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DOI: doi:10.1038/nclimate2564
Rapidly falling costs of battery packs for electric vehicles
作者: Bjö; rn Nykvist
刊名: Nature Climate Change
ISSN: 1758-986X
EISSN: 1758-7106
出版年: 2015-03-23
卷: Volume:5, 页码:Pages:329;332 (2015)
语种: 英语
英文关键词: Climate-change mitigation

To properly evaluate the prospects for commercially competitive battery electric vehicles (BEV) one must have accurate information on current and predicted cost of battery packs. The literature reveals that costs are coming down, but with large uncertainties on past, current and future costs of the dominating Li-ion technology1, 2, 3. This paper presents an original systematic review, analysing over 80 different estimates reported 2007–2014 to systematically trace the costs of Li-ion battery packs for BEV manufacturers. We show that industry-wide cost estimates declined by approximately 14% annually between 2007 and 2014, from above US$1,000 per kWh to around US$410 per kWh, and that the cost of battery packs used by market-leading BEV manufacturers are even lower, at US$300 per kWh, and has declined by 8% annually. Learning rate, the cost reduction following a cumulative doubling of production, is found to be between 6 and 9%, in line with earlier studies on vehicle battery technology2. We reveal that the costs of Li-ion battery packs continue to decline and that the costs among market leaders are much lower than previously reported. This has significant implications for the assumptions used when modelling future energy and transport systems and permits an optimistic outlook for BEVs contributing to low-carbon transport.

The single most important factor in achieving a compelling and affordable mass-market BEV is its relative cost4. The key difference in design and cost between BEVs and internal combustion vehicles is the power train—in particular, the battery. It is commonly understood that the cost of battery packs needs to fall to below US$150 per kWh in order for BEVs to become cost-competitive on par with internal combustion vehicles5. This paper presents a first-of-its-kind systematic review of the cost of battery packs (in contrast to the cost of constituent cell) to BEV manufacturers of the at present dominating Li-ion technology.

Recent noteworthy papers put such costs per kWh in the range €500–1,200 (US$636–1,529; ref. 1) and US$800–US$1,200 (ref. 2) in the 2010–2011 time frame, but these figures stem from only a limited set of data sources. There are also clear signs that costs of batteries are declining: estimates have been published putting costs as high as US$1,000 per kWh in 2012 (ref. 4), citing data from 2008 from the International Energy Agency (IEA; ref. 6) and 2007 from the World Energy Council (WEC; ref. 7). Comparisons between internal combustion and battery electric cars in 2009–2010 found battery costs to be €600(US$764) per kWh (ref. 8) and, most recently, van Noorden reported US$500 per kWh in 2014 in a recent paper9. Other recent research10, as well as major revisions of estimates from key actors studying the industry11, 12, also suggest that costs are declining fast. However, there have been no peer-reviewed studies that systematically review battery pack costs since the introduction of the new generation of BEVs in 2008 (ref. 10).

We review cost estimates of battery packs for BEV application only (high capacity), excluding hybrid vehicle application (high power) as these are typically 30–50% more costly and not used in BEV (ref. 3). We include cost estimates of all variants of Li-ion technology used for BEV, as the aim is to track the progress of BEV technology in general and data is too scarce for individual Li-ion cell chemistry variants. Cost estimates (N = 85) included are from peer reviewed papers in international scientific journals; the most cited grey literature, including estimates by agencies, consultancy and industry analysts; news items of individual accounts from industry representatives and experts; and, finally, some further novel estimates for leading BEV manufacturers (see Supplementary Sheet 1). Results are based on N = 53 unique estimates (see Methods) and show that average cost, given as μ ± 2σ, for the industry as a whole declined by 14 ± 6% (N = 53, R2 = 0.28, p = 5.1 × 10−5) annually from 2007 to 2014 (Fig. 1, blue squares and crosses), and costs for market-leading manufacturers declined by 8 ± 8% (N = 15, R2 = 0.23, p = 0.07) annually for the same period (Fig. 1, green circles), leading to an estimated current cost range in 2014, given as given as the mean (95% confidence interval for the log model are shown in parentheses), of US$410(250–670) per kWh and US$300(140–620) per kWh respectively. This is of the order of two to four times lower than many recent peer-reviewed papers have suggested. Linear models give similar R2 values, but an exponential relationship is to be expected1. The rates for market leaders is on par with the 6–9% reported by Weiss et al.1, citing industry analysts11, 13, and 5–8% given by representatives from the industry14. We estimate that cumulative battery capacity has grown by more than 100% annually since 2011 (see Supplementary Sheet 3). However, the cost data has too much uncertainty to be used directly together with data on cumulative capacity to estimate learning rates, but using modelled average costs gives a learning rate of 9% (R2 = 0.99, p = 0.006) for the industry as a whole and 6% (R2 = 0.99, p = 0.004) for market-leading actors (Fig. 2). Finally, results show that costs in 2014 were probably already below average projected costs for the 2020 time frame (Fig. 1, yellow triangles).

