability to reproduce observations76, 77. Such approaches take into account uncertainties from multiple sources: models, observations and physical understanding. This allows us to move beyond simple ensemble mean and standard deviation approaches common in regional assessments (Fig. 1). The concept of 'emergent constraints' derives relationships between observable quantities and future projection variables in multimodel ensembles and uses the relationship to re-weight the multimodel projections in a similar way to the Bayesian approach70, 78. Emergent constraints cannot deal with errors common to all models, highlighting the need for innovative complementary approaches to improving models.

Effects of internal variability. Any individual observed or simulated climate trajectory contains contributions from internal variability and external forcing. The relative importance of these two contributions depends on temporal and spatial scale, and on the variable of interest3, 79, 80. In the extratropics, internal variability plays a dominant role in multidecadal atmospheric circulation changes, shaping regional patterns of temperature and precipitation changes80. For example, large uncertainties in North American air temperature and precipitation trends projected over the next 50 years stem mostly from internal circulation variability81. To the extent this internal variability is unpredictable, the resultant uncertainty is irreducible. This 'single realization effect' is large enough to mask the forced regional response, presenting a major challenge for understanding and communication of regional climate change45, 82.

Owing to internal variability, ensemble-mean regional climate trends may be misleading83, 84. The top panels of Fig. 4 provide an example of a probabilistic representation of winter SAT trends at a grid point near Vienna, Austria, based on a 30-member initial condition ensemble81. The trend distribution is broad for 1976–2005; even with the forced response of 0.2 °C per decade, there is a 20% chance that the 30-year SAT trend is negative. As trend length increases, the radiatively forced trend increases while the trend distribution narrows, indicating reduced importance of internal variability.

Figure 4: Probabilistic representation of regional climate change at a grid box near Vienna, Austria (48.5° N, 16.2° E).
Probabilistic representation of regional climate change at a grid box near Vienna, Austria (48.5[deg] N, 16.2[deg] E).

a, Frequency distributions, binned at intervals of 0.5 °C per 50 years, of the 1976–2005 and 1976–2080 wintertime (December–February) SAT trends from a 30-member CESM ensemble under the Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 8.5. b, The frequency of linear trend exceedance for trends that begin in 1976 and end in different years (x axis) at the grid point. The trend threshold (filled contours at intervals of 0.25 °C per 50 years) at a frequency of exceedance α is determined by the (100 − α) percentile of the trends for the 30 ensemble members. The plotted exceedance frequency limits are 2.5% and 97.5%. The radiatively forced trend is approximated by the median trend. c, Estimates of probability distribution functions (PDFs) of summer (June–August) mean SAT anomalies, defined by the 1951–2000 base period. The PDF of a 'typical' realization for 2001–2015 (dashed black) is determined as the normal distribution with mean and standard deviation of the 30-member ensemble. The purple and orange curves are 2016–2030 PDF estimates from two individual ensemble members, obtained by kernel density estimation. Deviations from the seasonal mean for the PDFs are obtained by subtracting the seasonal SAT anomaly from the 2001–2030 linear trend. d, As in c, but the thick red curve represents the 2016–2030 estimated PDF from the full ensemble by adopting the normal distribution with variance equal to (σ02 + σμ2), where σ0 is the ensemble mean of the seasonal standard deviation from the 2016–2030 mean (0.85 °C) and σμ is the ensemble standard deviation of the 2016–2030 mean SAT anomalies (0.23 °C), indicating the widening impact of trend uncertainty on the ensemble PDF. The dashed red curve is the estimate derived directly from the histogram of the 30 ensemble members. The expected increase in hot extremes, depicted by the area in red shading, is due to both rightward shift of the PDF and the PDF broadening. The broadening is owing to trend uncertainty from natural variability and an increase in σ0 from 0.80 to 0.85 °C.

We have identified key physical mechanisms for regional climate change (Fig. 5). The thermodynamic response to radiative forcing is best understood and most robust across models. Examples include enhanced continental warming, polar amplification and the wet-gets-wetter effect. Decomposition of rainfall change into thermodynamic and dynamic components shows that atmospheric circulation change is the main source of uncertainty in regional projections. Understanding the mechanisms for circulation change is essential to reduce this uncertainty, but they have only begun to be explored. More research is needed on how aerosol forcing can induce regional atmospheric circulation change (for example, the Asian summer monsoon). Recent studies suggest that despite large uncertainties in aerosol radiative forcing, there are robust planetary-scale response patterns, mediated by ocean coupling.

Figure 5: Schematic of physical origins of regional climate change.
  1. Hall, A. Projecting regional change. Science 346, 14611462
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Shang-Ping Xie. Towards predictive understanding of regional climate change[J]. Nature Climate Change,2015-09-07,Volume:5:Pages:921;930 (2015).
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