globalchange  > 影响、适应和脆弱性
DOI: 10.1016/j.jcou.2017.07.023
Scopus记录号: 2-s2.0-85026762029
An evaluation method of supercritical CO2 thickening result for particle transporting
作者: Hou L.; Jiang T.; Liu H.; Geng X.; Sun B.; Li G.; Meng S.
刊名: Journal of CO2 Utilization
ISSN: 22129820
出版年: 2017
卷: 21
起始页码: 247
结束页码: 252
语种: 英语
英文关键词: Evaluation method ; Multiphase flow ; Particle transport ; Supercritical CO2 thickening
Scopus关键词: Multiphase flow ; Velocity ; Viscosity ; Evaluation method ; Experimental evaluation ; Horizontal velocity ; Particle settling velocity ; Particle transport ; Supercritical CO2 ; Vertical direction ; Vertical velocity ; Carbon dioxide
英文摘要: This paper aims to propose an evaluation method for measuring the supercritical CO2 thickening result for particle transporting. By analyzing the particle transporting trajectory in supercritical CO2, the cotangent of particle landing angle (ratio of particle horizontal velocity to vertical velocity) was proposed as a new criterion of thickening result. Previous studies of supercritical CO2 thickening were evaluated and drawn in three dimensions using this new criterion. Moreover, the effects of CO2 density and viscosity on particle vertical and horizontal velocities and the cotangent of particle landing angle were analyzed. The cotangent of particle landing angle is more sensitive to supercritical CO2 density than viscosity. Therefore, supercritical CO2 density should be considered for the evaluation of supercritical CO2 thickening for particle transporting. The particle settling velocity was found to determine the particle transporting distance and also the transporting capability of supercritical CO2. According to this conclusion, the apparatus for experimental evaluation of supercritical CO2 thickening will be miniaturized significantly by the simplification from two-dimensional velocities measurement into one direction, particle settling velocity in vertical direction. Additionally, the supercritical CO2 viscosity was found to have an optimum value, exceeding which the effect of viscosity on particle transporting levels off.
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被引频次[WOS]:30   [查看WOS记录]     [查看WOS中相关记录]
资源类型: 期刊论文
Appears in Collections:影响、适应和脆弱性

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Recommended Citation:
Hou L.,Jiang T.,Liu H.,et al. An evaluation method of supercritical CO2 thickening result for particle transporting[J]. Journal of CO2 Utilization,2017-01-01,21
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