Figure 1: Cost of Li-ion battery packs in BEV.
Cost of Li-ion battery packs in BEV.

Data are from multiple types of sources and trace both reported cost for the industry and costs for market-leading manufactures. If costs reach US$150 per kWh this is commonly considered as the point of commercialization of BEV.

We used data sources in research cited in this paper1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 10 complemented by a search in Web of Science using search criteria ‘TS = (Electric vehicle Li-ion battery cost) (102 papers, 2014-09-10). The same keywords were used to identify further papers, news items and expert and industry statements by reviewing the first 100 hits retrieved from Googles search engine. We did not include data on costs of battery packs in hybrid vehicles, but sources with estimates stated to be relevant for both types are included. If a given reference did not contain novel data or analysis, data was traced back to its original source. This eliminated cross referrals and duplicate data points (N = 17). For publications and reports we assessed the method used (for example, original analysis of statements from industry, original review, or original analysis of the value chain including material and production cost), and if no method was specified the data was excluded from the review (N = 15; see Supplementary Sheet 1); however, this data is shown for reference as a separate data series in Fig. 1. This analysis was complemented by additional data points from extensive searches for cost estimates for individual car models (five in total identified), and their respective car and battery manufacturers originating from public statements made by company representatives, as well as novel bottom-up calculations based on, for example, reported replacement costs (N = 27; see Supplementary Sheet 1, and 5–13). A total of N = 85 data points were assessed for historical costs and additional data points (N = 37) were identified for future forecast costs (see Supplementary Sheet 1). For all data, cost ranges (if given) were converted with the arithmetic mean of the highest and lowest data points in the range, historical costs were inflation adjusted to US$(2014 as of October 2014) using data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (see Supplementary Sheet 3), currencies are converted using historical exchange rates from the US Federal Reserve (see Supplementary Sheet 4). Data was fitted with log regression and 95% confidence intervals derived with a two-tailed t-test. Results are shown as separate regressions for the whole industry, market leaders only, and the net of these two (excluding market leaders) as shown in Fig. 1. We investigated declining uncertainty as change in mean to variance ratio by deriving averages and standard deviations for years 2008–2014 and performing a linear regression of these values. For the calculation of learning rates there were no official sales figures for the global BEV market available, but cumulative battery pack volumes were assessed by combining several sources in press releases for car manufacturers, data provided by actors following the industry28, 29, and data found in individual reports, such as IEA Global EV outlook 2013 (ref. 17). Total 2014 BEV sales is projected based on these sources as final sales were not available at time of submission (October 2014; see Supplementary Sheet 2). Average battery pack sizes for sold cars were assessed based on known properties of market-leading vehicles and an estimated average size of 25 kWh per car for other vehicles (see Supplementary Sheet 2), on par with data used by other papers2. Together these sources provided data on cumulative capacity for 2011 through 2014. Learning rates were calculated by regression of log cost data and log cumulative capacity data1, 30. However, the data on cost contained too high an uncertainty to calculate learning rates directly (R2 < 0.1). Modelled data from this paper for 2011–2014 (N = 4) was used instead, which give highly significant results (as shown in Fig. 2), but the underlying uncertainty in cost data must instead be taken into account when interpreting the results. However, as all estimated declines in costs are significant we choose this method to be able to estimate learning rates.

  1. Weiss, M. et al. On the electrification of road transport—Learning rates and price forecasts for hybrid-electric and battery-electric vehicles. Energy Policy 48, 374393 (2012).
  2. Gerssen-Gondelach, S. J. & Faaij, A. P. C. Performance of batteries for electric vehicles on short and longer term. J. Power Sources 212, 111129 (2012).
  3. Catenacci, M., Verdolini, E., Bosetti, V. & Fiorese, G. Going electric: Expert survey on the future of battery technologies for electric vehicles. Energy Policy 61, 403413 (2013).
  4. Tran, M., Banister, D., Bishop, J. D. K. & McCulloch, M. D. Realizing the electric-vehicle revolution. Nature Clim. Change 2, 328333 (2012).
  5. Department of Energy Costs of Lithium-Ion Batteries for Vehicles (Department of Energy, 2000).
  6. International Technology Perspectives 2008—Scenarios and strategies to 2050 (International Energy Agency, 2008);
  7. Transport Technologies and Policy Scenarios to 2050 (World Energy Council, 2007);
  8. Thiel, C., Perujo, A. & Mercier, A. Cost and CO2 aspects of future vehicle options in Europe under new energy policy scenarios. Energy Policy 38, 71427151 (2010).
  9. Van Noorden, R. A better battery. Nature 507, 2628 (2014).
  10. Nykvist, B. & Nilsson, M. The EV paradox—A multilevel study of why Stockholm is not a leader in electric vehicles. Environ. Innov. Soc. Transit. 14, 2644 (2015).
  11. The End of the Oil Age 2011 and B
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Bjö,rn Nykvist. Rapidly falling costs of battery packs for electric vehicles[J]. Nature Climate Change,2015-03-23,Volume:5:Pages:329;332 (2015).
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