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The Expectations and Challenges of Wildlife Disease Research in the Era of Genomics: Forecasting with a Horizon Scan-like Exercise [期刊论文]
JOURNAL OF HEREDITY, 2019-01-01, 110 (3) : 261-274
Fitak, Robert R.;  Antonides, Jennifer D.;  Baitchman, Eric J.;  Bonaccorso, Elisa;  Braun, Josephine;  Kubiski, Steven;  Chiu, Elliott;  Fagre, Anna C.;  Gagne, Roderick B.;  Lee, Justin S.;  Malmberg, Jennifer L.;  Stenglein, Mark D.;  Dusek, Robert J.;  Forgacs, David;  Fountain-Jones, Nicholas M.;  Gilbertson, Marie L. J.;  Worsley-Tonks, Katherine E. L.;  Funk, W. Chris;  Trumbo, Daryl R.;  Ghersi, Bruno M.;  Grimaldi, Wray;  Heisel, Sara E.;  Jardine, Claire M.;  Kamath, Pauline L.;  Karmacharya, Dibesh;  Kozakiewicz, Christopher P.;  Kraberger, Simona;  Loisel, Dagan A.;  McDonald, Cait;  Miller, Steven;  O';  Rourke, Devon;  Ott-Conn, Caitlin N.;  Paez-Vacas, Monica;  Peel, Alison J.;  Turner, Wendy C.;  VanAcker, Meredith C.;  VandeWoude, Sue;  Pecon-Slattery, Jill
Strong patterns of intraspecific variation and local adaptation in Great Basin plants revealed through a review of 75 years of experiments [期刊论文]
ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 2019-01-01, 9 (11) : 6259-6275
Baughman, Owen W.;  Agneray, Alison C.;  Forister, Matthew L.;  Kilkenny, Francis F.;  Espeland, Erin K.;  Fiegener, Rob;  Horning, Matthew E.;  Johnson, Richard C.;  Kaye, Thomas N.;  Ott, Jeff;  St Clair, John Bradley;  Leger, Elizabeth A.
First demonstration of radiative power exhaust with impurity seeding in the island divertor at Wendelstein 7-X [期刊论文]
NUCLEAR FUSION, 2019-01-01, 59 (10
Effenberg, F.;  Brezinsek, S.;  Feng, Y.;  Koenig, R.;  Krychowiak, M.;  Jakubowski, M.;  Niemann, H.;  Perseo, V;  Schmitz, O.;  Zhang, D.;  Barbui, T.;  Biedermann, C.;  Burhenn, R.;  Buttenschoen, B.;  Kocsis, G.;  Pavone, A.;  Reimold, F.;  Szepesi, T.;  Frerichs, H.;  Gao, Y.;  Hergenhahn, U.;  Kwak, S.;  Otte, M.;  Pedersen, T. Sunn
Airborne concentrations and chemical considerations of radioactive ruthenium from an undeclared major nuclear release in 2017 [期刊论文]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2019-01-01, 116 (34
Masson O.;  Steinhauser G.;  Zok D.;  Saunier O.;  Angelov H.;  Babić D.;  Bečková V.;  Bieringer J.;  Bruggeman M.;  Burbidge C.I.;  Conil S.;  Dalheimer A.;  De Geer L.-E.;  De Vismes Ott A.;  Eleftheriadis K.;  Estier S.;  Fischer H.;  Garavaglia M.G.;  Gasco Leonarte C.;  Gorzkiewicz K.;  Hainz D.;  Hoffman I.;  Hýža M.;  Isajenko K.;  Karhunen T.;  Kastlander J.;  Katzlberger C.;  Kierepko R.;  Knetsch G.-J.;  Kövendiné Kónyi J.;  Lecomte M.;  Mietelski J.W.;  Min P.;  Møller B.;  Nielsen S.P.;  Nikolic J.;  Nikolovska L.;  Penev I.;  Petrinec B.;  Povinec P.P.;  Querfeld R.;  Raimondi O.;  Ransby D.;  Ringer W.;  Romanenko O.;  Rusconi R.;  Saey P.R.J.;  Samsonov V.;  Šilobritiene B.;  Simion E.;  Söderström C.;  Šoštarić M.;  Steinkopff T.;  Steinmann P.;  Sýkora I.;  Tabachnyi L.;  Todorovic D.;  Tomankiewicz E.;  Tschiersch J.;  Tsibranski R.;  Tzortzis M.;  Ungar K.;  Vidic A.;  Weller A.;  Wershofen H.;  Zagyvai P.;  Zalewska T.;  Zapata García D.;  Zorko B.
Underwriting 1.5°C: competitive approaches to financing accelerated climate change mitigation [期刊论文]
Climate Policy, 2018-01-01, 18 (3
Bodnar P;  , Ott C;  , Edwards R;  , Hoch S;  , McGlynn E;  F;  , Wagner G
A comparison of metrics for assessing state-of-the-art climate models and implications for probabilistic projections of climate change [期刊论文]
Climate Dynamics, 2018-01-01, 50 (2018-05-06
Ring C.;  Pollinger F.;  Kaspar-Ott I.;  Hertig E.;  Jacobeit J.;  Paeth H.
Woodlands and steppes: Pleistocene vegetation in Yakutia's most continental part recorded in the Batagay permafrost sequence [期刊论文]
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2018-01-01, 196
Ashastina K.;  Kuzmina S.;  Rudaya N.;  Troeva E.;  Schoch W.H.;  Römermann C.;  Reinecke J.;  Otte V.;  Savvinov G.;  Wesche K.;  Kienast F.
UNFCCC before and after Paris–what’s necessary for an effective climate regime? [期刊论文]
Climate Policy, 2017-01-01, 17 (2
Hermwille L;  , Obergassel W;  , Ott H;  E;  , Beuermann C
Spiclypeus shipporum gen. et sp. nov., a Boldly Audacious New Chasmosaurine Ceratopsid (Dinosauria: Ornithischia) from the Judith River Formation (Upper Cretaceous: Campanian) of Montana, USA [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2016-01-01, 11 (5
Jordan C. Mallon;  Christopher J. Ott;  Peter L. Larson;  Edward M. Iuliano;  David C. Evans
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Holocene tephrostratigraphy of varved sediment records from Lakes Tiefer See (NE Germany) and Czechowskie (N Poland) [期刊论文]
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2016-01-01, 132
Wulf S.;  Dräger N.;  Ott F.;  Serb J.;  Appelt O.;  Gudmundsdóttir E.;  van den Bogaard C.;  Słowiński M.;  Błaszkiewicz M.;  Brauer A.

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