globalchange  > 气候变化事实与影响
DOI: doi:10.1038/nclimate2314
Potential influences on the United Kingdom's floods of winter 2013/14
作者: Chris Huntingford
刊名: Nature Climate Change
ISSN: 1758-1195X
EISSN: 1758-7315
出版年: 2014-08-27
卷: Volume:4, 页码:Pages:769;777 (2014)
语种: 英语
英文关键词: Atmospheric dynamics ; Hydrology ; Water resources

During the winter of 2013/14, much of the UK experienced repeated intense rainfall events and flooding. This had a considerable impact on property and transport infrastructure. A key question is whether the burning of fossil fuels is changing the frequency of extremes, and if so to what extent. We assess the scale of the winter flooding before reviewing a broad range of Earth system drivers affecting UK rainfall. Some drivers can be potentially disregarded for these specific storms whereas others are likely to have increased their risk of occurrence. We discuss the requirements of hydrological models to transform rainfall into river flows and flooding. To determine any general changing flood risk, we argue that accurate modelling needs to capture evolving understanding of UK rainfall interactions with a broad set of factors. This includes changes to multiscale atmospheric, oceanic, solar and sea-ice features, and land-use and demographics. Ensembles of such model simulations may be needed to build probability distributions of extremes for both pre-industrial and contemporary concentration levels of atmospheric greenhouse gases.

Simulations by climate research centres1 project that raised levels of atmospheric greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations are changing the climate system. This is detectable in temperature measurements with high statistical confidence2, and the algorithms leading to this statement pass robustness tests3. Simultaneously, there is evidence of a human-induced signal in some impacts, for example major sea-ice reductions4. For the UK, recent trends of increasing heavy rainfall events have been observed5. Increases in mean mid-latitudinal precipitation, when averaged to latitudinal bands, are sufficiently strong to allow attribution to raised GHG concentrations6. An anthropogenic influence has also been detected at high latitudes7, in seasonal precipitation8 and in thermodynamic and dynamic precipitation features9. Most general circulation models (GCMs) project increased global mean precipitation of order of 1–3% per degree of global warming10. Although some robust cross-GCM features exist11, there are important differences in the spatial patterns of change and even disagreement in sign in some regions, inhibiting attribution statements by comparison with observed precipitation. For the UK, however, over 90% of models in the Fourth Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessment (Figs SPM7 and 10.9 in ref. 12) estimate mean precipitation increases for December–February for the period 2090–2099 under unmitigated emissions. The fifth IPCC assessment additionally reports for 2046–2065 (Fig. 12.22 in ref. 13), showing a multi-model mean precipitation increase. The latter is less than two standard deviations in variability, although at such earlier times signal strengths are smaller. Translating rainfall projections to flood risk, northwest Europe, including the UK, is therefore a region projected to experience increased flood frequency, with a relatively high consistency between GCMs (Fig. 1 in ref. 14).

Figure 1: UK rainfall.
UK rainfall.

a–c, Maps of UK rainfall anomaly as a percentage of 1981–2010 monthly average for December 2013 (a), January 2014 (b) and February 2014 (c).

DJF1314 witnessed a rapid succession of vigorous Atlantic low-pressure systems crossing much of the UK. In December, associated heavy rainfall, compared with the respective climatology, was observed in two distinct regions of southeast England and most of Scotland (Fig. 1a). Such heavy rain continued in parts of the UK in January and February (Fig. 1b,c). This resulted in sustained high runoff rates and river flows, especially for the southern UK, exacerbated by increasingly saturated catchments. In December 2013, the highest tidal surge since 1953 resulted in widespread coastal flooding, and the storms throughout DJF1314 caused considerable erosion, especially on western coastlines. The saturated ground conditions contributed to cliff failures, landslips and the appearance of sink holes. Although runoff rates tended to decline from mid-February, flows in many groundwater-fed streams and rivers continued to respond to the major winter recharge to aquifers, which outcrop extensively across much of the country.

The River Thames drains the largest catchment in the UK. The gauging station at Kingston in west London has the longest continuous flow record in the National River Flow Archive, beginning in 1883. Flows increased rapidly through December 2013 (Fig. 2a, green curve), and upstream Thames floodplain inundations were extensive and protracted until late-February. In the context of previously recorded seasonal maximum flows (blue curve), December 2013 was a significant peak, followed by even higher peaks in both January and February 2014. During the latter month, naturalized flow (which takes account of the main abstractions upstream of the gauging station) reached 524 m3 s−1 ('cumecs'; red line in Fig. 2b). Although it is the highest flow since 1974, this peak has been exceeded on eight other occasions in the 132-year record (Fig. 2b) with the highest peak recorded in November 1894. Many of these peaks occurred in earlier parts of the time-series when winter temperatures were generally lower. Snowmelt, sometimes over frozen ground, was an aggravating factor in the extensive flooding in March 1947 across England and Wales, and in 1928 it contributed to the last major inundation of central London. Historically, ice-damming behind the many weir structures along the Thames also added significantly to flood risk. In a warming world, snow cover for northern latitudes is generally decreasing20.

