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Mid-Western US heavy summer-precipitation in regional and global climate models: the impact on model skill and consensus through an analogue lens [期刊论文]
CLIMATE DYNAMICS, 2019-01-01, 52 (3-4) : 1569-1582
Gao, Xiang;  Schlosser, C. Adam
Climate change and developing country growth: the cases of Malawi, Mozambique, and Zambia [期刊论文]
CLIMATIC CHANGE, 2019-01-01, 154 (3-4) : 335-349
Arndt, Channing;  Chinowsky, Paul;  Fant, Charles;  Paltsev, Sergey;  Schlosser, C. Adam;  Strzepek, Kenneth;  Tarp, Finn;  Thurlow, James
Projections of Water Stress Based on an Ensemble of Socioeconomic Growth and Climate Change Scenarios: A Case Study in Asia [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2016-01-01, 11 (3
Charles Fant;  C. Adam Schlosser;  Xiang Gao;  Kenneth Strzepek;  John Reilly
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DOE Final Report on Collaborative Research. Quantifying Climate Feedbacks of the Terrestrial Biosphere under Thawing Permafrost Conditions in the Arctic [研究报告]
Zhuang, Qianlai;  Schlosser, C. Adam;  Melillo, Jerry M.;  Anthony, Katey Walter;  Kicklighter, David;  Gao, Xiang
Microsoft Word(1009Kb)  |  View/Download:76/23
Quantifying the likelihood of regional climate change: A hybridized approach [期刊论文]
Journal of Climate, 2013-01-01, 26 (10
Adam Schlosser C.;  Gao X.;  Strzepek K.;  Sokolov A.;  Forest E.C.;  Awadalla S.;  Farmer W.