globalchange  > 气候减缓与适应
DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2015.08.038
Looking beyond installation: Why households struggle to make the most of solar hot water systems
作者: Nicholas Gill; Peter Osman; Lesley Head; Michelle Voyer; Theresa Harada; Gordon Waitt; Chris Gibson
刊名: Energy Policy
ISSN: 0301-4293
出版年: 2015
卷: Volume 87, 期:December 2015, 页码:Pages 83-94
语种: 英语
英文关键词: Solar hot water ; Households ; Low-carbon technologies ; Installation ; Sustainability ; Climate change
英文摘要: This paper examines household responses to sustainability issues and adoption of energy saving technologies. Our example of solar hot water systems highlights the complexity and variability of responses to low-carbon technologies. While SHW systems have the potential to provide the majority of household hot water and to lower carbon emissions, little research has been done to investigate how SHW systems are integrated into everyday life. We draw on cultural understandings of the household to identify passive and active users of SHW systems and utilize a model that illustrates how technology use is dependent on inter-relations between cultural norms, systems of provision, the material elements of homes, and practice. A key finding is that households can be ill-prepared to make the most of their SHW systems and lack post-installation support to do so. Thus, informed and efficient use of SHW systems is hit and miss. Current policy is largely aimed at subsidizing purchase and installation on the assumption that this is sufficient for emission reduction goals. Our analysis provides evidence to the contrary. Areas we highlight for policy and practice improvement are independent pre-purchase advice, installation quality, and practical guidance on system operation and interaction with patterns of hot water use.
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资源类型: 期刊论文
Appears in Collections:气候减缓与适应

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Recommended Citation:
Nicholas Gill,Peter Osman,Lesley Head,et al. Looking beyond installation: Why households struggle to make the most of solar hot water systems[J]. Energy Policy,2015-01-01,Volume 87(December 2015):Pages 83-94.
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