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项目编号: 1350491
CAREER: Salt marsh restorations: a structured experiment for learning and teaching about salt marshes, microbial diversity, and ecosystem function
作者: Jennifer Bowen
承担单位: University of Massachusetts Boston
批准年: 2013
开始日期: 2014-05-01
结束日期: 2017-02-28
资助金额: USD635808
资助来源: US-NSF
项目类别: Continuing grant
国家: US
语种: 英语
特色学科分类: Biological Sciences - Environmental Biology
英文关键词: salt marsh ; marsh ; undisturbed marsh ; available nitrogen ; restoration ; other ecosystem function ; early career female scientist ; stakeholder ; research ; marsh restoration ; restoration practitioner ; coastal ecosystem ; ecological restoration ; essential ecosystem service ; college career ; key ecosystem function ; microbe
英文摘要: Salt marshes have received a great deal of attention recently because they provide a number of essential ecosystem services, including carbon sequestration and nitrogen removal. Strong interest in marshes as carbon sinks is likely to spur new programs to offset carbon emissions by restoring degraded wetlands, raising a host of questions concerning whether marsh restorations can successfully rehabilitate other ecosystem functions. A key ecosystem functions of salt marshes is their ability to remove biologically available nitrogen through a microbial process known as denitrification. Biologically available nitrogen is entering coastal ecosystems at increasing rates as a result of human activities such as application of fertilizers and combustion of fossil fuels. When this nitrogen makes its way to coastal waters it can result in a host of negative environmental effects associated with eutrophication, including increasing areas of low oxygen water known as coastal dead zones. The microbes living in salt marshes are able to remove portions of this excess biologically available nitrogen by converting it back to nitrogen gas, suggesting a benefit of salt marsh restoration, however, more information is needed regarding how these microbes may respond to environmental changes associated with restoration. This study will provide new insight on how restoration of a New England salt marsh will alter the capacity of the marsh to remove biologically available nitrogen and will increase understanding of the physiology of the microbes that underlie this critical biogeochemical pathway through a combination of in situ rate measurements, environmental metagenomics, and whole genome sequencing.

The results of this research will provide important new information to restoration practitioners on the conditions that are mostly likely to successfully restore the denitrification capacity of degraded salt marshes so that they reach parity with undisturbed marshes. This work will also enhance scientific infrastructure and knowledge transfer through two mechanisms. First, it will train one early career female scientist, a postdoctoral scholar, and two graduate students. Second, research on the denitrification capacity of salt marshes will be incorporated into a First Year Seminar for undergraduate students at the University of Massachusetts Boston, the only public university in the city, which serves a large minority and first generation college student population. This seminar program is designed to increase retention of at risk biology majors by engaging them in research experiences in the early days of their college career. Through collaborations with the Massachusetts Department of Ecological Restoration, the students will meet with stakeholders, design and carry out research in recently restored marshes in the greater Boston area, and report their findings back to the stakeholders. This community-engaged scholarship provides a unique mechanism to disseminate information to stakeholders and it engages students in the scientific process in a way that promotes accountability, generates higher quality outcomes and excites them about the field of ecology.
资源类型: 项目
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Jennifer Bowen. CAREER: Salt marsh restorations: a structured experiment for learning and teaching about salt marshes, microbial diversity, and ecosystem function. 2013-01-01.
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