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项目编号: 1556707
OPUS: The role seed dispersal in forest ecosystem function: lessons from the oaks
作者: Michael Steele
承担单位: Wilkes University
批准年: 2016
开始日期: 2016-06-01
结束日期: 2018-05-31
资助金额: 134204
资助来源: US-NSF
项目类别: Standard Grant
国家: US
语种: 英语
特色学科分类: Biological Sciences - Environmental Biology
英文关键词: book ; acorn ; forest ecosystem ; acorn dispersal ; forest ; dispersal process ; project ; dispersal ; seed dispersal ; forest structure ; forest type ; oak forest ; seed characteristic ; oak seedling ; seed consumer ; invasive asian oak species ; many deciduous forest ; oak regeneration ; seed predator ; oak forest management
英文摘要: The main goal of this project is to write a book that summarizes more than 25 years of research about how acorns are dispersed and why dispersal is important for regeneration of forests in eastern North America and many other places. Curiously, the same animals that disperse acorns (mostly rodents and jays) also destroy them by eating them. The book will demonstrate how these animals hide and often forget about acorns, allowing the acorns to germinate, oak seedlings to take root, and forests to grow. The book will show: (1) how differences among acorns influence where and when animals disperse them, (2) how acorn dispersal benefits forests, (3) how year-to-year differences in the size of acorn crops influence the dispersal process, (4) how acorn dispersal varies with forest type, and (5) how the activity of top predators in a forest ecosystem can fundamentally alter the process of acorn dispersal. This project will re-evaluate some of the traditional views of seed dispersal and will demonstrate that help of researchers from a variety of scientific disciplines is necessary for understanding how acorns are dispersed and why dispersal is important for conservation of oak forests.

The book will reveal new insights into how the underlying relationship between seeds and seed consumers (seed predators and dispersers) drive numerous ecological processes in forest ecosystems (e.g., forest structure, masting, the evolution of seed characteristics, and even predator/prey interactions), and how many of these processes feed back into the dispersal process. As such, this project will re-frame and re-evaluate some of the traditional views of seed dispersal and its influence on forest ecosystem processes. The book will support and promote improvements in oak forest management and conservation, especially in the context of climate change. The book will also have important implications for understanding the lack of oak regeneration, which is a significant problem in many deciduous forests of the U.S. and beyond (Northwest Canada, Spain, Portugal, and Scotland). Furthermore, it will be useful in developing plans for reintroduction of the American chestnut tree into its native range, and the potential impact of an invasive Asian oak species, now widespread throughout eastern North America. From an educational perspective, the project will provide: (1) new insights for students and researchers on the importance of multidisciplinary approaches for understanding complex ecological processes, (2) an opportunity for three or more undergraduates interested in scientific journalism to assist in the research, produce figures, and edit the book, and (3) dissemination of the book to a network of Primarily Undergraduate Institutions involved in the NSF-funded Ecological Research Educational Network initiative, as well as to high schools in northeastern Pennsylvania.
资源类型: 项目
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Recommended Citation:
Michael Steele. OPUS: The role seed dispersal in forest ecosystem function: lessons from the oaks. 2016-01-01.
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