globalchange  > 气候变化事实与影响
DOI: doi:10.1038/nclimate2497
Geographic range predicts photosynthetic and growth response to warming in co-occurring tree species
作者: Peter B. Reich
刊名: Nature Climate Change
ISSN: 1758-1057X
EISSN: 1758-7177
出版年: 2015-01-19
卷: Volume:5, 页码:Pages:148;152 (2015)
语种: 英语
英文关键词: Climate-change ecology

Populations near the warm edge of species ranges may be particularly sensitive to climate change1, 2, 3, 4, but lack of empirical data on responses to warming represents a key gap in understanding future range dynamics. Herein we document the impacts of experimental warming on the performance of 11 boreal and temperate forest species that co-occur at the ecotone between these biomes in North America5. We measured in situ net photosynthetic carbon gain and growth of >4,100 juvenile trees from local seed sources exposed to a chamberless warming experiment that used infrared heat lamps and soil heating cables to elevate temperatures by +3.4 °C above- and belowground6 for three growing seasons across 48 plots at two sites. In these ecologically realistic field settings, species growing nearest their warm range limit exhibited reductions in net photosynthesis and growth, whereas species near their cold range limit responded positively to warming. Differences among species in their three-year growth responses to warming parallel their photosynthetic responses to warming, suggesting that leaf-level responses may scale to whole-plant performance. These responses are consistent with the hypothesis, from observational data and models4, 7, 8, 9, 10, that warming will reduce the competitive ability of currently dominant southern boreal species compared with locally rarer co-occurring species that dominate warmer neighbouring regions.

Co-occurring species at boreal–temperate ecotones may respond differently to climate warming, triggering changes in their competitive hierarchies, and thus in species composition1, 2. One metric that could indicate such differences is the location of local populations relative to key features of species geographic distributions, such as range limits3, 7, 8, 9, 10. Even locally adapted populations of co-occurring species might differ in terms of how well suited they are to the local thermal environment. Boreal species with generally colder distributions and greater cold tolerance11, 12 may have lower capacity to improve their performance with projected higher temperatures than less cold-tolerant temperate species, because of trade-offs between cold tolerance and growth capacity13, 14, 15. Boreal species may also be more sensitive to heat waves and associated droughts than temperate species. Moreover, as widely distributed species commonly display ecotypic variation across the environmental gradients spanned by their ranges16, 17, 18, intraspecific genotypic variation within co-occurring species could further shape differences in their responses to climate warming3, 4, 19. For example, populations near the cold edge of a species’ distribution may receive genes from populations from warmer climates, and thus contain genetic material that enables successful growth in a warming climate. In contrast, populations near the warm edge of their range cannot receive genes from populations in warmer climates, because such populations do not exist. Any, or all, of these differences could result in boreal species near the warm edge of their range having limited capacity to respond positively to further warming compared to temperate species near their cold range limit. These kinds of species differences in responsiveness to climate warming could lead to major compositional shifts at broad ecotones, including the boundary between the vast boreal and temperate forest biomes7, 9, 10, 20.

Many tree species co-occur at the boreal–temperate ecotone, but otherwise have markedly distinct geographic distributions. For example, in northern Minnesota, USA, roughly half of the abundant species5 are boreal (extending to northern Canada but not much further south in the US) and half are temperate (extending further south in the US, but with northern range limits not much beyond the US/Canada border)21, 22.

The co-occurrence in the southern boreal ecotone of species with markedly distinct ranges provides an opportunity to address the hypothesis that boreal tree species near their warmer range limits will exhibit negative or neutral responses to future warming, whereas coexisting temperate species near their cold range limits will have neutral or positive responses, facilitating forest compositional change. This hypothesis is implicit in ‘climate-envelope’ models, even those with modifications for plant sensitivities to resources and environments10, 23, 24, 25, 26. However, it is also possible that, despite large differences in overall geographic distribution, strong local adaptation of near range-edge populations could result in co-occurring species having a similar capacity to respond physiologically to future warming.

Herein we present results of a three-year chamberless field experiment6 that tested these hypotheses by exposing juveniles of 11 tree species to ambient and elevated (+3.4 °C) growing season temperatures and measuring their physiological and growth responses. Juveniles (~3 years old in 2009) of ten native and one naturalized species from northern Minnesota seed sources were planted in 2008 into existing vegetation in both open (cleared) and closed canopy (understory) forest habitats at two sites (~150 km apart) in northeastern Minnesota, USA (Supplementary Table 1). Plants grew in ecologically realistic densities of neighbouring herb, shrub and tree species, and thus the observed performance of each species represents their response to warming in a setting that included interactions, such as competition, with other plants. Although the study species are often lumped into boreal and temperate groups, their distributions represent continua (Supplementary Fig. 1), and we evaluated whether two complementary indices of distributions were related to species’ responses to climate warming. One index, based on a mapped continent-wide distribution21, 22, is the centre of the latitudinal range in central North America. A second, and more regional, index quantifies for each species the percentage of their regional relative abundance that occurs in the northern half of six ecotonal counties in northeastern Minnesota. See Supplementary Information for details. The two measures of geographic distribution are significantly (r = 0.90, P < 0.001) linearly correlated (Supplementary Fig. 2).

