globalchange  > 气候变化事实与影响
DOI: doi:10.1038/nclimate2357
Climate model simulations of the observed early-2000s hiatus of global warming
作者: Gerald A. Meehl
刊名: Nature Climate Change
ISSN: 1758-1177X
EISSN: 1758-7297
出版年: 2014-09-07
卷: Volume:4, 页码:Pages:898;902 (2014)
语种: 英语
英文关键词: Projection and prediction ; Climate and Earth system modelling

The slowdown in the rate of global warming in the early 2000s is not evident in the multi-model ensemble average of traditional climate change projection simulations1. However, a number of individual ensemble members from that set of models successfully simulate the early-2000s hiatus when naturally-occurring climate variability involving the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (IPO) coincided, by chance, with the observed negative phase of the IPO that contributed to the early-2000s hiatus. If the recent methodology of initialized decadal climate prediction could have been applied in the mid-1990s using the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 multi-models, both the negative phase of the IPO in the early 2000s as well as the hiatus could have been simulated, with the multi-model average performing better than most of the individual models. The loss of predictive skill for six initial years before the mid-1990s points to the need for consistent hindcast skill to establish reliability of an operational decadal climate prediction system.

Traditional free-running climate simulations that start in the mid-nineteenth century and proceed through the twentieth century with observed human-produced forcings, such as increasing greenhouse gases (GHGs), aerosols and ozone, along with natural forcings, such as aerosols from volcanic eruptions and solar variability, are designed to simulate the response of the climate system to those changes in external forcings. To do this, multiple realizations or ensemble members are run with each model. These are then averaged together to remove the effects of naturally occurring interannual and decadal timescale variability, leaving only the response to the external forcings. If the early-2000s hiatus is mostly a result of internally generated climate variability2, 3, 4, 5, the average of all those simulations for the early 21st century would, and indeed does, lie above the actual plateau of warming that occurred in the observations1, 6. Furthermore, the models could be overly sensitive to increasing GHGs (ref. 7), and there could have been contributions from a collection of moderate volcanic eruptions or other forcings8, 9, 10, suggesting that the forcings specified in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) experiments may not have been adequate to simulate all aspects of the early-2000s hiatus. But the fact that all model simulations, when averaged together, do not simulate the hiatus has been touted as a failure of any model to simulate what actually occurred in the early-2000s11, 12.

However, inspection of the individual ensemble members from these same model simulations reveals that ten members actually produced the observed warming trend (defined as a trend less than 0.04 °C per decade as observed) during the period of the hiatus 2000–2013 (Fig. 1a and refs 4, 13). A composite of those ten ensemble members out of 262 possible CMIP5 realizations (Methods) shows a negative phase of the IPO, characterized by cooler-than-normal average surface temperatures over the tropical Pacific, with opposite sign anomalies in the northwest and southwest Pacific, lasting 14 years (Fig. 1b and Supplementary Fig. 1). There are 21 ensemble members that simulate a hiatus from 2000 to 2012—nine continue through 2000–2014, six from 2000 to 2015, and six from 2000 to 2016, one of which from 2000 to 2017 continues to 2018 (a hiatus of 19 years). Average hiatus composites have a negative IPO phase, as opposed to the overall average of a larger set of ensemble members showing mostly warming in the tropical Pacific14. Thus, although not specifically designed to do so, in some of the uninitialized simulations the internally generated variability associated with the IPO happens to synchronize with the phase of naturally occurring variability in the observations purely by chance. The pattern correlation of the observed IPO (Supplementary Fig. 1b) with the surface temperature trends from 2000 to 2013 in all ensemble members shows a roughly Gaussian distribution around zero pattern correlation as the internally generated variability is more or less random (Fig. 1c). The same quantity from the hiatus ensemble members shows a shift of the distribution towards statistically significant positive values greater than + 0.4 (Methods), indicating that internally generated variability with a negative IPO is tending, on average, to sync up with what happened in the observations in those members (Supplementary Fig. 1a and Fig. 1b, c). This is a compelling application of the result derived from other analyses, in that tropical Pacific surface temperatures in the negative phase of the naturally-occurring IPO can temporarily counteract the warming from increasing GHGs to produce a hiatus of warming in globally averaged surface air temperatures that can last for a decade or more2, 3, 4, 5, even as the climate system is still trapping excess heat of about 0.5–1.0 W m−2 (refs 15, 16).

Figure 1: Climate model simulations of the early-2000s hiatus.
Climate model simulations of the early-2000s hiatus.

a, Time series of globally averaged surface air temperature anomalies (°C) in relation to the 1986–2005 time period for the observations (black lines with 5%, median and 95% values from HadCRUT4), and individual ensemble members from the 262 uninitialized CMIP5 simulations (light grey); red lines are individual ensemble members that simulate the early-2000s hiatus as observed (linear trend less than 0.04 °C per decade) for the period 2000–2013; the dashed line indicates the transition year (2005) between the CMIP5 historical and scenario experiments. b, Average sea surface temperature trends (°C per decade) from ten uninitialized ensemble members that simulate the hiatus (their individual time series in red in a). Stippling indicates the 5% significance level from a two-sided t-test. c, Histogram of pattern correlations of the IPO from observations (Supplementary Information) and the 2000–2013 CMIP5 model trends (grey bars), and similarly for the ensemble members with a hiatus from 2000–2013 (stippled). The observed value of 0.4 is indicated by the star on the x axis. Units are the percentage of the total number of members in each distribution. Note y axis scales are different for the all-members and hiatus-members cases.

