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项目编号: 1500919
DISSERTATION RESEARCH: Effect of niche conservation versus niche evolution on diversification rate in the Neotropical plant genus Citharexylum (Verbenaceae)
作者: Richard Olmstead
承担单位: University of Washington
批准年: 2014
开始日期: 2015-07-01
结束日期: 2018-06-30
资助金额: USD20085
资助来源: US-NSF
项目类别: Standard Grant
国家: US
语种: 英语
特色学科分类: Biological Sciences - Environmental Biology
英文关键词: ancestral ranges/climatic niche ; research ; citharexylum ; species diversification ; time-calibrated phylogeny ; diversification event ; plant group ; neotropical plant lineage ; influence diversification ; adaptation ; diversification rate shift ; neotropical plant genus citharexylum ; seed plant species ; neotropic ; niche evolution ; diverse plant group ; fossil-calibrated phylogeny ; international scientific research infrastructure ; important evolutionary event
英文摘要: The Neotropics are estimated to house more seed plant species than the African, Asian, and Oceanic tropics combined. Recent studies of diverse plant groups have noted that closely related species often occupy similar types of habitats despite being geographically separated. This observation led to the hypothesis that dispersal is common in many groups and that migration to new, but suitable habitats can spur diversification. Adaptations can also stimulate radiations within plant groups, though less is known about the contributions of these seemingly rare but important evolutionary events to biodiversity. This research will focus on the systematics of the Neotropical plant genus Citharexylum (Verbenaceae), and the relative contributions of dispersal and adaptation to species diversification in the group. Studies that provide an understanding of how organisms have dispersed and evolved in the past provide the necessary historical context to predict how these same groups are likely to disperse and diversify in the future. One graduate student will be trained and undergraduates will be introduced to a broad range of laboratory and analytical methods. The research will also enhance international scientific research infrastructure by establishing collaborations in several South and Central American countries. .

The object of this project is to understand how biogeographic events (migration/colonization versus adaptation) influence diversification in Neotropical plant lineages. This study will elucidate the biogeographic history of the plant genus Citharexylum, a lineage of trees and shrubs that originated in and diversified into multiple biomes of the Neotropics. A time-calibrated phylogeny of Citharexylum with near-complete sampling will be inferred using multiple, independent loci. Phylogenetic inference will take a two-tiered approach using both high-throughput and traditional sequencing methods to produce a robust phylogeny. This framework will then be used to test evolutionary and biogeographic hypotheses about the genus. Statistical analyses will reconstruct ancestral ranges/climatic niches and detect the placement and magnitude of diversification rate shifts in the phylogeny. Additionally, the phylogeny will be dated using a fossil-calibrated phylogeny of the inclusive group Lamiales allowing assessment of migrations and adaptive events with known geologic and climatic events in the history of the Neotropics. This work will help build the foundation of knowledge surrounding the timing and magnitude of diversification events as well as the directionality of niche evolution in the New World.
资源类型: 项目
Appears in Collections:影响、适应和脆弱性

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Recommended Citation:
Richard Olmstead. DISSERTATION RESEARCH: Effect of niche conservation versus niche evolution on diversification rate in the Neotropical plant genus Citharexylum (Verbenaceae). 2014-01-01.
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