globalchange  > 过去全球变化的重建
DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2014.08.042
Scopus记录号: 2-s2.0-84908611545
3D CFD simulations of trailing suction hopper dredger plume mixing: Comparison with field measurements
作者: de Wit L.; Talmon A.M.; van Rhee C.
刊名: Marine Pollution Bulletin
ISSN: 0025-326X
EISSN: 1879-3363
出版年: 2014
卷: 88, 期:2018-01-02
起始页码: 34
结束页码: 46
语种: 英语
英文关键词: Dredging ; Environmental impact ; Field measurements ; Sediment ; Turbidity ; Turbulent plume mixing
Scopus关键词: Computational fluid dynamics ; Dredging ; Environmental impact ; Hoppers ; Mixing ; Sediments ; Suspended sediments ; Turbidity ; CFD simulations ; Computational fluid dynamics modeling ; Dredging projects ; Field measurement ; Suspended sediment concentrations ; Time simulations ; Trailing suction hopper dredger ; Turbulent plume ; Dredges ; computational fluid dynamics ; concentration (composition) ; dredger ; dredging ; environmental impact ; sediment pollution ; sediment transport ; sedimentation ; turbidity ; algorithm ; Article ; comparative study ; computational fluid dynamics ; concentration (parameters) ; environmental impact assessment ; environmental monitoring ; environmental parameters ; mud ; plume mixing ; rock ; sand ; sediment ; sedimentation ; ship ; simulation ; soil ; trailing suction hopper dredger ; turbidity ; computer simulation ; environment ; hydrodynamics ; marine biology ; suction ; theoretical model ; three dimensional imaging ; Computer Simulation ; Environment ; Geologic Sediments ; Hydrodynamics ; Imaging, Three-Dimensional ; Marine Biology ; Models, Theoretical ; Suction
Scopus学科分类: Agricultural and Biological Sciences: Aquatic Science ; Earth and Planetary Sciences: Oceanography ; Environmental Science: Pollution
英文摘要: A 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model is used to simulate mixing of an overflow plume within 400. m from a trailing suction hopper dredger (TSHD). The simulations are compared with new field measurements. It is the first time simulations of overflow dredging plumes are compared in such detail to field measurements this close to a TSHD. Seven cases with a large variety in overflow flux and plume characteristics are used. Measured maximum suspended sediment concentrations (SSC) vary between 30 and 500. mg/l and fluxes vary between 0.7% and 20% of the total overflow flux; the CFD model has, subject to the limitations of the field data, been shown to reproduce this in a satisfactory way. The model gives better understanding of important near field processes, which helps to assess the frequency, duration and intensity of stresses like turbidity and sedimentation needed to find the environmental impact of dredging projects. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.
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Appears in Collections:过去全球变化的重建

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作者单位: Section of Dredging Engineering, Faculty 3mE, Delft University of Technology, Mekelweg 2, CD Delft, Netherlands; Svasek Hydraulics, Schiehaven 13g, Rotterdam, Netherlands

Recommended Citation:
de Wit L.,Talmon A.M.,van Rhee C.. 3D CFD simulations of trailing suction hopper dredger plume mixing: Comparison with field measurements[J]. Marine Pollution Bulletin,2014-01-01,88(2018-01-02)
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