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项目编号: 1601579
DISSERTATION RESEARCH: Pulsed and Pressed: the Interactive Effects of Disturbance Intensity and Complex Chemical Exposure on the Productivity of Urban Stream Ecosystems
作者: Emily Bernhardt
承担单位: Duke University
批准年: 2016
开始日期: 2016-07-01
结束日期: 2018-03-31
资助金额: 20660
资助来源: US-NSF
项目类别: Standard Grant
国家: US
语种: 英语
特色学科分类: Biological Sciences - Environmental Biology
英文关键词: productivity ; researcher ; disturbance ; chemical stress ; research ; physical disturbance ; stream bed ; contaminant exposure ; severe disturbance ; effect ; streambed material ; small stream ; research website ; urban landscape ; elevated exposure ; whole-stream metabolism ; common urban contaminant ; stream water ; interactive effect ; aquatic ecosystem productivity ; stream ecosystem ; experimental stream channel ; controlled experimental stream channel ; urban stream
英文摘要: Streams in urban landscapes can be negatively impacted by increased flooding due to runoff from impervious surfaces and elevated exposures to both nutrients and pollutants that wash off of those surfaces and can be delivered from inadequate waste water treatment systems. Understanding the individual contributions of these different factors in limiting the productivity and health of urban streams is important for an understanding of the impacts of land use changes, but difficult to identify, because they can occur simultaneously. This project will make use of controlled experimental stream channels to separate how physical disturbances associated with high flows and increased contaminant exposure affect the productivity of stream ecosystems. In small streams, almost all of the productivity is associated with organisms living on the stream bed. Stream beds vary in their stability, or susceptibility to disturbance, largely due to the mixture of streambed materials including the sizes of sediments and rocks. The researchers will compare the rates of recovery and compositions of streambed communities in experimental channels following exposure to storm flows. The experimental treatments will involve different doses of common urban contaminants added to the stream water and adjusting the size of sediments within the streambed. The researchers will train a high school student from a rural community in New York in research, develop a lesson plan for high school environmental science students, and engage the public through a research website and professional meetings.

The goal of this research is to experimentally measure the independent and interactive effects of physical (pulse) and chemical (press) disturbance on aquatic ecosystem productivity. The researchers will test the alternative hypotheses that: 1) more severe disturbances may exacerbate the effects of chemical stress by increasing the susceptibility of biofilms to contaminant exposure; or 2) less severe disturbance may exacerbate the effects of chemical stress by increasing the accumulation of contaminants in biofilms. Water chemistry, biofilm composition, and whole-stream metabolism will be measured throughout the recovery period following a physical disturbance in experimental stream channels with cobble beds and sand beds.
资源类型: 项目
Appears in Collections:全球变化的国际研究计划

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Emily Bernhardt. DISSERTATION RESEARCH: Pulsed and Pressed: the Interactive Effects of Disturbance Intensity and Complex Chemical Exposure on the Productivity of Urban Stream Ecosystems. 2016-01-01.
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