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Rapid alluvial sedimentation aided expansion of Moissac during the High Middle Ages along the Tarn River in southern France [期刊论文]
GEOMORPHOLOGY, 2019-01-01, 331) : 49-58
Leigh, David S.;  Gragson, Ted L.;  Lefebvre, Bastien
Lower Placental Leptin Promoter Methylation in Association with Fine Particulate Matter Air Pollution during Pregnancy and Placental Nitrosative Stress at Birth in the ENVIRONAGE Cohort [期刊论文]
Environmental Health Perspectives, 2017-01-01, Volume 125 (Issue 2
Nelly D. Saenen;  1 Karen Vrijens;  1 Bram G. Janssen;  1 Harry A. Roels;  1;  2 Kristof Y. Neven;  1 Wim V;  en Berghe;  3 Wilfried Gyselaers;  4;  5 Charlotte Vanpoucke;  6 Wouter Lefebvre;  7 Patrick De Boever;  1;  7;  Tim S. Nawrot1;  8
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Single-Column Model Simulations of Subtropical Marine Boundary-Layer Cloud Transitions Under Weakening Inversions [期刊论文]
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2017-01-01, 9 (6
Neggers R;  A;  J;  , Ackerman A;  S;  , Angevine W;  M;  , Bazile E;  , Beau I;  , Blossey P;  N;  , Boutle I;  A;  , de Bruijn C;  , Cheng A;  , van der Dussen J;  , Fletcher J;  , Dal Gesso S;  , Jam A;  , Kawai H;  , Cheedela S;  K;  , Larson V;  E;  , Lefebvre M;  -P;  , Lock A;  P;  , Meyer N;  R;  , de Roode S;  R;  , de Rooy W;  , Sandu I;  , Xiao H;  , Xu K;  -M
Impact of passenger car NOX emissions on urban NO2 pollution – Scenario analysis for 8 European cities [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2017-01-01, 171
Degraeuwe B;  , Thunis P;  , Clappier A;  , Weiss M;  , Lefebvre W;  , Janssen S;  , Vranckx S
Underestimation of chemical contamination in marine fish muscle tissue can be reduced by considering variable wet:dry weight ratios [期刊论文]
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2017-01-01, 123 (2018-01-02
Cresson P.;  Travers-Trolet M.;  Rouquette M.;  Timmerman C.-A.;  Giraldo C.;  Lefebvre S.;  Ernande B.
Health Impact Assessment of a Predicted Air Quality Change by Moving Traffic from an Urban Ring Road into a Tunnel. The Case of Antwerp, Belgium [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2016-01-01, 11 (5
Daan Van Brusselen;  Wouter Arrazola de Oñate;  Bino Maiheu;  Stijn Vranckx;  Wouter Lefebvre;  Stijn Janssen;  Tim S Nawrot;  Ben Nemery;  Dirk Avonts
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Biomolecular Markers within the Core Axis of Aging and Particulate Air Pollution Exposure in the Elderly: A Cross-Sectional Study [期刊论文]
Environmental Health Perspectives, 2016-01-01, Volume 124 (Issue 7
Nicky Pieters;  1* Bram G. Janssen;  1* Harrie Dewitte;  2 Bianca Cox;  1 Ann Cuypers;  1 Wouter Lefebvre;  3 Karen Smeets;  1 Charlotte Vanpoucke;  4 Michelle Plusquin;  1;  Tim S. Nawrot1;  5
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Prenatal Ambient Air Pollution, Placental Mitochondrial DNA Content, and Birth Weight in the INMA (Spain) and ENVIRONAGE (Belgium) Birth Cohorts [期刊论文]
Environmental Health Perspectives, 2016-01-01, Volume 124 (Issue 5
Diana B.P. Clemente;  1;  2 Maribel Casas;  2;  3 Nadia Vilahur;  4 Haizea Begiristain;  5 Mariona Bustamante;  2;  3;  6;  7 Anne-Elie Carsin;  2 Mariana F. Fernández;  3;  8;  9 Frans Fierens;  10 Wilfried Gyselaers;  11 Carmen Iñiguez;  3;  12;  13 Bram G. Janssen;  1 Wouter Lefebvre;  14 Sabrina Llop;  3;  12 Nicolás Olea;  3;  8;  9 Marie Pedersen;  2;  3;  15 Nicky Pieters;  1 Loreto Santa Marina;  3;  7 Ana Souto;  3;  16 Adonina Tardón;  3;  16 Charlotte Vanpoucke;  10 Martine Vrijheid;  2;  3;  5 Jordi Sunyer;  2;  3;  5;  17;  Tim S. Nawrot1;  18
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Palaeoecological aspects of the diversification of echinoderms in the Lower Ordovician of central Anti-Atlas, Morocco [期刊论文]
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2016-01-01, 460
Lefebvre B.;  Allaire N.;  Guensburg T.E.;  Hunter A.W.;  Kouraïss K.;  Martin E.L.O.;  Nardin E.;  Noailles F.;  Pittet B.;  Sumrall C.D.;  Zamora S.
Summertime evolution of snow specific surface area close to the surface on the Antarctic Plateau [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2015-01-01, 9 (6
Libois Q;  , Picard G;  , Arnaud L;  , Dumont M;  , Lafaysse M;  , Morin S;  , Lefebvre E

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