Uninitialized model simulations.

All available uninitialized CMIP5 climate model simulations26 are analysed, with all possible ensemble members for all four RCP scenarios. This amounts to 262 possible realizations from 45 models, with up to 10 ensemble members for the period 2000–2020. These model simulations all start from some pre-industrial state in the nineteenth century, and use observations for natural (volcanoes and solar) and anthropogenic (GHGs, ozone, aerosols, land use) forcings through 2005—with the four RCP scenario forcings after 2005. For the early 2000s, there is little difference among the RCP scenarios for this short-term time frame1, so all are used.

Initialized model simulations.

All available initialized CMIP5 climate model simulations26 are analysed from the 16 models that ran the decadal hindcasts and predictions. Some models used initial years for hindcasts every year, starting with 1960–2011, and some used initial years every five years from 1960 to 2011, with various ensemble sizes for each model and each initial year (Supplementary Table 1). Results are shown for each initial year, with different numbers of models and ensemble members depending on the initial year. All available ensemble members for each model are averaged together to produce one value for each model for each available initial year. The multi-model averages for hindcasts for adjacent initial years are qualitatively similar, indicating that a multi-model average for a given initial year is comparable across all years.

For the initialized model simulations, we focus on five-year averaged annual mean values during years 3–7 of the hindcasts. The prediction is compared with persistence corresponding to five-year annual means before the initialization time.

For evaluation of the predictions of surface air temperature we employ two metrics including: global average surface temperature, and pattern correlation over the Pacific–Atlantic sector (ocean area over 40° S–70° N, 100° E–360°) and the Pacific and Atlantic sectors separately. To test whether the pattern correlation coefficient between the prediction and observations is distinguishable from chance associations in the large-scale pattern, a Monte Carlo test is performed that consists of 10,000 randomly constructed patterns based on detrended twentieth-century simulations from the same group of models. The 95th percentile of the pattern correlation coefficient of the random pattern is 0.41, with a value of 0.47 for the Pacific-only region in Fig. 2e.


To determine whether the physical processes in initialized ensemble members that produce the hiatus are correct, we use two indices that have been shown to represent the vertical distribution of heat in the ocean crucial to producing hiatus decades. An index of Pacific trade winds near the dateline and equator, where the IPO exhibits maximum regression onto Pacific Ocean winds, is an indicator of heat mixed into the subsurface by the Pacific Ocean subtropical cells during hiatus decades5. Net surface heat flux averaged over the global oceans is an index of the vertical heat content distribution in the ocean, with positive (downward) net surface heat flux indicating more heat going into the subsurface ocean35.

To quantify the credibility of these indices, a composite of model-produced hiatus decades with negative IPO and roughly 10–20% greater rates of ocean heat content increase in layers below 300 m (refs 3, 7) shows net surface heat flux values over the ocean of +0.48 W m−2 per decade and a Pacific trade wind index of −0.14 × 10−1 N m−2 per decade (positive net surface heat flux indicates more heat is going into the deeper ocean; a negative trade wind index indicates stronger Pacific trade winds mixing more heat into the subsurface); recent observed values of the trade wind index are roughly −0.2 × 10−1 N m−2 per decade, producing an estimated net wind-driven heat gain below 125 m of +5.0 × 1022 J (ref. 5). Opposite sign values of −0.57 W m−2 per decade and +0.12 × 10−1 N m−2 per decade (less heat going into the deeper ocean, and weaker Pacific trade winds mixing less heat into the subsurface) characterize the accelerated warming decades3.

  1. Kirtman, B. et al. in IPCC Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis (eds Stocker, T. F. et al.) 9531028 (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2013).
  2. Meehl, G. A., Arblaster, J., Fasullo, J., Hu, A. & Trenberth, K. Model-based evidence of deep-ocean heat uptake during surface-temperature hiatus periods. Nature Clim. Change 1, 360364 (2011).
  3. Meehl, G. A., Hu, A., Arblaster, J. M., Fasullo, J. & Trenberth, K. E. Externally forced and internally generated decadal climate variability associated with the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation. J. Clim. 26, 72987310 (2013).
  4. Kosaka, Y. & Xie, S-P. Recent global-warming hiatus tied to equatorial Pacific surface cooling. Nature 501, 403407 (2013).
  5. England, M. H. et al. Slowdown of surface greenhouse warming due to recent Pacific trade wind acceleration. Nature Clim. Change 4, 222227 (2014).
  6. Easterling, D. R. & Wehner, M. F. Is the climate warming or cooling? Geophys. Res. Lett. 36, L08706 (2009).
  7. Flato, G. et al. in IPCC Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis (eds Stocker, T. F. et al.) 741866 (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2013).
  8. Santer, B. D. et al. Volcanic contribution to decadal changes in tropospheric temperature. Nature Geosci. 7, 185189 (2014).
  9. Schmidt, G. A., Shindell, D. T. & Tsigaridis, K. Reconciling warming trends. Nature Geosci. 7, 158160 (2014).
  10. Kaufmann, R. K., Kauppi, H., Mann, M. L. & Stock, J. H. Reconciling anthropogenic climate change with observed temperature 1998–2008. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 108, 1179011793 (2011).
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    Recommended Citation:
    Gerald A. Meehl. Climate model simulations of the observed early-2000s hiatus of global warming[J]. Nature Climate Change,2014-09-07,Volume:4:Pages:898;902 (2014).
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