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The fluid budget of a continental plate boundary fault: Quantification from the Alpine Fault, New Zealand [期刊论文]
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2016-01-01, Volume 445) : Pages 125-135
Catriona D. Menziesa;  ;  ;  Damon A.H. Teaglea;  ;  ;  Samuel Niedermannb;  Simon C. Coxc;  Dave Crawd;  Martin Zimmerb;  Matthew J. Coopera;  ;  rg Erzingerb
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Macraes Orogenic Gold Deposit (New Zealand) : Origin and Development of a World Class Gold Mine [专著]
:Springer International Publishing, Springer, 2016-01-01
MacKenzie Doug;  Craw Dave
Incursion of meteoric waters into the ductile regime in an active orogen [期刊论文]
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2014-01-01, Volume 399) : Pages 1-13
Catriona D. Menziesa;  ;  ;  Damon A.H. Teaglea;  Dave Crawb;  Simon C. Coxc;  Adrian J. Boyced;  Craig D. Barried;  e;  Stephen Robertsa
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