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A pilot study about microplastics and mesoplastics in an Antarctic glacier [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2021-01-01, 15 (6
Gonza´;  lez-Pleiter M.;  Lacerot G.;  Edo C.;  Pablo Lozoya J.;  Legane´;  s F.;  Ferna´;  ndez-Pina&tild;  s F.;  Rosal R.;  Teixeira-De-Mello F.
The use of liquefied natural gas as an alternative fuel in freight transport – Evidence from a driver's point of view [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 149
Rodrigues Teixeira A.C.;  Machado P.G.;  Borges R.R.;  Felipe Brito T.L.;  Moutinho dos Santos E.;  Mouette D.
Agroecological measures and circular economy strategies to ensure sufficient nitrogen for sustainable farming [期刊论文]
Global Environmental Change, 2021-01-01, 69
Morais T.G.;  Teixeira R.F.M.;  Lauk C.;  Theurl M.C.;  Winiwarter W.;  Mayer A.;  Kaufmann L.;  Haberl H.;  Domingos T.;  Erb K.-H.
Mesoplastics and large microplastics along a use gradient on the Uruguay Atlantic coast: Types, sources, fates, and chemical loads [期刊论文]
Science of the Total Environment, 2020-01-01, 721
Rodríguez C.;  Fossatti M.;  Carrizo D.;  Sánchez-García L.;  Teixeira de Mello F.;  Weinstein F.;  Lozoya J.P.
Small hydropower plants as a threat to the endangered pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera [期刊论文]
Science of the Total Environment, 2020-01-01, 719
Sousa R.;  Ferreira A.;  Carvalho F.;  Lopes-Lima M.;  Varandas S.;  Teixeira A.;  Gallardo B.
Evaluation of the thermal performance of a Social Interest Housing (SIH) with ecological brick masonry produced with urban solid waste stabilized in a tropical climate to replace the use of traditional building materials [期刊论文]
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020-01-01, 410 (1
Dunel M.P.;  Teixeira Barbosa C.F.
Physically based model for gully simulation: Application to the Brazilian semiarid region [期刊论文]
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2020-01-01, 24 (8
Henrique Lima Alencar P.;  De Araujo J.C.;  Dos Santos Teixeira A.
The Rio Apa Terrane reviewed: U[sbnd]Pb zircon geochronology and provenance studies provide paleotectonic links with a growing Proterozoic Amazonia [期刊论文]
Earth Science Reviews, 2020-01-01, 202
Teixeira W.;  Cordani U.G.;  Faleiros F.M.;  Sato K.;  Maurer V.C.;  Ruiz A.S.;  Azevedo E.J.P.
Temporal population variability in local forest communities has mixed effects on tree species richness across a latitudinal gradient [期刊论文]
Ecology Letters, 2020-01-01, 23 (1
Fung T.;  Chisholm R.A.;  Anderson-Teixeira K.;  Bourg N.;  Brockelman W.Y.;  Bunyavejchewin S.;  Chang-Yang C.-H.;  Chitra-Tarak R.;  Chuyong G.;  Condit R.;  Dattaraja H.S.;  Davies S.J.;  Ewango C.E.N.;  Fewless G.;  Fletcher C.;  Gunatilleke C.V.S.;  Gunatilleke I.A.U.N.;  Hao Z.;  Hogan J.A.;  Howe R.;  Hsieh C.-F.;  Kenfack D.;  Lin Y.;  Ma K.;  Makana J.-R.;  McMahon S.;  McShea W.J.;  Mi X.;  Nathalang A.;  Ong P.S.;  Parker G.;  Rau E.-P.;  Shue J.;  Su S.-H.;  Sukumar R.;  Sun I.-F.;  Suresh H.S.;  Tan S.;  Thomas D.;  Thompson J.;  Valencia R.;  Vallejo M.I.;  Wang X.;  Wang Y.;  Wijekoon P.;  Wolf A.;  Yap S.;  Zimmerman J.
Spatial covariance of herbivorous and predatory guilds of forest canopy arthropods along a latitudinal gradient [期刊论文]
Ecology Letters, 2020-01-01, 23 (10
Mottl O.;  Fibich P.;  Klimes P.;  Volf M.;  Tropek R.;  Anderson-Teixeira K.;  Auga J.;  Blair T.;  Butterill P.;  Carscallen G.;  Gonzalez-Akre E.;  Goodman A.;  Kaman O.;  Lamarre G.P.A.;  Libra M.;  Losada M.E.;  Manumbor M.;  Miller S.E.;  Molem K.;  Nichols G.;  Plowman N.S.;  Redmond C.;  Seifert C.L.;  Vrana J.;  Weiblen G.D.;  Novotny V.

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