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Results of the Stakeholder Consultation on Requirements for a Possible Environmental Risk and Hazard Classification System for Pharmaceuticals----Auswertung einer qualitativen Befragung von Akteuren auf unterschiedlichen Verwaltungsebenen [研究报告]
Ecologic Institute, Germany. 2012-01-01
Rodrigo Vidaurre;  Isabelle Turcotte
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Summary Evaluation of EUREAPA as a Tool for Informing EU Policy Decisions on the Basis of the Footprint Family of Indicators [研究报告]
Ecologic Institute, Germany. 2011-01-01
Jessica Newman;  Susanah Stoessel;  Isabelle Turcotte;  Killian Wentrup
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BioFresh Survey on Freshwater Biodiversity in Policy-making----Assessment of Social and Economic Benefits of Enhanced Environmental Protection in the ENPI Countries [研究报告]
Ecologic Institute, Germany. 2011-01-01
Gerardo Anzaldúa;  Dr. Eleftheria Kampa;  Isabelle Turcotte
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