globalchange  > 气候变化事实与影响
DOI: doi:10.1038/nclimate2681
Domestic uptake of green energy promoted by opt-out tariffs
作者: Felix Ebeling
刊名: Nature Climate Change
ISSN: 1758-871X
EISSN: 1758-6991
出版年: 2015-06-15
卷: Volume:5, 页码:Pages:868;871 (2015)
语种: 英语
英文关键词: Psychology ; Decision making ; Economics

Motivating individuals to choose energy from sustainable sources over conventionally produced power constitutes one of the biggest policy challenges for societies1, 2. Here we present the results of a randomized controlled trial in Germany that tested the impact of default rules (that is, a type of ‘nudging) on voluntary purchases of ‘green energy contracts that entirely stem from renewable resources. Setting the default choice to more expensive ‘green energy (that is, where consumers have to actively opt out if they do not want it) increased purchases of such nearly tenfold. Furthermore, county-level political preference for the green party uniquely predicted behaviour in the absence of the nudge, suggesting that default setting potentially overrules motivational aspects of green energy purchases. In follow-up experiments, we provide further evidence that the effect does not seem to be driven by unawareness. Summarizing, the present research provides an example of using behavioural science3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 for climate change mitigation and shows alternatives to the use of subsidies or other economic incentives.

As there is a broad consensus that consumer behaviour presents a viable opportunity for mitigating climate change, a core question for scientists and policymakers alike is how to effectively promote environmentally friendly behaviour on the large scale. Especially regarding climate change mitigation, scientists have tried to augment ‘green (that is, pro-environmental) behaviours of the general public by scaling up ‘behavioural principles derived from laboratory experiments1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Being coined ‘nudging7, 10, this method has become popular among policymakers who are now capable of subtly steering individual decisions towards goals set by them without using coercion. However, even though research on ‘nudges and, in particular, non-binding defaults11, 12, 13 has delivered promising results in various domains of social and economic policy, no research has thus far tested its efficacy in the case of energy-related behaviours. ‘Default nudges typically manipulate initial choice-sets without infringing liberty or autonomy but still affect a persons decision. They have been characterized as the ‘choice alternative a consumer receives if he/she does not explicitly specify otherwise (p. 592; ref. 14), a notion that is widely agreed on in the literature15, 16, 17. Defaults allow a pronounced change in outcomes and help to promote policy goals such as sufficient organ availability, lack of old-age poverty, or—in our case—reduction of greenhouse gases. Probably the most widely known example of nudging by default-setting stems from organ donation11. A simple difference can be sufficient to provide different participation rates as shown by country-level correlations between locally set default rules and outcomes. Opt-out rules lead to high participation, whereas actively opting in keeps participation at low levels in the respective countries11.

Here, we test whether this principle can also be applied to the domain of energy choices in a large sample of German households, trying to nudge households towards purchases of ‘green energy in a randomized controlled trial (RCT). With purchasing a ‘green energy contract, the company guarantees the consumer to add their individual consumption to the energy mix in the form of energy from renewable resources. Although the impact of a single consumers energy use on a countrys total energy consumption is negligible, purchasing ‘green energy can be viewed as the consumers decision to voice their preference regarding a countrys energy mix.

Therefore, we augment previous behavioural scientific research interested in sustainable behaviour. This research has addressed, for example, social effects such as comparisons and norms3, 9, technical advice8, and public commitment2 as tools to pursue energy-policy-related goals involving energy and water conservation. Besides social effects, behavioural science that aimed to increase pro-environmental behaviour has also focused on peoples psychological self-concepts1. Results suggest that biospheric framing can be sometimes more effective than economic framing as many consumers like to perceive themselves as pro-environmental.

Therefore, we attempt to use a ‘nudge-based approach to steer consumers towards the purchase of ‘green energy despite additional costs. But why are choices of ‘green energy particularly suitable for behavioural interventions using defaults? It is plausible that decisions that are highly relevant for ones moral identity18 are particularly influenced by default setting. As previous research has shown1, individual morality is an important driver of pro-environmental behaviour. Actively negating ones moral convictions regarding the environment by opting out of a pre-selected pro-environmental option might be much more aversive compared with not opting in. Therefore, defaults could be particularly effective in the domain of environmental decision making, including energy choices.

