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项目编号: 1552747
CAREER: A network-oriented research and education plan to explore links between forest cover and temperature in the eastern United States
作者: Kimberly Novick
承担单位: Indiana University
批准年: 2016
开始日期: 2016-03-01
结束日期: 2021-02-28
资助金额: 389678
资助来源: US-NSF
项目类别: Continuing grant
国家: US
语种: 英语
特色学科分类: Biological Sciences - Environmental Biology
英文关键词: forest ; research ; reforestation ; forest management strategy ; drought ; forest cover ; project ; air temperature ; eastern united states
英文摘要: While the vast majority of the surface of the earth has warmed over the past century, in much of the eastern United States the air temperature has failed to rise or has even declined. At the same time, forest cover over the region has increased dramatically, driven by abandonment of poor quality agricultural lands. This project will test the hypothesis that reforestation in the eastern U.S. provides the explanation, in that it affects the surface energy balance in ways that lead to cooling and thus obscures long-term warming from climate change. Just as human bodies are cooled by sweating or by a fan, forests may be cooled by greater rates of evapotranspiration and wind-driven movement of heat energy when compared to the croplands and grasslands they have replaced. Looking forward, the rate of reforestation will decline over time as available space is filled, but the types of trees that fill in naturally or are planted will likely change. Notably, drought-tolerant oaks are currently declining, while drought-sensitive maples and pines are proliferating. So this work will also test a second hypothesis that ongoing regional shifts in tree species promote a reduction in evapotranspiration, particularly during periods of drought, that will tend to warm the surface. The research will inform the development of sustainable agro-ecosystem management strategies that mitigate damaging effects of drought on ecosystem productivity and function. A series of workshops will be developed, along with a citizen science program aimed at training young scientists in effective approaches for leveraging and analyzing network data.

The research will be enabled by interactions with a range of environmental observation networks, which aggregate meteorological and ecological observations from many ecosystems and thereby enable a big data approach to environmental science. Project outcomes are relevant to ongoing modelling efforts to reproduce historic climate trends and predict future conditions with more confidence. This work will advance network-driven environmental science by generating a rich collection of leaf- to ecosystem scale observations that will be shared with existing networks. The research is motivated by the recognition that, within the study region, ongoing management activities are driving a transition from forests dominated by species that are more anisohydric in their water use to forests dominated by more isohydric species. The concept of isohydry has received much attention in recent years, and this project will advance this body of knowledge by classifying important eastern U.S. species along the isohydric-anisohydric continuum, and developing a model for stomatal conductance that incorporates the isohydric-anisohydric framework. While this project is focused on ecosystem energy balance, the project outcomes will also be relevant for efforts to understand regional carbon and water cycling, and for the development of forest management strategies that mitigate deleterious effects of drought on ecosystem functioning
资源类型: 项目
Appears in Collections:全球变化的国际研究计划

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Recommended Citation:
Kimberly Novick. CAREER: A network-oriented research and education plan to explore links between forest cover and temperature in the eastern United States. 2016-01-01.
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