As hypothesized, over three growing seasons, net photosynthetic carbon gain and juvenile tree growth were adversely impacted by experimental warming for boreal species growing furthest south of the centre of their range, near their warm range limit, but were stimulated for co-occurring temperate species growing north of the centre of their range, near their cold range limit (Table 1, Figs 1 and 2, and Supplementary Fig. 3). The analyses of variance of experimental treatments across all species, sites and canopy conditions showed significant interaction between species and warming treatment for both growth and net photosynthesis (P < 0.0001, Table 1); species differed in the direction (positive, neutral, negative) and magnitude of response to warming. Overall responses of net photosynthesis and growth to warming (on average across species) did not differ by site (that is, no site warming interactions, P > 0.05).

Table 1: Analysis of variance of site, species, canopy, and warming treatments on growth (stem dry biomass) and photosynthesis.

Site description and experimental design.

The experiment is located at two University of Minnesota field stations; the Cloquet Forestry Center, Cloquet MN (46° 40′ 46′′ N, 92° 31′ 12′′ W) and ~150 km further north, the Hubachek Wilderness Research Center, Ely, MN (47° 56′ 46′′ N, 91° 45′ 29′′ W). Weather stations nearest the two sites report that mean annual and seasonal temperatures from 1973 to 2008 were ~2.2 °C cooler and mean annual precipitation was ~7% lower near the northern (Ely) than near the southern site (Cloquet; Supplementary Table 1). During the experimental period (2009–2011), conditions at both weather stations were not atypical from long-term trends. Temperatures by season and year were on average slightly warmer and precipitation was slightly lower in 2009–2011 than in 1973–2008. Site-based monitoring during the experiment indicates that sites had similar temperatures, especially during the growing season, such that the two sites roughly represent replicates in terms of climate.

At both sites, treatments were positioned in both closed (40–60 year old mixed aspen-birch-fir) and relatively open (recently cleared) overstory conditions. The overall experimental design was a 2(site) 2(habitat) 3(treatment) factorial, with six replicates of each for a total of 72 circular 3-m diameter plots. Treatments included three levels of simultaneous plant and soil warming (ambient, +1.7 °C, +3.4 °C), all of which included infrared lamp heaters and soil heating cables (dummy lamps and cables in the ambient plots). For this study we used the 48 plots exposed to ambient or +3.4 °C warming. Warming was implemented from early spring to late fall each year in open air (that is, without chambers) via a feedback control that acts concurrently and independently at the plot scale to maintain a fixed temperature differential from ambient conditions above- and belowground. On average, we achieved 24-h d−1 warming of +3.4 °C (roughly April–November) and midsummer midday (0900–1,500 h during June–Sept) aboveground warming of +2.9 °C across the 2009 to 2011 growing seasons.

Seedlings of the 11 tree species were planted into existing shrub, herb and fern vegetation in each plot. Vegetation densities were high, as is typical for this region. The planted juveniles included six native broadleaf, one naturalized broadleaf and four native needleleaf species, all of which are present in the ecotonal region. Local ecotypes of all native seedlings were obtained from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources; Rhamnus seedlings were transplanted from northern Minnesota forests. Methods of defining the indices of species range limits and local ecotypic distributions are provided in the Supplementary Information.

Growth and gas-exchange measurements and statistical analyses.

Tree diameter and height were measured each fall (2009, 2010, 2011) for all individuals. Total stem biomass in 2011 for 4,118 individuals was estimated from a regression relation (from 790 trees harvested in 2011) that described biomass as a function of diameter and height (R2 = 0.95, P < 0.0001). Mortality was very low for almost all species in all treatments. Here we show stem biomass growth responses, as these integrate diameter and height growth. We measured light-saturated net photosynthetic rates in situ in morning or early afternoon across the growing season in 2009, 2010 and 2011. A total of >4,400 measurements of net photosynthesis were made across species, treatments, sites and time. In situ measures of light-saturated net photosynthesis were made using six Li-Cor 6400 portable photosynthesis systems (Li-Cor, Lincoln, NE). Measurements were made throughout the growing seasons (June to September) of 2009 through 2011 under generally comparable conditions across species (Supplementary Table 2).

Multi-factor analyses of variance were used to compare net photosynthetic rates to treatment combinations. Models included the following independent variables: site, species, overstory condition, warming treatment and all 2- and 3-way interactions among variables. For analysis of growth, we used stem biomass at the end of the growing season in 2011 as the dependent variable and used the stem diameter in 2008 as a covariate. For additional information, see Supplementary Information.

  1. Walther, G-R. Community and ecosystem responses to recent climate change. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 365, 20192024 (2010).
  2. Pucko, C., Beckage, B., Perkins, T. & Keeton, W. S. Species shifts in response to climate change: Individual or shared responses? J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 138, 156176 (2011).
  3. Davis, M. B. & Shaw, R. G. Range shifts and adaptive responses to Quaternary climate change. Science 292, 673679 (2001).
  4. Reich, P. B. & Oleksyn, J. Climate warming will reduce growth and survival of Scots pine except in the far north. Ecol. Lett. 11, 588597 (2008).
  5. Friedman, S. K. & Reich, P. B. Regional legacies of logging: Departure from presettlement forest conditions in northern Minnesota. Ecol. Appl. 15, 726744 (2005).
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Recommended Citation:
Peter B. Reich. Geographic range predicts photosynthetic and growth response to warming in co-occurring tree species[J]. Nature Climate Change,2015-01-19,Volume:5:Pages:148;152 (2015).
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