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项目编号: 1702166
SusChEM: Chemical Reaction Engineering for Sustainable Production of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Hydrogen Peroxide by Non Thermal Plasma
作者: Bruce Locke
承担单位: Florida State University
批准年: 2017
开始日期: 2017-09-01
结束日期: 2020-08-31
资助金额: 301503
资助来源: US-NSF
项目类别: Standard Grant
国家: US
语种: 英语
特色学科分类: Engineering - Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems
英文关键词: major hypothesis ; plasma property ; gas-liquid plasma reactor ; non-thermal ; project ; nitrogen fertilizer ; plasma application ; nitrogen oxide ; gas-liquid ; plasma discharge channel ; pesticide production ; fertilizer production ; non-thermal plasma reactor ; green chemical synthesis ; plasma reactor ; sustainable chemical production ; plasma temperature ; hydrogen peroxide ; analysis ; green chemical process ; novel chemical reactor design feature ; synthetic chemical reaction ; chemical synthesis ; primary reaction pathway ; gas-liquid non-thermal plasma reactor ; chemical reaction mechanism ; chemical reaction engineering ; hydroxyl radical reaction ; chemical reaction pathway ; hydrogen peroxide pesticide
英文摘要: 1702166
PI: Locke, Bruce

The major aim of the proposed work is to experimentally investigate the sustainable chemical production of nitrate and hydrogen peroxide using a gas-liquid non-thermal plasma reactor. This project also seeks to advance the understanding of the design principles of gas-liquid plasma reactors for chemical synthesis. The underlying theme of this proposal is that providing farmers a way to produce nitrogen fertilizer and hydrogen peroxide pesticide locally from sustainable resources, e.g., water, air, and solar energy, in a green chemical process, is an ideal approach to both reducing the environmental impact of fertilizer production and improving the productivity and profit margin of farmers. This project will advance sustainability in chemical reaction engineering through reduction in utilization of petroleum feedstocks for fertilizer and pesticide production.

The proposed research aims to develop a detailed analysis of how non-thermal plasma reactors can be utilized to form nitrate and other species. In the plasma reactor the plasma discharge channels form on, and propagate along, the interface between a flowing gas and a flowing liquid. The reactor design principles to be developed include determination of how plasma properties interact with reactor characteristics and electrical conditions to facilitate synthetic chemical reactions involving nitrogen oxides. The project has three specific aims directed to three major hypotheses. The first specific aim involves the analysis of the chemical reaction mechanisms, and the major hypothesis is that the primary reaction pathway for nitrate formation is through hydroxyl radical reactions. The second specific aim deals with the analysis of the plasma properties and power supply characteristics, and determination of how these properties interact and affect the chemical reaction pathways. The major hypothesis is that nitrate formation efficiency can be controlled by variation of the plasma temperature, electron density, and input power characteristics (pulse power, voltage, frequency). The third specific aim deals with the analysis and development of novel chemical reactor design features for improved performance. The major hypothesis is that modifications of the internal geometry of the gas-liquid plasma reactor (including channel size and nozzle diameter), which affect the surface area, gas and liquid residence times, and plasma contacting, can affect the formation of nitrate via effects on formation of key reactive species including hydroxyl radicals. Outreach activities through the Challenger Center of the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering are proposed and will include presentations and learning modules about plasma applications and topics related to green chemical synthesis and agriculture.
资源类型: 项目
Appears in Collections:全球变化的国际研究计划

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Recommended Citation:
Bruce Locke. SusChEM: Chemical Reaction Engineering for Sustainable Production of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Hydrogen Peroxide by Non Thermal Plasma. 2017-01-01.
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