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Total Effective Xenoestrogen Burden in Serum Samples and Risk for Breast Cancer in a Population-Based Multicase–Control Study in Spain [期刊论文]
Environmental Health Perspectives, 2016-01-01, Volume 124 (Issue 10
Roberto Pastor-Barriuso;  1;  2* Mariana F. Fernández;  2;  3* Gemma Castaño-Vinyals;  2;  4;  5;  6 Denis Whelan;  1;  7;  8 Beatriz Pérez-Gómez;  1;  2 Javier Llorca;  2;  9 Cristina M. Villanueva;  2;  4;  5;  6 Marcela Guevara;  2;  10 José-Manuel Molina-Molina;  3 Francisco Artacho-Cordón;  3 Laura Barriuso-Lapresa;  2;  10 Ignasi Tusquets;  5;  11;  12 Trinidad Dierssen-Sotos;  2;  9 Nuria Aragonés;  1;  2 Nicolás Olea;  2;  3 Manolis Kogevinas;  2;  4;  5;  6;  Marina Pollán1;  2
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Bayesian Inference on the Effect of Density Dependence and Weather on a Guanaco Population from Chile [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2014-01-01, 9 (12
María Zubillaga;  Oscar Skewes;  Nicolás Soto;  Jorge E. Rabinovich;  Fernando Colchero
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