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eISBN: 9781613248959
Environmental Impact of Abandoned Mine Waste: A Review
其他题名: 废弃矿井对环境的影响:一份审查报告
作者: Claudio Bini (University of Venice,Venice,Italy)
出版者: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
出版年: 2013-06
国家: 美国
语种: 英语
英文摘要: Since the dawn of civilization until the last decades of the past century, mining activity, especially that concerning base and precious metals, represented a resource for human population, owing to its importance in many fields of interest. By the second half of the last century, however, mining activity declined until final closure in the face of developing countries, owing to decreasing mineral resources and to metal price drop. In this book, the effects of former mine activities and the related environmental problems are discussed, with the ultimate goal of investigating the fate of potentially toxic elements in the environment and their impact on the conterminous land.
资源类型: 专著
Appears in Collections:影响、适应和脆弱性

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Claudio Bini . Environmental Impact of Abandoned Mine Waste: A Review[M]:Nova Science Publishers, Inc.,2013-06-01.
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