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项目编号: 1722657
Transition Plan for Moving the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Core Collection to the OSU Marine and Geology Repository
作者: Anthony Koppers
承担单位: Oregon State University
批准年: 2017
开始日期: 2017-01-15
结束日期: 2018-12-31
资助金额: 675104
资助来源: US-NSF
项目类别: Standard Grant
国家: US
语种: 英语
特色学科分类: Geosciences - Polar
英文关键词: antarctic core collection ; collection ; transition plan ; osu ; geology repository ; phase ; osu marine ; florida state university ; marine ; transition ; core ; oregon state university ; square foot core lab ; combined collection ; single modern repository ; sediment cores ; current repository database ; southern ocean national collection ; entire transition ; marine geology collection ; unique collection ; sediment core
英文摘要: Nontechnical
The Antarctic core collection, housed at Florida State University since 1963, is one of the world's premier marine geology collections. This archive is a unique collection of sediment cores that has enabled a wide range of research advancing our understanding of Antarctic region and the Earth system. Oregon State University (OSU), under a separate award from NSF, will provide ongoing curatorial services for this collection through the OSU Marine and Geology Repository. This project is a comprehensive transition plan to move the Antarctic core collection from Florida State University to OSU with logging and digital archiving tasks completed by May 1, 2018.

The Antarctic and the Southern Ocean National Collection of Rock and Sediment Cores currently housed at Florida State University will be relocated to Oregon State University (OSU) and housed along with the OSU Marine and Geology Repository. Oregon State University investigators will co-manage the Antarctic core collection and the Marine and Geology Repository as a single modern repository and analytical facility. The combined collection will be housed a new 33,000 square foot building with refrigerated space that can hold both collections with approximately five decades of expansion space. The co-location and co-management of these two collections offers unique curatorial synergies, cost savings, and improved capabilities to support both the research and educational needs of a wider marine and Antarctic communities. The facility will house a 32-person seminar room, a large 1,044 square foot core lab that allows layout, inspection and examination of cores, and adjoining analytical laboratories that will provide quantitative analysis as well as experiential learning opportunities for students. This award fund the transition and physical movement of the collection from Florida State to Oregon State. The transition plan is split into three phases, starting in January 2017 with reconnaissance of the current Antarctic core collection in Florida, data entry in the current repository database (Phase 1), labeling of all cores before they are put in boxes (Phase 2) and carrying out the actual move (Phase 3) in the first nine months of the transition plan. The goal is to finish the entire transition and full digital curation of the collection by 1 May 2018. The transition plan was developed to incorporate the best curatorial practices and to facilitate a successful move and transition of the irreplaceable Antarctic core collection from Florida State University to Oregon State University.
资源类型: 项目
Appears in Collections:全球变化的国际研究计划

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Anthony Koppers. Transition Plan for Moving the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Core Collection to the OSU Marine and Geology Repository. 2017-01-01.
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