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Compositional response of Amazon forests to climate change [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2019-01-01, 25 (1
Esquivel-Muelbert A.;  Baker T.R.;  Dexter K.G.;  Lewis S.L.;  Brienen R.J.W.;  Feldpausch T.R.;  Lloyd J.;  Monteagudo-Mendoza A.;  Arroyo L.;  Álvarez-Dávila E.;  Higuchi N.;  Marimon B.S.;  Marimon-Junior B.H.;  Silveira M.;  Vilanova E.;  Gloor E.;  Malhi Y.;  Chave J.;  Barlow J.;  Bonal D.;  Davila Cardozo N.;  Erwin T.;  Fauset S.;  Hérault B.;  Laurance S.;  Poorter L.;  Qie L.;  Stahl C.;  Sullivan M.J.P.;  ter Steege H.;  Vos V.A.;  Zuidema P.A.;  Almeida E.;  Almeida de Oliveira E.;  Andrade A.;  Vieira S.A.;  Aragão L.;  Araujo-Murakami A.;  Arets E.;  Aymard C G.A.;  Baraloto C.;  Camargo P.B.;  Barroso J.G.;  Bongers F.;  Boot R.;  Camargo J.L.;  Castro W.;  Chama Moscoso V.;  Comiskey J.;  Cornejo Valverde F.;  Lola da Costa A.C.;  del Aguila Pasquel J.;  Di Fiore A.;  Fernanda Duque L.;  Elias F.;  Engel J.;  Flores Llampazo G.;  Galbraith D.;  Herrera Fernández R.;  Honorio Coronado E.;  Hubau W.;  Jimenez-Rojas E.;  Lima A.J.N.;  Umetsu R.K.;  Laurance W.;  Lopez-Gonzalez G.;  Lovejoy T.;  Aurelio Melo Cruz O.;  Morandi P.S.;  Neill D.;  Núñez Vargas P.;  Pallqui Camacho N.C.;  Parada Gutierrez A.;  Pardo G.;  Peacock J.;  Peña-Claros M.;  Peñuela-Mora M.C.;  Petronelli P.;  Pickavance G.C.;  Pitman N.;  Prieto A.;  Quesada C.;  Ramírez-Angulo H.;  Réjou-Méchain M.;  Restrepo Correa Z.;  Roopsind A.;  Rudas A.;  Salomão R.;  Silva N.;  Silva Espejo J.;  Singh J.;  Stropp J.;  Terborgh J.;  Thomas R.;  Toledo M.;  Torres-Lezama A.;  Valenzuela Gamarra L.;  van de Meer P.J.;  van der Heijden G.;  van der Hout P.;  Vasquez Martinez R.;  Vela C.;  Vieira I.C.G.;  Phillips O.L.
Acidophilic green algal genome provides insights into adaptation to an acidic environment [期刊论文]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2017-01-01, 114 (39
Hirooka S.;  Hirose Y.;  Kanesaki Y.;  Higuchi S.;  Fujiwara T.;  Onuma R.;  Era A.;  Ohbayashi R.;  Uzuka A.;  Nozaki H.;  Yoshikawa H.;  Miyagishima S.-Y.
Mutagenicity and Pollutant Emission Factors of Solid-Fuel Cookstoves: Comparison with Other Combustion Sources [期刊论文]
Environmental Health Perspectives, 2016-01-01, Volume 124 (Issue 7
Esra Mutlu;  1;  2 Sarah H. Warren;  1 Seth M. Ebersviller;  3 Ingeborg M. Kooter;  4 Judith E. Schmid;  1 Janice A. Dye;  1 William P. Linak;  3 M. Ian Gilmour;  1 James J. Jetter;  3 Mark Higuchi;  1;  David M. DeMarini1
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Variation in stem mortality rates determines patterns of above-ground biomass in Amazonian forests: implications for dynamic global vegetation models [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2016-01-01, 22 (12
Johnson M.O.;  Galbraith D.;  Gloor M.;  De Deurwaerder H.;  Guimberteau M.;  Rammig A.;  Thonicke K.;  Verbeeck H.;  von Randow C.;  Monteagudo A.;  Phillips O.L.;  Brienen R.J.W.;  Feldpausch T.R.;  Lopez Gonzalez G.;  Fauset S.;  Quesada C.A.;  Christoffersen B.;  Ciais P.;  Sampaio G.;  Kruijt B.;  Meir P.;  Moorcroft P.;  Zhang K.;  Alvarez-Davila E.;  Alves de Oliveira A.;  Amaral I.;  Andrade A.;  Aragao L.E.O.C.;  Araujo-Murakami A.;  Arets E.J.M.M.;  Arroyo L.;  Aymard G.A.;  Baraloto C.;  Barroso J.;  Bonal D.;  Boot R.;  Camargo J.;  Chave J.;  Cogollo A.;  Cornejo Valverde F.;  Lola da Costa A.C.;  Di Fiore A.;  Ferreira L.;  Higuchi N.;  Honorio E.N.;  Killeen T.J.;  Laurance S.G.;  Laurance W.F.;  Licona J.;  Lovejoy T.;  Malhi Y.;  Marimon B.;  Marimon B.H.;  Jr.;  Matos D.C.L.;  Mendoza C.;  Neill D.A.;  Pardo G.;  Peña-Claros M.;  Pitman N.C.A.;  Poorter L.;  Prieto A.;  Ramirez-Angulo H.;  Roopsind A.;  Rudas A.;  Salomao R.P.;  Silveira M.;  Stropp J.;  ter Steege H.;  Terborgh J.;  Thomas R.;  Toledo M.;  Torres-Lezama A.;  van der Heijden G.M.F.;  Vasquez R.;  Guimarães Vieira I.C.;  Vilanova E.;  Vos V.A.;  Baker T.R.
Age-Related Variation in Foraging Behaviour in the Wandering Albatross at South Georgia: No Evidence for Senescence [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2015-01-01, 10 (1
Hannah Froy;  Sue Lewis;  Paulo Catry;  Charles M. Bishop;  Isaac P. Forster;  Akira Fukuda;  Hiroyoshi Higuchi;  Ben Phalan;  Jose C. Xavier;  Daniel H. Nussey;  Richard A. Phillips
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A new 500-m resolution map of canopy height for Amazon forest using spaceborne LiDAR and cloud-free MODIS imagery [期刊论文]
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2015-01-01, 43
Sawada Y;  , Suwa R;  , Jindo K;  , Endo T;  , Oki K;  , Sawada H;  , Arai E;  , Shimabukuro Y;  E;  , Celes C;  H;  S;  , Campos M;  A;  A;  , Higuchi F;  G;  , Lima A;  J;  N;  , Higuchi N;  , Kajimoto T;  , Ishizuka M
Large-Scale Wind Disturbances Promote Tree Diversity in a Central Amazon Forest [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2014-01-01, 9 (8
Daniel Magnabosco Marra;  Jeffrey Q. Chambers;  Niro Higuchi;  Susan E. Trumbore;  Gabriel H. P. M. Ribeiro;  Joaquim dos Santos;  Robinson I. Negrón-Juárez;  Björn Reu;  Christian Wirth
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Modeling daily flowering probabilities: Expected impact of climate change on Japanese cherry phenology [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2014-01-01, 20 (4
Allen J.M.;  Terres M.A.;  Katsuki T.;  Iwamoto K.;  Kobori H.;  Higuchi H.;  Primack R.B.;  Wilson A.M.;  Gelfand A.;  Silander J.A.