Figure 2: River flows at Kingston on the River Thames, UK, and associated rainfall and groundwater levels.
River flows at Kingston on the River Thames, UK, and associated rainfall and groundwater levels.

a, The 21-day centred running means for March 2013 to February 2014 (green curve), along with naturalized estimates (black curve). Historical day-of-year maximum of 21-day running means of gauged flows, between 1883 and December 2012, is the blue curve. b, The naturalized daily river-flow time series for 1883 to February 2014. The red horizontal line is the February 2014 peak flow. c, Winter (DJF) rainfall totals averaged across a set of rain gauges in the Thames catchment. Red line is DJF1314 value. d, Groundwater levels at Compton (metres above Ordnance Datum). Red line is maximum in DJF1314.

For the UK, the single largest indicator of winter atmospheric circulation, including storm track position and strength, is the state of the NAO, characterized as the atmospheric pressure difference between the Azores and Iceland. Although the surface low-pressure anomaly was shifted slightly south, the surface NAO was strongly positive in DJF1314. Modelling and understanding the extreme winter phases of the NAO, and its hemispheric equivalent the Arctic Oscillation (AO)30, are improving31. Coupling of the NAO with the Atlantic Ocean state has been suggested32, and there is observational and modelling evidence that the AMO switching to a more positive phase over the past 20 years has probably increased the NAO, simultaneously raising northern European rainfall29. Climate models now also confirm that the AMO couples to the atmosphere33, highlighting the requirement for accurate oceanic modelling. Evidence that the interannual variability of the NAO is being influenced by raised atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations is of particular interest34, but requires robust characterization compared with natural fluctuations in the NAO.

Particular to DJF1314, the very strong Atlantic jet stream and associated intense UK storms can be partly traced back to rainfall anomalies in the tropics35 (Fig. 6). Although neither El Niño nor La Niña was active this winter, tropical Pacific rainfall was displaced westwards, with very heavy rainfall over the west Pacific, Indonesia and the eastern Indian Ocean. This can drive high pressure in the northeast Pacific, as occurred in DJF1314 and can force downstream strengthening of the Atlantic jet stream by at least two mechanisms. First, filling the Aleutian Low reduces the amplitude of planetary-scale waves in the upper troposphere36 and strengthens the stratospheric jet that subsequently strengthens the Atlantic jet stream37. Second, intense northerlies over the United States advect cold air southwards over North America, as has occurred in past extremes38. This results in strong temperature gradients between North America and the tropical Atlantic Ocean, promoting enhanced storm development39. Simultaneous adjustment of westerly winds in the upper troposphere over the East Pacific also created a westerly duct for disturbances to enter the origin of the Atlantic jet stream40. This list of connected meteorological events will now be the subject of considerable additional analysis and research. Looking further back to events leading to the intense Indonesian heavy rainfall will require a fuller understanding of Pacific Ocean changes in a warming world41, including the relative roles of greenhouse gases and atmospheric aerosols on tropical circulation and rainfall.

Figure 6: Schematic of potential flood drivers.
Schematic of potential flood drivers.

A diagram of forcings believed to have influenced the winter 2013/14 UK floods.

Advances in model dynamics69 and resolution mean that UK weather forecasts now have levels of accuracy five days ahead that were only possible two days ahead just 25 years ago70. It is argued that advances in long-range forecast reliability should also apply to longer-term climate projections71, subject to the processes being similar in both applications72. The UK Met Office uses a common dynamical core for weather forecasting, seasonal prediction and climate change projections. This 'seamless prediction'71 allows understanding of the causes of those common model biases that often appear within the first few days of simulation, potentially leading to improved process representation and bias removal in subsequent models.

GCMs aim to represent variability in large atmospheric circulation patterns, including the drivers discussed above. High-resolution versions of GCMs, with grid spacings of 20–60 km, are currently being developed. At such resolutions, these models give a better representation of the large-scale drivers, such as storm tracks and embedded depressions, that are key to representing events such as those witnessed in DJF1314. Persistent anticyclonic blocking is typically under-represented in GCMs73, affecting mid-latitude flow with implications for UK rainfall projections, but this may be improved in the Atlantic sector with increases in model resolution or other changes that remove key biases74.

