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Improving the representation of stomatal responses to CO2 within the Penman-Monteith model to better estimate evapotranspiration responses to climate change [期刊论文]
JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, 2019-01-01, 572) : 692-705
Li, Xiaojie;  Kang, Shaozhong;  Niu, Jun;  Huo, Zailin;  Liu, Junzhou
Nitrogen addition accelerates the nitrogen cycle in a young subtropical Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) plantation [期刊论文]
ANNALS OF FOREST SCIENCE, 2019-01-01, 76 (2
Zhang, Qiufang;  Zhou, Jiacong;  Li, Xiaojie;  Liu, Chengchung;  Lin, Weisheng;  Zheng, Wei;  Chen, Yuehmin;  Yang, Yusheng
Water Footprint Assessment for Coal-to-Gas in China [期刊论文]
NATURAL RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2019-01-01, 28 (4) : 1447-1459
Wang, Jianliang;  Liu, Xiaojie;  Geng, Xu;  Bentley, Yongmei;  Zhang, Chunhua;  Yang, Yuru
Reproductive Allocation in Three Macrophyte Species from Different Lakes with Variable Eutrophic Conditions [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2016-01-01, 11 (11
Tao Wan;  Qingxiang Han;  Ling Xian;  Yu Cao;  Apudo A. Andrew;  Xiaojie Pan;  Wei Li;  Fan Liu
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