A total of 41,952 households participated in the 4.5-week-long RCT and were randomly assigned into one of two treatments. The RCT was embedded into the webpage of a nationwide energy supplier and it uniquely targeted prospective customers of the firm. Households chose between energy contracts with a high or low service quality, and both types offer the option to uniquely use energy from renewable sources. This option was varied by letting people either actively opt into ‘green energy or passively purchase it if not opting out (see Fig. 1 and Methods for details). The corresponding box was either pre-selected (opt out) or not (opt in). Our main dependent variable is the purchase of an indefinite energy contract that equips the household with energy until revoked by either party.

Figure 1: Basic website layout in control (left) and experimental (right) treatments.
Basic website layout in control (left) and experimental (right) treatments.

A nationwide active German energy supplier allowed us to test our hypothesis that defaults increase green energy consumption by introducing a randomized controlled trial (RCT) on their homepage. The RCT was conducted in early summer 2012 and lasted for 4.5 weeks. The homepage is targeted towards regular consumers, that is, standard non-commercial household consumption (typically consisting of 1–6 household members). Customers who enter the homepage are asked to provide their household size, their previous yearly energy consumption, and their postal code. Postal codes are used by the company to charge different prices (that is, due to different power grid charges). The yearly energy use is used to give prospective consumers a price comparison between our supplier and the local supplier. Once prospective customers have entered this information, they can submit an enquiry using the ‘show contract button. On the subsequent page, two contracts are offered, the high-service-quality and the low-service-quality contract (see Fig. 1). The services differ mainly in the way that the low-service-quality contract is a web-only contract without extensive customer service and with online billing only. In the high-service-quality contract, the base price is, on average, €7.33 (s.d. = €1.33) and the price per unit (kWh) is, on average, €0.2386 (s.d. = €0.0081). In the low-service-quality contract, the base price is always €2 less and the price per unit is, on average, €0.0169 (s.d. = 0.0065) lower. Customers can choose which of the two contracts they prefer, by clicking one of two buttons that say ‘Order now.

The treatment variation was implemented on this page. Directly located under the price per unit, there was an option to opt into/out of green energy by checking versus unchecking the box (see Fig. 1 of the main text). In the control treatment, the option was unmarked allowing prospective customers to actively opt in. In the experimental treatment, the option was marked allowing prospective customers to opt out. Clicking versus unclicking the button dynamically led to a price change of the price per unit that was visible to the prospective customer. Across both treatments, the added price for green energy was 0.3 cents per unit, which is the actual price charged by the company independent of the RCT. On the basis of average consumption, this yields about €9 per year additional costs for consumers, which is the actual price of energy that stems entirely out of renewable resources that the company charges. Therefore, customers change the companys energy mix with their purchase. Importantly, the green energy check box was always similarly set for the low-service-quality contract and the high-service-quality contract. Either both or none of the contracts had the box checked, depending on the treatment. Randomization was directly entered into the source code of the homepage by manipulation of the PHP script using the ‘rand() function. Furthermore, cookies were placed on prospective customers computers to ensure that they always received the same default in case they revisited the page before making a final decision, which is a standard procedure of the supplier.

To prevent our data set from being biased, we excluded robot visits from cross-selling platforms that use automatic enquiries to update prices on price-comparison homepages that also directly sell contracts to customers without customers actively visiting the homepage of a supplier. Once a prospective customer clicked the ‘Order now button, they were directed towards a page that asked them to fill in their identifiable information (name, address, bank account, and so on). Once they submitted this information, a binding contract was set between the customer and the supplier.

The online study run on Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT) was designed similarly to the RCT, but did not include the branding of the supplier. Colours, shapes and design were held neutral, but similar to the original design. Participants on AMT received $0.50 flat compensation in exchange for taking the survey, a standard rate of payment on the platform at the time. All AMT data were gathered in the autumn of 2012. Participants were asked to participate in a consumer experience study and should imagine shopping for an energy contract with the simulated supplier. There were asked to make their decisions as if they were really purchasing a contract. The awareness check was a multiple-choice question involving four answering options. These were: high-service energy contract without green energy, high-service energy contract with green energy, low-service energy contract without green energy, and low-service energy contract with green energy.

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Felix Ebeling. Domestic uptake of green energy promoted by opt-out tariffs[J]. Nature Climate Change,2015-06-15,Volume:5:Pages:868;871 (2015).
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