Furthermore, RCMs are often nested within GCMs to provide high-resolution information over a region of interest. Such models have typical resolutions of 10–50 km and give an improved representation of daily rainfall extremes. But considerable variation exists between different RCMs' downscaling of the same large-scale features to estimate extreme precipitation75. RCMs with kilometre-scale grid spacing (convection-permitting resolution) are also now available. These very high resolutions are too computationally expensive for global operation, but applied regionally they give improved representation of local rainfall processes. Climate change experiments have recently been completed at 1.5-km resolution for the southern UK76, showing heavier downpours in the future with global warming. This model gives better representation of various aspects of duration and spatial extent of rainfall77 and more realistic hourly extremes78 than coarser-resolution climate models. Many improvements are linked to the explicit (non-parameterized) representation of convection77. Thus the benefits of such resolutions are expected to be greatest in summer when convective storms are most prevalent. Hence, although summer downpours can only be described accurately at convection-permitting scales, changes in UK winter rainfall seem robust when changing from 12-km to 1.5-km resolution76. DJF1314 heavy rainfall was a sequence of frontal storm occurrences and so it remains an active area of research to understand resolution benefits for larger storms of this type.

Very-high-resolution RCMs can provide benefits in terms of assessing the consequences of heavy rainfall, such as in DJF1314, for flooding. Ensembles of RCM models are used to drive flood estimate models79, but at typical RCM grid-scale additional spatial downscaling is needed80. Very-high-resolution RCMs remove the need for additional spatial disaggregation of outputs and provide realistic fine-scale spatial and temporal rainfall information that can be used directly to drive river-flow models.

Seamless projection for end-to-end attribution81 of flood risk (combining probability and consequence of flood occurrence) implies routine coupling of climate projections with detailed models of river flow and flood extents, including interaction with flood defences and socio-economic details of properties and businesses. Modelling the potential increase in flood risk for Europe by the 2050s suggests that economic losses could increase from an estimated 4.2 billion euros per year in the 2000–2012 period, to 23.5 billion in the 2050s, under a business-as-usual emissions scenario82. Interestingly, the bulk of the increase (about two-thirds) could be due to socio-economic development rather than climate change itself82. Hydrological models must represent many factors affecting the transformation of rainfall to river flows, including geology, soils and land-use. For the Thames Basin, a 1-km gridded hydrological model (Grid-to-Grid) forced by several 25-km-grid regional climate models from UKCP09 shows an ensemble-mean increase in flood peaks by the 2080s79. But considerable variation exists between the 11 ensemble members, with large spatial variations related to catchment properties. At some locations, some ensemble members show increases beyond the range of natural variability. More recent work has taken a bottom-up approach to the impacts of climate change on flooding in Britain, by using hydrological modelling to establish categories of rainfall-to-flood peak response, linked to catchment properties and underlying climate83, 84. Of 1,120 gauged catchments in England and Wales, 35% are categorized as having an enhanced flood response to rainfall changes85. That is, any increase in winter monthly rainfall would generate a proportionately larger increase in flood peaks. Catchments in Britain are most sensitive in autumn and winter86 when rain falls onto ground generally more saturated owing to less evaporation of soil moisture.

Changes in land use may adjust surface hydrological characteristics, such as infiltration and soil storage, affecting the timing and magnitude of flood response downstream87. The effectiveness of flood prevention by increased upland storage (for example, farm reservoirs, wetlands, floodplains) and changes to crop type therefore requires assessment. For the most extreme rainfall totals, these measures may dampen peak flows but not completely remove flood risk; evidence of land-use management impact on catchments larger than 10 km2 remains elusive88. Although much of the recent UK flooding was in rural areas, the influence of urbanization requires appraisal, particularly given pressures to build on floodplains. Responses to rainfall extremes in urban areas are faster than for natural surfaces (affecting fluvial and pluvial flood risk)89, but can be partially mitigated by detention ponds, soakaways, permeable concrete and provision of vegetated areas.

Damage to exposed European coastal assets from raised sea levels and storm surges could cost tens of billions of euros per year without adaptation90. Of the mechanisms involved, the most damaging is often the flood component from short-lived storm surges, where low atmospheric pressure and strong winds add to tidal levels, causing extreme coastal water levels. The great flood of 1953, resulting from a large storm surge event on an already high tidal level, caused considerable loss of life in the UK and Netherlands, and ultimately led to the construction of the Thames Barrier. Changes in extreme sea levels around the world have been dominated by variation in local mean sea level91. Focusing on the UK coastline, UKCP09 RCM projections92 indicate that major changes in storm-driven surge frequency are unlikely over the coming decades. However, a robust projection is that the time-mean sea level, globally and around the UK, is expected to continue to rise over the next century and beyond, increasing the height of extremes, and continuing even after any climate stabilization93. Recent estimatesURL:
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Chris Huntingford. Potential influences on the United Kingdom's floods of winter 2013/14[J]. Nature Climate Change,2014-08-27,Volume:4:Pages:769;777 (2014).
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