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项目编号: 1638434
Collaborative Research: The 2015 Taan Fiord landslide tsunami: An interdisciplinary study of cause & effect
作者: Sean Gulick
承担单位: University of Texas at Austin
批准年: 2016
开始日期: 2016-05-15
结束日期: 2017-04-30
资助金额: 47573
资助来源: US-NSF
项目类别: Standard Grant
国家: US
语种: 英语
特色学科分类: Geosciences - Earth Sciences
英文关键词: tsunami ; fiord ; landslide ; tsunami wave generation ; taan landslide ; catastrophic landslide ; taan fiord ; debris
英文摘要: As glaciers retreat, the ice pressing up against their valley walls disappears. These rock walls then become unstable and can collapse in catastrophic landslides. In Alaska, where this phenomenon is increasingly common, landslides sometimes fall directly into the ocean and trigger a tsunami. This is what happened in October 2015 in the Taan Fiord: the largest rock avalanche in America in decades plunged 150 million tons of debris into the head of the fiord, producing a wave of water that ran 150m up the opposite bank and scoured the forested flanks of the fiord for at least 12km. The goal of the project is to collect observations of this Taan landslide and tsunami, and to deliver a benchmark dataset to the science and engineering communities so that they can better prepare for future disasters.

The project will combine satellite images, field observations and ship-based mapping to constrain the dynamics of the landslide and tsunami, including the mass and velocity of debris when it struck the water, the magnitude of tsunami wave generation and its pattern of motion, and the submarine flow of debris and its deposition. Data collection will take place in the summer of 2016 and will be delivered to the community by the winter.
资源类型: 项目
Appears in Collections:全球变化的国际研究计划

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Recommended Citation:
Sean Gulick. Collaborative Research: The 2015 Taan Fiord landslide tsunami: An interdisciplinary study of cause & effect. 2016-01-01.
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