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项目编号: 1401507
GARDE: Design Projects to Enable Veteran Reintegration in an Educational System
作者: Scott Smith
承担单位: North Dakota State University Fargo
批准年: 2013
开始日期: 2014-07-15
结束日期: 2019-06-30
资助金额: USD124296
资助来源: US-NSF
项目类别: Standard Grant
国家: US
语种: 英语
特色学科分类: Engineering - Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems
英文关键词: student ; disability ; group ; design principle ; solution ; voice ; rigorous design process ; veteran reintegration ; specific veteran ; interactive academic supportive system ; developed garde product ; route information system ; educational systembroader significance ; societal reintegration ; systemthese solution ; disabled veteran student ; design projects ; importancethe garde proposal ; auditory enhancement system ; garde program
英文摘要: Proposal: 1401507
PI: Khan, Samee U.
Title: GARDE: Design Projects to Enable Veteran Reintegration in an Educational System

Broader Significance & Importance
The GARDE proposal will develop customized solutions for North Dakota State University (NDSU) students (preferably veterans), faculty, and staff with disabilities. Each year, an average of 4 groups of 2-4 students each will work closely with an individual with a disability, through NDSU Disability Services in collaboration with the NDSU Nursing Department, and when applicable, the North Dakota Interagency Program for Assistive Technology and the City of Fargo, to develop practical and applicable solutions to resolve issues that are affecting a specific veteran's academic progress and societal reintegration. In most cases, a group will be entirely composed of NDSU Electrical and Computer Engineering students; however, when appropriate, students from other departments, such as Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering, may also be part of a group.

Technical Description
Customized solutions for specific individuals with disabilities will be developed by groups of undergraduate students following a rigorous design process that includes (i) Requirements Capture; (ii) Analysis; (iii) Design and Testing; and (iv) Validation. Because the developed solutions may also hold value for other persons with disabilities, each group will adhere to the following five design principles: (i) modularity, (ii) adaptability, (iii) cost-effectiveness, (iv) efficiency, and (v) ease of use. This will enable the end-products to be utilized by a larger consumer base. Therefore, provisions have been made to maintain the product at a level that can guarantee longevity.

Intellectual Merit
The developed technologies can be classified as:
-- Projects that address a unique need for a specific student or type of student, such as:
a) Book Reader Application with Voice for Students with Depression and Anxiety Disorders
b) Auditory Enhancement System for Partially Deaf Students
c) Voice Enabled Smart Vending Machine
d) Voice Activated Door Openers for Students with Quadriplegia
e) Custom Computer Keyboard for Veterans with Reduced Motor Skills
-- Generic technologies to support students who are (for personal reasons) not registered
(or do not want to register) with the NDSU Disability Services Department, such as Speech to Overhead Text Display.
-- Projects that employ novel paradigms, such as social networking, smart phone applications, and cloud computing, to build awareness and help connect students with disabilities to other such students, such as:
a) Interactive Academic Supportive System for ADD/ADHD
b) Behavioral Control Training Application for Asperger Cases
c) Route Information System for Visually Impaired Students
d) Automated Cloud-based ADD/ADHD Assisting System

These solutions will reduce dependability and will assist users with life in general, which will help with reintegration into society. Provisions have been made to enable the proposed GARDE program at NDSU to become self-sustaining by: (i) closely working with the City of Fargo to deploy the developed GARDE products to North Dakota elderly care facilities, when appropriate, and (ii) presenting the most promising technologies at the Innovate ND competition, which is a talent and venture capital competition rolled into one.

Broader Impacts
The products and solutions developed will directly benefit disabled veteran students to help them succeed academically and better integrate back into society. Products that can be commercialized will benefit local, regional, state, and national economies. The engineered solutions may also help in developing course content covering design principles.
资源类型: 项目
Appears in Collections:影响、适应和脆弱性

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Recommended Citation:
Scott Smith. GARDE: Design Projects to Enable Veteran Reintegration in an Educational System. 2013-01-01.
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