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Ten Years On: A Review of the First Global Conservation Horizon Scan [期刊论文]
TRENDS IN ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION, 2019-01-01, 34 (2) : 139-153
Sutherland, William J.;  Fleishman, Erica;  Clout, Mick;  Gibbons, David W.;  Lickorish, Fiona;  Peck, Lloyd S.;  Pretty, Jules;  Spalding, Mark;  Ockendon, Nancy
Climate change and collapsing thermal niches of Mexican endemic reptiles [研究报告]
University of California Mexico Initiative. 2017-01-01
Sinervo, Barry;  Lara Reséndiz, Rafael A.;  Miles, Donald B.;  Lovich, Jeffrey E.;  Ennen, Joshua R.;  Müller, Johannes;  Cooper, Robert D.;  Rosen, Philip C.;  Stewart, Joseph A. E.;  Santos, Juan Carlos;  Sites, Jack W. Jr.;  Gibbons, Paul;  Goode, Eric;  Hillard, L. Scott;  Welton, Luke;  Agha, Mickey;  Caetano, Gabriel;  Vaughn, Mercy;  Meléndez Torres, Cristina;  Gadsden, Héctor;  Casteñada Gaytán, Gamaliel;  Galina-Tessaro, Patricia;  Valle Jiménez, Fernando I.;  Valdez-Villavicencio, Jorge H.;  Martínez Méndez, Norberto;  Woolrich Piña, Guillermo;  Luja Molina, Victor;  Díaz de la Vega Pérez, Aníbal;  Arenas Moreno, Diego M.;  Domínguez Guerrero, Saúl;  Fierro, Natalia;  Butterfield, Scott;  Westpha, Michael;  Huey, Raymond B.;  Mautz, William;  Sánchez-Cordero, Víctor;  Méndez de la Cruz, Fausto R.
Key Characteristics of Carcinogens as a Basis for Organizing Data on Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis [期刊论文]
Environmental Health Perspectives, 2016-01-01, Volume 124 (Issue 6
Martyn T. Smith;  1 Kathryn Z. Guyton;  2 Catherine F. Gibbons;  3 Jason M. Fritz;  3 Christopher J. Portier;  4* Ivan Rusyn;  5 David M. DeMarini;  3 Jane C. Caldwell;  3 Robert J. Kavlock;  3 Paul F. Lambert;  6 Stephen S. Hecht;  7 John R. Bucher;  8 Bernard W. Stewart;  9 Robert A. Baan;  2 Vincent J. Cogliano;  3 Kurt Straif2
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Deglacial δ18O and hydrologic variability in the tropical Pacific and Indian Oceans [期刊论文]
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2014-01-01, Volume 387) : Pages 240-251
Fern T. Gibbonsa;  ;  ;  Delia W. Oppob;  Mahyar Mohtadic;  Yair Rosenthald;  e;  Jun Chengf;  Zhengyu Liug;  h;  Braddock K. Linsleyi
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Subway platform air quality.Assessing the influences of tunnel ventilation, train piston effect and station design [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2014-01-01, 92
Moreno T;  , Pérez N;  , Reche C;  , Martins V;  , de Miguel E;  , Capdevila M;  , Centelles S;  , Minguillón M;  C;  , Amato F;  , Alastuey A;  , Querol X;  , Gibbons W