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DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2016.01.003
The British public’s perception of the UK smart metering initiative: Threats and opportunities
作者: Kathryn Buchanan; Nick Banks; Ian Preston; Riccardo Russo
刊名: Energy Policy
ISSN: 0301-4280
出版年: 2016
卷: Volume 91, 期:April 2016, 页码:Pages 87-97
语种: 英语
英文关键词: Smart meters ; Smart meter enabled services ; Automation ; Consumer Acceptance ; Consumer engagement
英文摘要: Consumer acceptance of smart meters remains crucial in achieving the potential carbon emission reductions offered by advanced metering infrastructures. Given this, the present research used deliberative focus groups to examine what is needed to secure acceptance and engagement from domestic consumers with services, products and ‘offers’ in smarter power systems. Our findings suggest that consumers are able to identify not just threats relating to smart metering initiatives but opportunities as well. In particular, our focus group participants responded positively to the idea of an automated system that could be used to achieve energy savings in combination with time-of-use tariffs. We conclude by outlining suggestions for policy recommendations that may help consumer acceptance of smart meter enabled services be more readily achieved.
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Appears in Collections:气候减缓与适应

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Kathryn Buchanan,Nick Banks,Ian Preston,et al. The British public’s perception of the UK smart metering initiative: Threats and opportunities[J]. Energy Policy,2016-01-01,Volume 91(April 2016):Pages 87-97.
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