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项目编号: 1601794
DISSERTATION RESEARCH: Interaction of gene flow, selection and genomic architecture on the genetics of adaptation
作者: Patrick Phillips
承担单位: University of Oregon Eugene
批准年: 2016
开始日期: 2016-06-01
结束日期: 2018-05-31
资助金额: 18850
资助来源: US-NSF
项目类别: Standard Grant
国家: US
语种: 英语
特色学科分类: Biological Sciences - Environmental Biology
英文关键词: genetic basis ; migration ; study ; researcher ; population ; gene flow ; genetic underpinning ; genetic separation ; next generation sequencing ; genetic signal ; novel adaptation ; heat stress resistance
英文摘要: Organisms live in complex environments that shape the genetic basis of complex physical traits in varying and unpredictable ways. Understanding the genetic basis of such traits, which can be affected by hundreds of genes, is vital to understanding how populations respond to environmental change. Species in the wild often exist in subpopulations spread across different environments, and each environment may experience different conditions. However, subpopulations can be connected because individuals travel across space and then mate with individuals in other subpopulations. Recent studies on species in the wild have shown that even though migration and gene flow occurs, populations in different environments retain their uniqueness. Scientists are interested in determining how populations retain this genetic separation. Therefore, studies of the genetic basis of particular traits may shed light on this phenomenon. This study focuses on a system where the researchers can control migration and then examine the genetic underpinnings of traits that are unique to different populations. In particular the researchers are interested in how organisms respond to a novel heat stress environment. The work will aid in the training of a graduate student and underrepresented minorities.

This study will use the model nematode Caenorhabditis remanei to (1) examine how migration interacts with selection to affect the ability of a population to adapt to a novel heat stress environment, and (2) dissect the genetic basis of heat stress resistance. This project will use experimental evolution and next generation sequencing to dissect the genetic basis of chronic heat stress resistance. By including the effects of migration of non-adapted individuals into a heat stressed environment, this study will not only find the determinants of the genetic basis of heat stress resistance, but will also directly test the hypothesis that low levels of migration increase the strength of the genetic signal underlying novel adaptations.
资源类型: 项目
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Recommended Citation:
Patrick Phillips. DISSERTATION RESEARCH: Interaction of gene flow, selection and genomic architecture on the genetics of adaptation. 2016-01-01.
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